
Chapter 59. Chaos Eyes

Ryu cleaned himself using a water Jutsu, he dumped his clothes and wore new ones from the inventory. Ryu always keep a few spare clothes in the inventory. He didn't immediately go back home.

Ryu " Status."

Ryu Uzumaki

Age : 14 years

Energy : 52M, Chaos 1M(1%Purity)

Off: 75K

Def: 79K

Spd: 74K

Wis: 320

Int: 360

Blooldlines: HPC(Uzumaki, Senju, Lava, Ice, Vapour, Shadow, Dust, Magnet, Uchiha)

Techniques: PCM, Perfect Rebirth, Jutsus(All element), Elemental Change(All), Lightning step, Shadow Clone, Multi Shadow clone.

Title: Sword Grand Master Level 3(56Mtrs)

Special Ability: Chaos Eyes(Sharingan)




EP: 80M

WP: 500

Ryu noticed an additional tab on his status. He knew he would get an ocular ability but what's this chaos eyes?

Ryu " Navii, Explain about Special ability?"

Navii " Special ability tab shows certain characteristics of Bloodlines. For Uchiha clan, it's their eyes. As for why master has chaos eyes... Eye power is also part of Chaos so it's not a wonder that you have it, buying the Uchiha bloodline activated your eyes. Just that it's like master's Bloodline, you need to add other ocular bloodlines to complete Chaos eyes."

Ryu was surprised and delighted, he got an ocular ability. These kind of eyes are very useful in battle.

Ryu kept all thoughts aside and recalled the contents of Primordial Chaos Manual. Till today, all he could do was read it again and again in his mind but finally he is able to practice it.

All these years Ryu always trained in chakra, a lower energy form. Now that Ryu is starting to practice Chaos Manual, he needs to convert all his chakra to Chaos energy. When that happens his attack power his increase by many fold.

Ryu steadied his breathing and recited the mnemonics from chaos manual. The air around him whistled, he sat there like a monk would in meditation. The chakra inside his body churned, bit by bit the chakra was absorbed and turned to Chaos energy.

After three hours, thirty percent chakra was converted to Chaos but the Chaos energy only increased by ten percent.

Ryu was confused " Navii, why did it only increase by ten percent? "

Navii " Chaos energy is a higher form of energy while chakra is a lower form. The convertion ratio will be lower. But that doesn't mean your battle power decreased, on the contrary it will increase by many fold."

Ryu " Oh! ". He was really surprised, according to what Navii said...he would have about 20M energy after convertion. He continued for two more hours, feeling the abundant energy inside him Ryu was satisfied. Ryu felt his body get stronger as he practiced the manual. It's not noticeable but still it was there.

Now...Ryu decided to try his new eyes. He channeled chaos energy to his eyes. His black pupil slowly changed, his eyes seemed like it contained the cosmos itself. Energy waves swirled inside his pupil.

Ryu created an ice mirror and looked at his reflection. His pupils were now light gold in colour which seemed to be moving around constantly. He tested his eyes powers, Ryu was amazed to find his eyesight improve by five fold. He could even see an ant crawl twenty kilometres away. Ryu channeled even more energy into his eyes. Slowly a ribcage formed around him, he confirmed his guess.

Ryu " Navii, why am I able to access the abilities of Eternal Mangekyo?"

Navii " Master, you use chaos energy...the origin, which removed the curse of the Uchihas. Moreover your bloodline is the purest there is, so you are able to access the strongest form of any bloodline."

Ryu " Damn good."

Ryu further tested the powers of his eyes and familiarised with Chaos energy. It wasn't until a bit after noon before he was finished. Ryu was satisfied with these results. It would take about four days to completely convert his chakra to Chaos. He has already mastered the Chaos Manual a long time ago. Chaos Manual allows him to refine his body to withstand the strength of Chaos inside him and to absorb the energy in the atmosphere no matter what form it is and convert it to Chaos. The higher the energy form is... higher the convertion ratio.

Ryu thought ' If I continue to practice, it will take me years before I reach the same energy amount I had before unless I absorb a humongous amount of chakra.'

After checking his new abilities, Ryu removed every seal he placed and left. He remembered the events that's about to happen shortly and years later. He couldn't wait to see for all that excitement.

Ryu reached his house. Akane and the rest didn't feel strange when Ryu wasn't there this morning. He usually goes for some kind of training but never for more than a day without informing. So all of them were relaxed.

The moment he walked in, Shisui felt a jolt. He felt some kind of connection with Ryu but couldn't point it out. Moreover Ryu seemed to become more handsome than last night. Not just him, all the others felt this too.

Akane teased Ryu " My..my.. our Ryu is getting more dashing by the day."

Hiro and Shisui nodded vigorously. Ryu seeing them like this chuckled. He knew his body went through a cleansing when chaos energy was produced, so it no wonder he looks better than before.

Ryu " Come on mom. Where is Naruto? isn't he done with those lame missions?"

Hiro laughed " Hahaha...Naruto must be boiling right now doing those missions but it's what a Genin can do in times of peace."

Shisui "Besides it's good for him. He is someti...most times too hot headed."

Akane " Yeah. I hope he learns to be a bit more calm."

Ryu thought ' A fools dream mom, well...atleast for a few years.'