
A Voyage Of The Unlucky Anomalous Mage Across The Boundless Realities.

(A/n: There's also a spin-off on Tristan's Girlfriend... She went through a lot, and the story is called "A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess.") Once upon a time, a young man had so much to look forward to in the future; now, it had been ripped away in the blink of an eye in a matter of a day, including those who were close to him while he survived—although he thought he was going to survive. Now reborn as a baby again, Tristan Devroop Akvash is tossed into a seemingly ordinary world with fragmented memories of his past life that he refuses to piece together. I mean, why would he when this new life of his is fantastic!! Yet, everything seems to fall off again as awakens to what this world had always been from the beginning, where another tragedy will unfold where young Tristan can only watch and be transported off to a deserted field of snow. Through that brief period of tragedy, he was held at a crossroads of what he'd become. But an annoying voice in his head and an odd entity of unknown origins had somehow kept his mind "mostly" intact, and he would meet strange people as his caretakers who had prior dealings with his parents. He will explore his new abilities in this world and possibly discover parts of himself that he hasn't known about, even from his last life in this World Of Darkness. I want to say that this story starts out completely dark, not the first chapter but the second. It's also not fast-paced, as the focus will be on other characters, too. (Anyway, things won't go wrong for Tristan again until he is 10, so he will have time.) (I do not own the World of Darkness or any other potential worlds. The World of Darkness is a role-playing tabletop game that doesn't have to be completely accurate, and there will be OCs and tons of bullsh*t happening in it with all the entities within. Kind of similar to the SCP world but with 30 years of lore continuity.) (Also, this story might include World Travel too. I haven't decided yet, but if I were to choose, then his next world should be wholesome or the complete opposite of grim and dark to create a new challenge for him) (I do not own any of the Pictures, Cover: Scpishka.) Extra tag: Romance Main World: WOD Second World: ???? Third World: SCP Fourth: The Fuck Is This?!?!?!? (Warning: Read Auxiliary before reading the story to be less confused and give a review to motivate me.)

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34 Chs

Stats... Part one Semi Spoiler

Tristan gained these Stats right after a deadly confrontation...


Name: Tristan Devroop Akvash

Age: 10 years old

Race: Human/fae65%/W%#$?/Newly Awakened

Title: Floramancer

Strength: (2) Meaning you can deadlift 50kg (100 lbs) Without the use of shadows being active

Dexterity: (4) means running speed 10 meters/sec | jumping distance 8 meters | Jumping Height 2.5 meters

Perception: (4) Almost nothing evades your notice.

Stamina: (5) Running Endurance 24 hours | Holding Breath 8 minutes

Intelligence: (4) Exceptional: You're not just bright, you're downright brilliant (IQ 140).

Charisma: (3) Good: People trust you implicitly.

Manipulation: (4) Exceptional: You could be a politician or cult leader!!!! (:

Wits: (4) You're one of the people who make others think, "Ooh, I should have said…" the next day.

Appearance: Grow up first, kid ):

Arete (5)

No Mastery Of Spheres yet

Anomalous Energy: 669/669

Anomalous abilities:

Regenerative Property: Your body can heal from seemingly life-threatening injuries and keep moving; the limits of this is if the user gets its head decapitated.

Shadow Generator: These shadows have come from an unknown source and are not affected by sunlight, so when they get it they will not disappear.

Plant Manipulation: The makings of a botanist, you are a saint when it comes to manipulating and creating new plants. 

Spheres: None Right Now


Name: Julius Akvash

Race: Human/Awakened

Age: 65 years old

Strength: (6) Able to Lift 300kg (600 lbs)

Dexterity: (6) Running speed 20 meters/sec | Jumping Distance 15 meters | Jumping Height 5 meters

Perception: (5) Outstanding: You instantly observe things almost imperceptible to human senses.

Stamina: (5) Running endurance 24 hours | Holding Breath 8 minutes

Intelligence: (3) Good: More enlightened than the masses (IQ 120).

Charisma: (4) Exceptional: You have significant personal magnetism.

Manipulation: (5) Outstanding: "Of course, I'll tell the ancient it was I who tried to stake him!"

Wits: (5) Outstanding: You think and respond almost more quickly than you can act.

Appearance: (3) Good: Strangers offer to buy you drinks at bars.


Dual wield: (4) Expert: Musashi has nothing on you.

Diplomacy: (4) Expert: You could be a professional union negotiator or ombudsman.

Acrobatics (5) Master: Olympic gold medallist.

Blind Fighting (5) Master: You possess an almost mystical sense- Zen and the Art of Spatial Awareness.

Survival (5) Master: You put the Professor on Gilligan's Isle to shame.

Gambling (5) Master: You've been banned from most of the world's major casinos!!!!


Torture (4) Expert: You are equal to a professional torturer. You are able to get almost any information you want out of your subject.

Cosmology (3) Competent: Having visited the Umbra, you're no stranger to other worlds or creatures.

Forgery (5) Master: Banknotes; old master paintings.

Sense Deception (5) Master: People whisper behind your back, and many are nervous talking to you. Your ability is almost supernatural.

Subterfuge (4) Expert: Deep-cover agent.


Stealth (5) Master: "Must have been the wind".

Alertness (4) Expert: Whether from paranoia or good sense, you are rarely caught off guard.

Quintessence: Basically fuel for a mage (15)

Arete: Potential control over a sphere (5) I must say this, but Arete can increase over experience or going through a seeking/quest.

Gnosis: (4) an adverse expert in the use of Aura, with the ability to hold more mana to activate more spells


Entropy: (4) | Adept Entropy | Finally, the Adept has overcome a significant hurdle and can affect the very flow of chaos and fate in Life Patterns. Life remains complex, but the Adept has found where he can affect it – causing sudden aging or protection from harm and blessing or cursing an entire family line for generations. Many uses will involve Life as well, whenever the Adept is not only affecting the fate of the target but the target himself (such as in the above aging example). The Adept can be a great destroyer, bringing disease and bad luck, but also a great healer by removing such curses.

Time: (3) | Disciple Time | Time Manipulation By contracting or dilating time, the [[Adept]] can alter the rate at which things seem to happen in comparison to the 'normal world.' A water faucet could become a torrential flow; bullets could slow to walking speeds, or a running man could whiz by faster than a jet. But the running man will only perceive himself running at normal speed, and the bullet will hit with just as much force – only their place in time is changed. Adepts at this point can cocoon themselves from time temporarily, performing numerous physical tasks in the Space of a few seconds. With a little effort, the [[Adept]] can create loops in time and rewind time itself, although Paradox and Destiny tend to make it so that reality plays out again the same way as before. (RIP)

Space: (3) | Disciple Space | Pierce and Seal Space: A mage has learned to manipulate the very fabric of Space in a clumsy fashion. The character can now open rifts in Space lasting for an instant. Rather than simply sending his perceptions, the [[Adept]] can now send himself across Space in a limited but effective form of teleportation. Furthermore, the Adept's ability to strengthen Space is enhanced, allowing them to seal Space against intrusion and close gates and wormholes. Even more impressive, the [[Adept]] now has a limited ability to remove their perceptions from the limits of Space, watching and listening at many places at once. Of course, this [[Sphere]] alone doesn't help the [[Adept]] interpret the incoming data, and co-locality perception can quickly turn into a cacophony of sight and sound.

Forces: (2) Control Minor Forces: The Adept can now control the forces around him, although in a clumsy fashion. Precision is out of the question, but an Adept can still make an effective shield against bullets – or radioactivity, light, or heat. He can lengthen shadows or bend light by playing with that realm of forces or cause radiation to turn harmlessly away. At this level, the Adept can only affect one type of force at a time, and only on a personal level – any forces bigger than the Adept are uncontrollable. The Adept cannot yet make forces from nothingness.

Prime: (3 disciple of Prime->4 and even further forcefully At the end of life span) But this is only about 3 as an Adept can now not only guide the flow of Quintessence but start the flow of inert Tass (solidified Quintessence). He can transfer Quintessence from one thing to another, between Nodes, Wonders, his Avatar, Tass, and others. He can use this power to create minor Talismans and Charms. He can even activate the Life within Quintessence, giving this pure energy a chance to act on its own. An Adept with patience can gain Quintessence from the world around him by leeching off the Quintessence released as things fall to entropy. Finally, the Adept can now enchant Life with pure primal energy, allowing his hands and claws to attack other Patterns directly, doing Lethal damage.


Name: Dahlia Akvash

Race: Kinain/90%True Fae/W#%#?/Awakened

Age: ??? She was around during the Dark Ages... She had a major debuff mentally when it came to learning her spheres and when it came to her perception of life and more but she is still a threatening force to fight against. And the only way for her to become stronger was when she had to let everything go.

Warning/These attributes won't matter because magic spheres can increase them in an unknown magnitude, depending on which one.

Strength: (3) Good: You can lift about 100kg (200 lbs). 

Dexterity: (3) Running Speed 8 meters/sec | Jump distance 5 meters | Jump height 2 meters

Perception: (4) Exceptional: Almost nothing evades your notice.

Stamina: (8) Running Endurance 60 hours | Holding Breath 15 minutes

Intelligence: (5) Outstanding: Certified genius (IQ 160+).

Charisma: (3) Good: People trust you implicitly.

Manipulation: (3) Good: You never pay full price.

Wits: (3) Good: You are seldom surprised or left speechless.

Appearance: (5) Outstanding: People react to you with either insane jealousy or beatific awe.


Dancing (4) Expert: People ask you to teach them. You could perform on TV.

Etiquette (4) Expert: Her Majesty would consider you charming.

Melee (5) Master: Your enemies would rather face a SWAT team than your blade.

Cooking (3) Competent: You could make a business of this.

Elusion (5) Legend: The greatest hunters alive ''wish'' they could catch you.


Law (4) Expert: You're capable of adjudging and writing law.

Archaeology (4) Expert: Research fellow.

Poisons (5) Master: You could kill a city if you wanted to.

Demolitions (4) Expert: You could seek employment as a disposal technician or perhaps the head of the bomb squad. You can figure out complex mechanisms.

Lip Reading (5) Master: Under just about any conditions.


Singing (4) Expert: You could get a lead on Broadway or a record on the charts.

Brawl (5) Master: You can kill three men in four seconds.

Intimidation (5) Master: You can frighten off vicious animals.

Empathy (4) Expert: It's almost impossible to lie to you.

Quintessence (18)

Arete: (8 -> 5) fives her limiter.


Forces (5) Master: The Master of Forces now has nearly unlimited power. He can change one form of force to another – on any scale – and create massive forces from nothingness (with Quintessence). They can create storms of fire, massive bursts of electricity, shadows that blot out city blocks, or turn night to day. Or he could perform effects with finesse and precision, carving mountains into his likeness with a thought. These effects are incredibly Paradoxical but incredibly deadly. When a Master of Forces combines this Sphere with others, the carnage is nearly unlimited – but the Paradox grows even worse.

Space (4 -> Higher with Fae gift) No longer simply opening portals for a moment, the [[Adept]] now tears holes in space that remain, allowing others to move through the distortion. An [[Adept]] might also tear space around an object, effectively removing its influence from reality. The [[Adept]] can also make space selective, creating portals that only allow certain patterns or place himself outside of space, allowing him to watch literally from nowhere. Finally, more than just extending perceptions to multiple places, the [[Adept]] can now be at multiple places at once – and with judicious use of other Spheres, might even be able to think and act differently in each place!

Prime (4) At this high level, the Adept has learned to return Quintessence to the Tellurian directly – and by using this power on an object, he can erase its Pattern from existence entirely. He can gain a minor amount of Quintessence by doing so, siphoning off the Prime energy release as the object is erased. However, this practice is quite a dark act, as it removes the item from reality entirely. The Adept can now make greater Artifacts and Wonders, create Tass by his will, or create Quintessence storage devices called Soul Gems. At places with powerful Resonance, the Adept can tap wellsprings – opening a temporary Node to bathe the Adept in Quintessence.
