
A Voyage Of The Unlucky Anomalous Mage Across The Boundless Realities.

(A/n: There's also a spin-off on Tristan's Girlfriend... She went through a lot, and the story is called "A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess.") Once upon a time, a young man had so much to look forward to in the future; now, it had been ripped away in the blink of an eye in a matter of a day, including those who were close to him while he survived—although he thought he was going to survive. Now reborn as a baby again, Tristan Devroop Akvash is tossed into a seemingly ordinary world with fragmented memories of his past life that he refuses to piece together. I mean, why would he when this new life of his is fantastic!! Yet, everything seems to fall off again as awakens to what this world had always been from the beginning, where another tragedy will unfold where young Tristan can only watch and be transported off to a deserted field of snow. Through that brief period of tragedy, he was held at a crossroads of what he'd become. But an annoying voice in his head and an odd entity of unknown origins had somehow kept his mind "mostly" intact, and he would meet strange people as his caretakers who had prior dealings with his parents. He will explore his new abilities in this world and possibly discover parts of himself that he hasn't known about, even from his last life in this World Of Darkness. I want to say that this story starts out completely dark, not the first chapter but the second. It's also not fast-paced, as the focus will be on other characters, too. (Anyway, things won't go wrong for Tristan again until he is 10, so he will have time.) (I do not own the World of Darkness or any other potential worlds. The World of Darkness is a role-playing tabletop game that doesn't have to be completely accurate, and there will be OCs and tons of bullsh*t happening in it with all the entities within. Kind of similar to the SCP world but with 30 years of lore continuity.) (Also, this story might include World Travel too. I haven't decided yet, but if I were to choose, then his next world should be wholesome or the complete opposite of grim and dark to create a new challenge for him) (I do not own any of the Pictures, Cover: Scpishka.) Extra tag: Romance Main World: WOD Second World: ???? Third World: SCP Fourth: The Fuck Is This?!?!?!? (Warning: Read Auxiliary before reading the story to be less confused)

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33 Chs

Precious Childhood...

{Location Hidden View Of Snowy Nevada}

~First Month~

(POV Tristan Devroop Akvash)

The first month of my new childhood was a chaotic mess, but I learned a few things: my name is now Tristan, magic is real in this world, and my new parents are insane... Which honestly fits quite well with me for some reason. I'm excited to be able to learn about magic, and I cannot wait to ask them about it!!!

I am starting to get the hang of the art of communication again. The first time I reincarnated here, I only heard 'blah blah blah Jupiter, blah-blah, etc.' But now I can mostly understand what was being said... But speaking is another thing on its own... As I was sleeping in my crib, I started to feel hungry, and because I'm a baby, I decided to get my parent's attention in the way that every baby can do to get their attention; cry my eyes out like a spoiled b*tch, you can't imprison a baby for the disturbance of peace. I am already committing a crime even as a baby!!! Nobody can stop me!!!! I AM AN ANIMAL THAT CAN'T BE CONTAI-!!!

(POV: Julius Akvash)

While I was pretending to read a newsletter to make myself look like I was doing something important, sitting cross-legged on the couch beside my wife, who was lying on my thigh on the couch, we both heard our child crying. My wife, who was tuckered out, said.

"Honey- could you take care of little Tristan for me this time- I promise that if you do this, then I will let you join your vampire friend this time on one of his IRS hunts-." When she said that, I couldn't say no to that; I mean, it's been a while since I've gone hunting with Alan.

(A/n: Alan Sovereign is a vampire who owns the Chicago banking industry. And feeds on IRS agents and other government lackeys.)

"Alright then, princess, I'll do that then... but can I bring Tristan with me on one of his birthdays..." I couldn't help but ask for a bit more, but Dahlia shot that one down; even though she did try to sound cute, it made my skin crawl.

"Julius~ If you try doing that, then I swear to all that is holy, I am going to put a stick up you-" I didn't want to let her finish and began backing off.

"Woah woah woah hey!!!! Fine, I'll get going right now." And that's what I did. I left to the crib to check on Tristan. While leaving, I heard Dahlia one last time.

"Thank you, honey!!! Love you!!!" Obviously, I said it back to her, too.

 "Love you too!! Dahlia!! May the force be with you!!!" I also added a favorite quote from a movie I've watched since my time living here in the country... Honestly, this is much better than living as a prince. She fell asleep relatively fast, too... relatable.

"Ok, my little Shade, let's see what you need from your old pal Pappa." And so I went closer to the sound of the crying infant and went to his room.

"Hey there, little Shade!!! Do you need anything?!?" I went to pick him up to see if he needed a diaper change, but luckily, it wasn't that, so he must've been hungry. Usually, Dahlia would try to breastfeed Tristan, but it seems that Tristan was more interested in the bottles than being breastfed. So I held on to the crying Tristan. And we went off to the refrigerator.

"Alrighty!!! I found your bottle!!!" I immediately put the bottle in his mouth, and he immediately quieted down and enjoyed the bottle... babies are weird... And little Tristan is the weirdest of them all... As expected of my little Shade. After the little glutton finished the entire bottle, he quietly went to sleep.

"Well, now I guess you're not quite old enough to go on my little misdemeanors, but when you are five years old, then we can start our petty crimes together~" As I declared that with 'elegance,' I quietly went back to his room and let him fall asleep in his crib once more.

(POV: Tristan Devroop Akvash)

Honestly, babies are frickin OP, with the only Nerf. Some of them have bad parents, and there are those parents who will drop them into a dumpster in a heartbeat; being able to summon servants through crying is complete hax. Now that I'm talking about bad parents, that reminds me of something from my past... It hurts still to think about but... I think there's a girl loved dearly... I want to hear her voice again, but I can't seem to remember her voice...

'W-why does that have to hurt me so much?'

Without anyone noticing, there was a faint tear in his eye that dripped out of the baby as he fell back to sleep.

~4 Months Later~

(Tristan Devroop Akvash)

Five months into being born, both of my parents went to my room while I was working on becoming a speedster in my crib, and while alone, I usually get this odd buzzing sound, and it's only been happening when I'm alone... Meh, that's nothing to worry about.

Mom said that it was story time, and my Dad, who was beside Mom, seemingly appeared right beside me to pick me up from the crib... At this point, I thought he was a speedster, but my speedster father was bothered for some reason.

I just wanted to get this done, but all I was left with from the story was existential dread and confusion. And with that story, I finally got to say my first words...

Even though they were sentences, which was abnormal even for babies of my age, I think... I don't know much about children, but I know that it would be strange to speak sentences because of how old I am... Last time, in my free trial of living in my past life, I barely even remember anything at four months... These new parents of mine were completely thrilled to hear my first words, too... seeing them happy... makes me feel warm... But still, to this day, I wonder what was going on with their heads when they decided to read me such a weird horror book instead of an actual book for children?

(POV: Dahlia And Julius)

While Dahlia was trying to learn how to knit in the living room, Julius was busy counting the piles of money borrowed/stolen from the Governmental bureau sector a while ago in his workroom. After Julius was done counting his money near his cluttered table, which was about ten feet away, he yelled across that short distance to Dahlia, asking.

"Hey there, my honey bun!!! Did you find a children's storybook for Tristan?!?!?" Dahlia, who was focusing hard on trying to knit something, snapped out of her zen focus—and answered loudly.

"No darling, but I do have something much better for our little Munchkin!!!" she decided to focus on something other than knitting. So she approached Julius's 'money room' to show him her favorite book from childhood.

Once his wife gave him the storybook, he glossed through it and glanced at Dahlia for one good measure before saying, "Why in the seven bloodied hells should we read Tristan this book as a children's book?" Dahlia, who is as cheerful as she is right now, replied happily.

"Well, that's because I read this book when I was five years old, and it was the first book to stick with me up till now!?!?! So we could give this one a read for our little Tristan!!! Pwetty pwease!!!!" once he heard the last part, it gave him the opposite effect, not really damaging him out of cuteness but because he felt like a lawnmower shredded him to pieces. Being punched in the jaw would have been better, but he was able to hide his cringe and say,

"S-sure honey, let's go ahead and do just that." He said that with reluctance, but that reluctance fell on deaf ears as she was dancing around and skipping away from the excitement. Either that or she didn't care for his reluctance.

~Few Hours Later~

Both Dahlia and Julius went to Tristan's room, and they saw a wonderful sight of him crawling around in circles in his crib, making baby noises... And why was he crawling in circles? Only Tristan knows why.

"Hey, my little Munchkin~ I have a story for you~" Dahlia was the first to speak, and Tristan immediately stopped his crawling and looked toward them with his little beady brown eyes as if he had just noticed them. Julius was the second person to voice out to Tristan. And somehow, Julius sneaked past Tristan and picked him up without being noticed, making Tristan's eyes widen in surprise.

"Now look at you, my little Shade!!! It seems to me like you've grown quite a bit?!?! You and your Mother want to bring you to the living room so that we can read you a story!!" Julius tried his best to be as excited as Dahlia as he was grinning widely, but Tristan could tell that he was hesitant because his left eye was shaking, and he seemed to be sweating like bullets. And it became more apparent Dahlia became a bit forceful.

"Julius~ Let's bring Tristan now and begin the wonderful story I picked out, please." Julius didn't say anything else and walked with Dahlia as his eyes became despaired with hopelessness.

They finally made it to the living room, and Dahlia made Julius sit on the couch along with Tristan upon his lap, so she started her story. "Here is a story of The Creature Of Evervale.

In the lonely town of Evervale, cradled deep within the gnarled woods, a sinister secret lurked. Legend spoke of a terrible destructive creature known as the "Eclipse Primordial." Whispers of its existence had haunted the townsfolk for centuries, passed down through generations like a cursed relic.

On the eve of a blood moon, the town was cloaked in an unnatural darkness. The air grew solemn with a foreboding presence, and shadows seemed to dance in otherworldly patterns. The once-silent forest echoed with the chilling cacophony of rustling leaves and distant whispers.

As the clock struck midnight, the land trembled beneath the weight of an unseen force. A hideous blend of shadows and tendrils appeared from the heart of the woods, its form ever-changing and impossible to comprehend. The Eclipse Primordial had almost finished its Awakening.

Fear gripped Evervale as the creature's dark influence spread like a vicious tide. It possessed the ability to manipulate reality itself, bending the laws of nature to its sinister will. Buildings warped and twisted, trees withered at its touch, and the once-tranquil town became a nightmarish ₱Ⱡ₳Ɏ₲ⱤØɄ₦Đ.

The townsfolk cowered in their homes, but the Eclipse Primordial was relentless and insatiable. It whispered dreadful truths into the minds of the desperate, exploiting their deepest fears. Madness seeped into the very fabric of Evervale as reality unraveled.

A brave few ventured into the heart of the darkness, seeking a way to banish the all-powerful creature that held their town in a suffocating grip. The air crackled with malice as the Eclipse Primordial toyed with their perceptions, turning their allies into grotesque reflections of their former selves.

In a final confrontation beneath the shadow of an ancient tree, the survivors faced the Eclipse primordial. Its form is contorted and twisted, a manifestation of nightmares given life. The air was thick with the stench of despair as the townsfolk fought against an enemy that defied reason and logic.

Yet, in an act of desperation, one courageous soul unleashed a forgotten charm technique—a last resort passed down through forgotten texts. The words echoed through the cursed air, and a blinding light erupted, engulfing the Eclipse Entity. The very fabric of its existence unraveled, and with a bone-chilling wail, it dissipated into the shadows from whence it came, now back to its slumbering, waiting once more for Oblivion to consume everything.

As morning broke over Evervale, the town lay in ruins, scarred by the encounter with the dreadful creature. The survivors emerged from the dark, haunted by the memories of the Eclipse Primordial. The legend would live on, a cautionary tale of the endless horrors that could have been unleashed when humanity dared to play with forces beyond its comprehension." After finishing the story, Dahlia gave them a bright and guiltless smile while the other two couldn't help but look at her, stunned. And that was when Tristan finally said his first words.

(A/n: This story was completely made up, except I had to tweak parts of it to make it relatable to the world he is in, and there is an actual entity that plays a similar role as this entity in WOD.

It was a neverborn; Neverborn Malfeans have almost god-like powers and are potentially the most destructive beings in existence.

And this Neverborn was almost awakened, and it was a vicious one at that.

What makes things worse is that there is another existence worse than the one in the story called the Grandmother. Honestly, this story actually fits quite well in WOD. And charms are OP. Also, there's the True Fae that is literal Eldritch horrors. This entire story might involve Dahlia in some way. Who knows.)

"Mom? Why- read- me- this- story?" with that sentence, Tristan made Dahlia squeal from excitement, and it also made Julius forget that awful story, and they both hugged their little fellow but made sure not to squeeze him too tightly. But sadly, Tristan didn't get his answer.

~A Year Later~

(Tristan Devroop Akvash)

It has been a year since my reincarnation; I'm still not old enough to leave the crib by myself just yet, but next year, I could switch to a bed!!! Right now, I am being homeschooled by my parents. Being taught mostly how to read and write as of now with my mom, doing stuff like this is pretty relaxing, too... But my Dad has dragged me to weird places; he said that he changed his mind about dragging me to have fun in places around Nevada... And his so-called fun, I mean, he wanted to cause misdemeanors to the neighbors of Nevada... I'm realizing now just how petty my Dad can be; there was this innocent bystander who was looking at us funny, and my Dad didn't let that slide, so soon as he and I walked far away enough from the poor guy, he said something quote by quote, 'Hey little Shade?!?! Let me show you how I'll screw with this poor cunt!??! Did you see that face he made?!?! WE can't let that slide, can we!?!?!?.'

And I truly can't believe he is this childish, and that is hilarious, except for the fact that he was rather violent.

(POV: Julius Akvash)

While trying to find something to teach Tristan about the things I usually do for fun in one of the heavily populated cities of Nevada, I finally found... Scratch that. My idea of teaching Tristan was the idea that if someone looks at you funny, you shouldn't just let that shit go, and that random behnchod is going to be my next victim.

~18 minutes later~

Finally, while carrying Tristan around, following the cunt around, we found where he lived. We hid by the far side of his apartment. He is in apartment 4A doing whatever without a care in the world. I swear I am going to take away your bed, you fat FUCK!!!

"Alright, Tristan!!! Are you ready to see your old Pa in action!!!" I said to Tristan, but Tristan looked uneasy and said.

"I- I don't know about this, Dad... I don't even know the point of doing something like this." When Tristan said that, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ho-ho-ho-ho!!! Oh, my sweet little Shade, there is absolutely no need to worry at all, as probably as soon as he wakes up from his nap, he will probably not notice that his bed is gone. And it's going to be an in-and-out operation, so after this is done, then we will speed back home and also think of that bed as. And also, you're staying here so that nothing will happen to you." After I said that last bit about it being his new bed, he stayed quiet for a bit and then spoke.

".... You know what? Beds a bed, chief, go ahead and steal it." Tristan said with a smile, and that smile made me want to laugh even harder than before.

"Alright Slim Shady!!!!! THAT'S MY BOY RIGHT HERE!!!!!" I knew my boy had it in him; he's just like me for real... I hope that my wife doesn't find out about this... And just like that, I started my quick operation.

I turned myself invisible so the sleepers(normal humans) couldn't see me as I kicked the door open... you know, the stuff that the mafia would do, and also because of how unemotional everyone is in this apartment, as I've done this plenty of times, I mugged the guy in his house, 'ruffled' him around for a bit, till I knocked him out... I think he'll be fine, but I did hear him scream a bit. Well, who cares about that? I took his bed with my portable space ring and ran out... see in and out... And I heard Tristan again when I arrived in front of him...

"WHAT HAPPENED TO LOCKPICKING THE DOOR?!?!?!?!?!" He had a valid question... As expected of my one and only son...

"Well, you see Tristan, what I wanted to do was show him a bit of intimidation and a bit of violence; as you can see, the use of violence is the question, and my answer to almost every answer is 'yes,' to violence." Yep... I am such a good father... I have to tell him about women someday, which isn't too far.

With that, both Julius and Tristan left to walk back to their vehicle, and that was when Julius started causing accident upon accident during their drive home...

~Four Years Later~

(Tristan Devroop Akvash)

Today is my fifth Birthday, and it was a weird one at that... I found it odd that both of my parents would live in such a deserted place away from civilization, especially in a place with a snowy landscape and mountains, so you know, like every other curious 'kid,' I started asking about magic instead of why their living in such an isolated place, they seem to be running from something. I'd rather not ask about what is coming after them... I knew a bit about magic from what I have seen. Still, Mom gave a more in-depth version of it.

I don't know if I should regret asking or not... On the plus side, I was able to do that magic thing, or I thought I did. Still, my mom said I was doing something completely different, and now my Dad is looking at me as if I'm a hidden goldmine.

I think that was my fault when I tried playing with the money on what he calls his money table, and when I concentrated on the money, that money started replicating itself. And Dad watched everything that happened. and that was when she told me about magic... Even though it was only till I went back to bed that Dad brought Mom to see my 'magic.'

She looked sad, too; she was making me worried for some reason, but it should be something from her past... Oh yeah!?!?! Speaking of pasts, my Dad told me he was a prince from India but became a runaway.

That's where he talked about his Awakening, the very starting point of becoming a mage, and he went through a more life-threatening situation in order to awaken. Sure, a part of the process is realizing that the world isn't exactly what it is, which is normal.

But it truly comes from this single spark, and everyone's spark is unique as it shapes the person's belief, and they could shape those beliefs into reality. The belief doesn't have to stem from magic entirely for the start of Awakening... That's all I got from him...

Also, he now wants me to help him with his weed farm in the basement; he said that my 'magic fingers' will bring him great fortune. I actually had no idea we even have a basement full of weed or why, but hey, I'm not one to judge. And also the presents they gave me were something I could never forget.

(POV: Julius Akvash)

Man, I finally finished planting my new weed supply; now I'll check on little Shade... I can't believe it... Today's my little boy's Birthday, and I have a wonderful surprise for him, too!!! Oh man!??!?! I can't hold back my MANLY tears!!!!! I immediately went to his room, and he wasn't in there... He should be sleeping as of now because it is only 5 am. Well, I guess I'll have to find him and see what troubles he's getting into.

It wasn't too difficult, but it's quite odd that he's in my treasure room; the treasure room was an open-door room with a white ceiling and black tiles on the floor; it had a decently large brown keyhole desk that would usually have piles of money every once in a while, and a desktop that I seldomly use, only for something important, and to hide the money its all hidden underneath the room with a secret doorway that looks like a trapdoor hidden on the right side of the treasure room. But it looks like he just got here, so I haven't missed much; he is trying to get ahold of that stack of money on the table. Well, shit, I forgot to put that back in the safe.

But through my forgetfulness... IT HAS BROUGHT ME A GOLDEN FREAKING GOOSE!!?!?!?!

My child did something that will always bewilder me. When he finally got my stack of money on the table by climbing up my chair, he was focusing extremely hard, and at that time, I used {Etheric Sense} to see what would happen when he was concentrating that hard... One stack turned into FREAKING three stacks instantly, and there was no magic involved at all... Dahlia needs to see this.

"Hey Tristan, my little Shade, my little fountain of wealth- I mean youth," I said quietly to Tristan. At that point, I was near the side of the doorless room. And Tristan was adorably surprised to see me come out of nowhere... It's cute that he wants to learn my art of surprising people, even wanting me to teach him how to become the 'flash'; his childishness sometimes makes me forget how smart he is.

"O-oh... hi Dad... I wasn't really trying to steal your money; I just had a sudden inspiration as soon as I woke up and wanted to try that inspiration out... and I decided to see if I could do something with that magic you and Mom talked about before." Tristan said nervously, even though he couldn't hide his excitement behind it from Julius. And Julius happily walked toward his little Shade and picked him up to bring him to the bed he got four years ago.

"Alright, Tristan, it's time to go back to bed. It's a Saturday, and it's also your Birthday today; staying up at this time isn't a good thing on weekends. Go to sleep for a bit longer, and then you could show that magic trick to your Mother, alright." I gave a 'great fatherly'(greedy) smile to Tristan as I carried him back to his bed.

(POV: Dahlia Akvash)

While I was traveling across the edges of the dreaming through my astral form, having my nightly fun frolicking through what looked like a vibrant and twisted land of color, above that field, was a ring that held a pink hue in the middle. I sometimes arrive at this place to clear my mind over the difficulties of my reality... This was a place I wanted to show Tristan... Maybe I'll try it today with Tristan... I bet he'll enjoy it, and if he wants to see this place much more even after I'm gone, then I'll give him a way to link that area within that necklace, too.

I think it's about time to give him that necklace, too, as time is speeding up quite fast...

'Huh? Is something pulling my main body?' I felt something tugging on my physical body... The only person I can think of is Julius, who was trying to wake me up.

So that's what I did. And it is the weirdest thing to have someone shake my entire body by the shoulders and Julius... I swear I have seen that smile from him before. And now that I was awake, he was saying something repeatedly extremely fast.

"Dahlia, Dahlia, Dahlia.... WAKEUP, WAKEUP, WAKEUP, WAKEUP, WAKEUP, WAKEUP, WAKEUP, WAKEUP I SAID WAKEUP!!!!!!!!!!" And that was when I socked him squared in the chin and had him sent flying to the floor... But the cockroach, not after a couple of seconds, kicked up from the floor and dashed back to me.

"Oh, thank god, Dahlia, you cannot believe what I saw!?!?!?" When he said that. What made him excited? What did Tristan do? And finally, Julius took a step back from her and calmed himself.

"I mean, I can't tell you, it's going to be a fantastic surprise!!!" This really piqued my interest because Tristan has always been a very smart boy, and he has always done abnormal things, especially with his learning speed, even for a so-called reincarnator... Hopefully, it's not because Julius was excited about the money, as I swear I only saw dollar signs in my husband's eyes.

"Well, then we will wake him up when it hits ten," I said, and now that I'm fully awake, I'll need to do something distracting. So I asked Julius.

(POV: Changes into Third Person at this point)

"... So, what should we do? I mean, you could have just waited instead of waking me up at this time, but you decided to do just that. What shall we do for these five hours, honey~." she said in a sultry, seductive voice, like a songstress enchanting her prey. And Julius was now backing away, becoming slowly unsettled.

"W-what d-do y-you m-mean, dear? *cough, cough*." Oh~ that's what she wants to see from her, Juli. Her thoughts were becoming more physically apparent as she slowly slithered her way to Julius, strutting towards him. Just like a cornered rat, Julius backed himself to the door, and Dahlia wrapped her arms around Julius as a snake would to its prey and whispered next to his ear.

"Where's the condoms, Juli~." Julius hadn't heard her say that nickname to him in a long time, and he shivered as she coiled herself even tighter. Julius gave up at this point and told her.

"*Sigh,* there in my pockets, Dahli." Those words made Dahlia brighten up with joy. She licked her lips and said with glee.

"Oh, ho? I just knew you've always come prepared, Juli~" Julius had one final say until they did the deed for five hours straight.

"Ummmmm- I need an adult?" Dahlia gave an even wider smile and said.

"Ahhhh~ my sweet baby~ I am an adult~" and that morning, for 4 to 5 hours straight, was a burning passion that sparked between the both of them.

~Five Hours Later~

both of them were naked in bed; Julius was breathing heavily, and he was completely tired after those five hours.

While Dahlia got up from bed with a sparkling glow as she enjoyed those five hours with Julius, it looked like she could go for another round, but she didn't go again because she didn't want to tire him out even more, so she went and took a shower.

And within eight minutes, she got out of the shower fully naked and went to the dresser near her side of the bed, which was the right side. She now wore her favorite blue sun dress to see Tristan. "Ok, Julius, I'll be waiting for you within five minutes, and if you're not around within those five minutes, then I'll just see Tristan myself."

Those words sparked Julius's memories, and he immediately jumped up, pumped up full of energy, not because of money. "YAHOOOO!!!! Let me take my shower lickity split!!!" and so he left for the shower, and all she could think of was, 'Where the flying fuck was that energy during our sex?' And with that, she left anyway because at any moment Julius would appear next to her... like he always had before...

When she arrived at Tristan's door, Julius popped out of nowhere like a cartoon character; she was pretty sure that he didn't even have a clown costume in the first place in his drawer, but she ignored the costume, making Dahlia question him about something else, "Julius? Have you actually been working on your teleportation?" Julius just laughed it off and said to Dahlia.

"Pft, me? Nah, Tristan kept talking about this flash guy who could go super fast, so I wanted to work on a little something; it's a bit of a combination of space, mind, and prime...

And a bit of time, too, in order to hide from people's perceptions, as I did learn time from a friend of mine a long time ago, but it's because of Tristan that I am pushing myself a bit." The answer she got from Julius made her heart melt, but she didn't want to show it.

"Julius, you did say that Tristan was going to show me something surprising, right?" Julius gave a quick nod and immediately opened the door To see Tristan. And Julius called him out.

"Good morning, Julius!!!! It's time to show your Mother the surprise you showed me!!!!" When Tristan heard his Father's words, he instantly bolted up from his bed. Excitement can be seen in his small, beady, light brown eyes.

"YES, I AM DAD!!!" Tristan spoke with excitement, making Dahlia smile. Julius went over to Tristan.

"Alright, son, here was the stack of money from yesterday." Now, instantly, her smile became utterly dumbfounded. She is starting to look back from when he was trying to wake her up and saw literal dollar signs in his husband's eyes, and pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together. But that didn't last long, as she saw the same thing as Julius did; their son had completely replicated money without any known magic or even glamour... finally, Tristan broke her out of her train of thought.

"Hey, Mommy!!! Does this mean I could do magic?!?!?!?" For now, she ignored what her husband was planning and comforted Tristan.

"hey there, my little Munckin~ I have to be the bad bearer of news, but... that wasn't magic at all. But that still doesn't mean what you did was amazing; I have never seen anything like this!?!?

But I didn't sense anything involved with magic or even glamour... You don't need to know about glamour.

But magic comes from the nine spheres, and none of them would have what you are using; these spheres are also called Arcanum, and all these Arcanum are together in two parts to make up five realms that hold our world together...

I'd rather not say anymore as it is going to be extremely long, but you have something special.

And I would rather not have you hold back from using this power of yours but do try to use it sparingly until you are strong enough. And really use it when you finally decide on the goal you want, sweetie." After she was done talking, Tristan was in deep thought before asking her.

"How is one able to use magic, Mom? I think I have an idea, but I just want to know." Tristan said, as serious as his cute face could be. And that was where Julius cut Dahlia off for his turn.

"Well, Tristan, I could tell you how one can become a mage, but let me tell you this... Every single human can become a mage, including you, Tristan; the first step of becoming one is realizing what this world truly is and the realization of your own beliefs.

The first step in realizing this world is easy, but having a realization of your inner self is a completely different matter.

Tristan, let me tell a story about myself: I was born within the Royalty of India during the times when the supernatural waged war, devastating the land, and at a young age, probably when I was five years older than you- when I was alone when a caretaker was supposed to be with me, I was attacked by one of the Kindred of the east(Eastern Vampires), I almost died from that incident, but luckily our only court mage saved me from being killed from the supernatural, and after that only made myself delve into the supernatural world.

I began to grow curious, and so I asked the court mage his secret, and he smiled and said to me, 'Well, if you want to know, then you could follow me for a day.' And with that, I did just that. I followed him, and he didn't need to do anything to set me on my path as I was already walking on it.

My Awakening was that I never wanted to stay weak ever again. That belief began my path as I ran away from my life as royalty and joined the Euthanatoi before they became the Chakravanti.

And even with that, as time goes by, my own belief changes to the ultimate path of one's true self.

Being a mage isn't just about using magic willy-nilly; it goes beyond that, my dear Shade. It takes what you believe, and sometimes that spark will take a while." With his story done, Julius gave Tristan a big, old, happy smile as he immediately hugged him as gently as he could.

A tear fell out of Dahlia's eyes as she saw this picture moment and quickly joined them both in the group hug. That tear was for plenty of reasons, and mainly, she didn't want this to end at any moment.

She wished to extend their death till he became an excellent adult; she wanted him to be able to go to school instead of being stuck here with them, but as of now, this very moment was perfect. With that, she finally remembered.

"Oh yeah?!?!? I almost forgot about the gift!?!?!? There's this place I wanted to show you!!! Will you allow me to show? Because you showed me a magic trick, I might as well show you one too." She said with glee. Even though Julius was confused, he still shook his head yes and steeled himself to be ready.

"OK, Tristan, close your eyes and take a deep breath." And that was what Tristan did, and suddenly, everything became something akin to a painted canvas. Everything around him became entirely different. The house was gone alongside everything except for his Mother and Father.

"How is my little realm, my little Munchkin~" Dahlia, who was at this point showing off her magic with pride, but Tristan only said a few words from his astonishment.

"It's beautiful, Mom." As he said that, he started to become emotional, but not enough to cry yet. Dahlia decided that this was the perfect place to give him another gift before this domain disappeared.

"Alright, Tristan, even though there are plenty of other gifts we could give you, we decided that this Necklace is right for you." what Tristan saw was a silver necklace adorned with simple jewelry of blue and red stones... For Tristan, this was another fantastic gift he truly loved, as finally, tears began to fall from him; he loved this feeling; his true gift was this very moment of being with them. And with those tears, both of them gave Tristan a group hug.

And he wouldn't be surprised if he Awakened because of the power of 'love' too. Honestly, that thought was funny, but somewhere, he would have liked that to happen. And then the realm slowly disappeared, as if that realm didn't exist in the first place. Julius immediately yelled out while stretching his body.

"WHEWIE!!!!!! NOW IT'S TIME FOR CAKE!!!!" With that, Julius marched to the kitchen to grab that cake for the three of them. Tristan, who was still small, was carried by Dahlia to the dinner table, and she laid Tristan down on one of the extended chairs for him to eat the cake on the table.

And they all sat together with Tristan in the middle. And that's where Julius spoke to Tristan about his power. "Sooooo, Tristan, my main man, my little Shadey Wadey?!?!? I have a proposition for you; if you want to, you know, play with your powers, how about helping me in my weed business in the basement?" He also tried out his best business look as he said all of that with a straight face, wearing his clown costume.

Tristan almost had a panic attack as 'my main man' struck something from his memories, but it was easier to fend off the second time.

Dahlia slowly turned her head toward Julius, and she had a look of wanting to pound him till he became a psychiatric patient in one of Nevada's funny farms. She took a deep breath to relax and tried to ask Julius calmly, but Tristan spoke up before her. "You actually have a weed farm in your basement? What kind of clients do you have?" Now Julius had the look of hook lined and seeker. Julius articulated with as much suave as he could muster.

"Well, my young pal, as a matter of fact, I do have a farm under our basement, and our clients are mostly mages from the Cult of Ecstasy, a bunch of time mages that get off of things like drugs, music, and se- I mean other things." Julius was on a thin line, and the only reason why he wasn't being choked to death was because of Tristan's curiosity.

"Ohhhh!?!?!?! That's actually pretty interesting, but isn't it illegal to make a minor work without pay and also make one work with drugs, especially?" Julius immediately doubled down when Tristan said that.

"Shadey boy, I have always been an absolute advocate of equal rights; that would mean age, sex, gender, etc., wouldn't matter to me, as everything that could move is enough to work... Especially those 'handy caps.'" Julius, at the time, is now across the other side of the table; he somehow switches from his clown suit to a business suit with hands clasped into a triangle near his mouth like an absolute businessman. Tristan gave his old man a meaningful look and slowly shook his head up and down with respect.

"You know what, Dad... I like your grit; when do I start?" Julius, who had somehow switched between clothing, instantaneously went beside Tristan back to his clown suit to shake his hands with his goofy smile.

"We will start next week, my young padawan." With that handshake, they sealed their deal while Dahlia looked fixated on the piece of cake on the table as she finally gave up.

~2 Years Later~

(POV: Tristan Devroop Akvash)

Well, it has been two years since then, and my time with my mother and Father has only become stronger. I have learned a lot about my mom, and she told me that she was a kinain, a human with faerie blood; if this is true, then that would mean I'm part faerie... She never seemed to like her faerie side, but she never neglected that side of her either, and her anger had created some motivation for her.

I don't even know why she talked about her lineage in the first place... Until she talked about her Mother, she had a side of her that I had never seen before. She was so angry, but at the same time, I was the only reason why she held herself together right now... and when her episode was over, she kept apologizing to me over and over until I hugged her...

For all of my life, including my past, I don't think I have ever seen so much hate till now... But I know of depravity and corruption, a sick, twisted desire to have fun at someone else's expense, though, I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶I̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶.

I think I understand just a bit of what she's gone through, I'm also reminded of a past relationship, ł ₥ł₴₴ ɎØɄ Ⱡ%%%%, I̶ ̶b̶e̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶. Sad, too, that Dad left for his business trip at this moment; with the help of my abilities to grow marijuana faster, his business was booming largely. My growth was slow, but I was able to learn that I could add more quality to the batch, heightening them to a higher degree. Luckily, it became a clutch for me at some point during Mom's indirect outburst... But it feels like I could do more with it.

I seriously didn't know just how attached she was to Dad, as every other time he was gone, Mom seemed alright, probably because he was gone longer than usual... I wonder why It hurts?

(POV: Dahlia Akvash)

It seems like Julius is going on one of his business trips, and this time he traveled to Brazil because most of his clients over there were freaking furries. I mean, I am extremely mad about that; seeing him get kidnapped by a bunch of female furries back then sets me off completely... Luckily, my little Munchkin is here with me, so I'll be okay for now, but depending on how long he stays in Brazil, itches me to no end. Then what game should I play with Tristan? Oh, that's right!!!!! I got something for the both of us to distract ourselves.

"Hey, My little Munchkin!!! Would you like to watch a movie with me?!?!?" I called out to Tristan, who was busy reading his book on the couch. He looked away from the book he was reading. He then said

"Sure, why not?? But I don't think we even have a TV at home unless the both of you hid it somewhere?" Tristan said that as he scrunched his cute nose in confusion, but I only giggled and said to Tristan.

"*He~he~he~he~* No Tristan, me and Julius were just enough for us to entertain each other in some way as your father had always done the oddest of things, and also now you were added to our little group, so now maybe I'll try something new~" Alright, now Tristan's considering it.

"I guess that would be ok with me... But what place are we going to?" I quickly replied.

"We both are going to go to Las Vegas for our movie vacation!!!" And that's what we both did.

~40 minutes of speed running through magic~

I finally gave a long sigh before announcing to Tristan, who I carried onto my shoulder, "We're here, Munchkin!!!" Tristan's eyes began to glow up as he looked around with amazement. He couldn't help but compliment this place.

"*Whisle* This place looks pretty nice." The compliment was simple, but it really did look nice, too. It's been a while since I came back here.

"alright!!!! Let's go to one of the Cinemarks and try watching Napolean!!! No-no wait... Let's go watch TE%%IFIER!!!!" And so that's where we went, and we tried watching Te%%ifier, that horror movie I had liked to watch for a while... But I didn't know that the movie would have a clown killing women...

I mean, I don't care about the aspect of killing or the fact they were women, but the way they were killed was something out of Mor%al Com%at. It was hilarious in the sense that the clown was a complete menace throughout the movie... What bothered me was the fact that my son didn't seem bothered by any of it; maybe I should just...

You know, teach him about women instead of Julius. Julius would have gone ballistic if he had seen Tristan watching this movie and gone into a tirade. After the movie was over, we went outside of the theater, and I wrapped my arms around Tristan while he was sitting on my lap and poked in a few questions. "So? How was the movie Tristan?!?!?" 

As if he had just snapped out of a trance after watching the movie, he said. "The violence from that movie was insane, and that clown was something else; he was completely wild. But I didn't really see any message beyond not staying out too late during Halloween and not being in certain areas during that time of night." A textbook answer... Maybe I should ask more in-depth.

"What about the 'violence' on the women during the movie?" as I asked this, Tristan gave me a look as if I was crazy. And he looked in the direction of where my face was leaning towards him.

"Ummmm? Mom, are you trying to imply that I'll become a misogynist?" Woah!!!! Hey now!!! You're the one who said that, not me?!!??!?! I have to move the conversation before it becomes something else.

"No!!! Oh, heaven's no, dear?!?!?! Let me finish. And I was only trying to talk to you about women... And I can see that the starting question would imply that Munchkin~ I know that you have a lot of time to find that special person, just like how Julius found me! And that movie, no matter how cheesy it is, still kinda made me worry about how apathetic you were during the movie." Tristan's face changed into a small, soft smile, and he said to me as his face rested upon mine.

"Thanks for worrying about me, Mom. That genuinely makes me happy; you do a better job when talking about women, but Dad made it pretty entertaining." Ahhhh~ that's adorable~ he has almost always acted so mature...

I guess that is a part of the reincarnation package, huh? He sometimes makes me worry for him... I will have to talk to Julius about what he's trying to teach Tristan... I may have given him the green light, but I feel like he's trying to indoctrinate Tristan into something... But knowing him, he'll try to gaslight me, saying along the lines. 'You're just imagining things, honey.' or 'I wasn't the one who said that I'm trying to indoctrinate our son; maybe it's you that's indoctrinating our son in secret?'... I miss him already.

As he sat on my lap, I softly spoke to Tristan while sitting next to him on one of the chairs right outside of the movie theater.

"Let us head back home, my Munchkin!!!" And with that, we both immediately left via through-gate teleportation without anyone else caring... And that was when the next few weeks became worse for me; I am so very happy that I had Tristan with me because Julius has never left for this long.

~4 Weeks Later~

(POV: Third Person View)

Tristan, through the week, had been more focused on Julius's weed farm in the basement, trying to make it as unique as he could; the energy from this power of his has been really slow lately, but on the plus side, the quality of this mysterious power had developed making the weed into something else entirely, one whiff from this divine weed would put a normal person out, instead of a normal green for weed it turned into a deep orange with a red hue.

He created an entirely new strand by accident, and it grew quickly. Instead of the 8-9 weeks, the marijuana would grow to its adult stage within a few days. Tristan began to say something out loud in confusion.

"Oh lord... What the fuck is this shit!!!!" Tristan is beyond flabbergasted at this point, yelling out, pointing his shaken finger toward his new plant strand.

"I don't think I've ever seen marijuana that looks like this at all?!?!?!?!" He began to ponder about this new type of weed, but as of now, he wanted to put it in the back of his mind because his Mother was slowly becoming worse without his Father being around.

Doing nothing about it would only make things worse; Tristan thought that the only way to break some common ground with his mother was to ask about her family. More specifically, her Mother.

It's like ripping a bandaid. And doing so, he will have to prepare; she barely talks about her Mother, but when she does, albeit barely, it's like seeing a terrifying visage of countless sharp mandibles, even if she doesn't realize it, both he and his Father can clearly see it.

And he'll have to be the one to lead this one like an unprofessional therapist while Julius had gone to Brazil for his marijuana business. Tristan gave a final sigh and told himself while gazing at the basement ceiling, "Thanks a lot, Dad; now I have to be the one to play 'family therapy.'" And with that will be Tristan's starting point of understanding how much malice one can hold on to as he finally walked upstairs.

(POV: Dahlia Akvash)

At first, everything was going well, but Julius seemed to be taking much longer than usual, and that's been bothering me the longer that he's gone. I am extremely lucky that I have Tristan with me; if it weren't for Tristan being with me, then I would try to force Julius into letting me join on his trip to Brazil, but I guess sometimes I have to give him some space...

Even though he ventured to a place to see those FLEE BITTEN MONGRELS!!!!! But you know what? Everything's going to be 'fine'. He won't abandon me over a bunch of female wolves... I'm slowly going mad, and now I'm starting to hear voices ₳₲₳ł₦...

As I stared into the mirror in my bathroom, looking at my reflection, I saw my own ₥Ø₮ⱧɆⱤ₴ reflection... At that point, I accidentally cracked my mirror with my presence alone, shattering it into pieces. Oh, I can imagine the face I am making right now.

I'm smiling right now, and it isn't a happy smile at all, and what makes it worse is when I get this ๓ค໓ is when my eyes will turn into something akin to a venomous snake... I need to see Tristan... And that's what I did. I got out of the bathroom, got dressed, and checked to see if he was in the basement for his Father's marijuana.

(POV: ȶɦɨʀɖ քɛʀֆօռ heavily leaning towards Tristan;)

Tristan finally got out of the basement to find his Mother, and he moved toward one of the hallways that led to her room. As he got closer, there was this dangerous premonition that could be felt in Tristan, this god-awful feeling of pressure pressing him down when he got closer, but at this point, Tristan was already going to her room to see his Mother. Strangely enough, this dangerous premonition didn't sway him away or bother him at all, as it was already too late to go back as she was already outside of her door.

She looked the same, but Tristan could see Dahlia's eyes glowing a light blue hue as the lights were off in front of her room; if you looked closer, you could see her white dress was slightly chaotic along with her hair, her smile was completely uncanny, but as soon as she registered Tristan's presence that unsettling smile went back to her normal self, and her light blue eyes dimmed back to normal. She went on and spoke as if everything was normal, but she couldn't disguise her mechanical-like voice.

"Hey there, Munchkin~ I was literally thinking about you just now~ I really, really, really wanted to see you~" At this point, Tristan had to steel himself and confront her in a way so that she wouldn't act out and destroy this house immediately. So he said without backing away.

"Hey, Mom, can we talk in the living room? I truly want to ask you something important." At the end of asking, Tristan faked a cute pout in order to calm her down a bit.

Tristan wanted to guide this to a room that had more space for her potential outburst, but knowing her unpredictability and experience, she might have a clue but is only playing ignorant from Tristan's perspective, and luckily, she did as Tristan predicted; she became more lively and walked over to Tristan to hold his hand softly. she smiled at Tristan, and this time it was less robotic.

"Hm-hm, let's go to the living room then Tristan." And with that, they both walked to the living room and sat next to each other like they had always done before. Dahlia was the one to start their conversation.

"So... My little Tristan wants to talk to me about something important? What is it you need?" She said that with a smile across her face as she talked to Tristan, and Tristan said.

"I still remember vividly when Dad talked a bit about his past, and I have been thinking for a while, and can you tell me about yourself, especially with your family?" He said the last part nervously. Dahlia only stared into Tristan's eyes; she patted him on the head.

She still held her kind smile, but her eyes were devoided of any vibrance like before, and they only stared at each other before Dahlia spoke, trying her best to sound emotionless, but hidden behind her smile was something that Tristan had never felt in almost his entire two lives.

It was a type of hate that was unbelievably unadulterated and massive to the point that Tristan felt small, but for anything to work in this intervention for her, she would need to release just a bit of it in order to relieve some stress.

Dahlia spoke with an emotionless tone, "If that's what you want, Tristan, then I should start with my bloodline, or our bloodline, as my blood is yours too, but I am what is considered a Kinain, which is the mortal cousin of the faerie, possessed of some amount of Faerie Blood that makes them different from other mortals but not full changelings.

kinain's stand between the worlds of Banality and the Dreaming. Some kinain are marked with unusual traits by their faerie blood.

Many also have strange abilities known as fae gifts, some of which can be controlled and others that are wild and unpredictable.

And if a normal Kinain only has some Faerie blood, then I am what would be a mutant of the Kinain; I hold about 90% of that Faerie blood through my Mother's blood, Tristan...

Even with that amount of blood bringing me close to an actual faerie, in the end, my Mother didn't have the slightest care for my well-being; the only reason why she took care of me was that she wanted a punching bag to play with, she said that to my face even when I turned seven... Even then, it took more than having blood to be faerie as it's derived from the soul; my soul is still human.

I only have a few things to say about what my Mother is without going into a rant. She is considered a True Fae, a being of immortality, a mighty and remorseless inhabitants of Arcadia, the realm which lies beyond the Hedge.

Also known as the Others, Gentry, Old Gods, Kindly Folk, or simply Fae, they are creatures that abduct humans and gradually change them into changelings.

My Mother decided to mate with a human, and after that was done, she threw that human away like it was every other day... And that human was my Father. *sigh* looking back at it now, my Mother was entirely eccentric compared to her other Fae.

All she really wanted to do was show me my place within Arcadia and constantly remind me of how much of a piece of trash I was throughout my ten years there. And finally, when I hit ten, I was thrown out of Arcadia and into the wilds of Scottland all alone; well after I was thrown out, that was where my Awakening began, and that actualization was through my sick, twisted hatred.

My fae gift also fits quite well with my magic on my journey of self-discovery, learning about domains and space, and that's where I met Merinita, who became one of the houses of Hermes. She was such an airhead when we first met, kind of like your Father, but she was genuinely one, and because of her, I was able to find my path in magic. I was also able to make friends because of her, and I was able to open up again because of her!!" As Tristan listened to her story, he felt really bad for his Mother. All he's thinking about is hugging Dahlia and telling her that everything is going to be alright, and then her story goes downhill again.

"And then the most unexpected thing happened to me, Tristan... THEY ALL LEFT ME FOR ANOTHER WORLD!!!!" As she said that, everything around the house started to crack while her hands covered her face.

"I told them everything about myself and my past. We were all together for years upon years, and suddenly, they all up and vanished with only a NOTE!!! Telling me to FREAKING guard a GATE that won't even open!!!

But at the time, I did just that; well, at least they were kind enough to give me enough rations to survive, even though I might not need any food because of my biology being unique, closest to a True Fae physically.

I guarded that gate for so long to the point where I became bored, but there was a certain human that kept me company; no matter what I did, he just kept coming back every single day, either to fight me or flirt with me, he tried to do both before, but it didn't really work out well as I punched him across the jaw and sent him flying across the forest...

I bet that showed him that he couldn't do two things at the same time. It was his fault that I became so attached to him, and I decided to ditch the gate and follow him along." With that, Dahlia showed a pleasant smile across her face, thinking about the good times. And then she turned serious.

"You know Tristan, even though your Father was able to tame me, I will always hold this hatred in my heart, especially for my Mother, as she was the first one to introduce me to it, and it led to me hating other species...

JUST Let me tell you just how much I hate my Mother. It began at an extremely young age of seven, the same age as you, Tristan. There are 28 trillion cells that reside within the human body. Each cell has a molecule of twenty-three trillion EACH that makes up the entire human body!!! If the word hate were to become engraved in each and every molecule of my body, It wouldn't even equal 1.1 billionths of the hate I feel for her at this very microsecond. Hate, hate, hate, HATE!!! For HER!!

And that hatred was the only THING that led me to MY Awakening, and when I thought I could've started a life with my so-called 'friends' and leave all of my hatred behind, they decided to leave ME behind!!!" While Dahlia wasn't focused on her energy control as she was beyond agitated, a voice popped up in Julius's mind as he stood up

"<Try sidestepping to the left>" He did as the voice said and sidestepped to the left, and where he was originally, the area looked like a downward slash destroyed it.

If he were any slower, then he would have been entirely bisected in half. But really, he had no time to focus on that when Dahlia was having a breakdown right now. And then, a force accidentally pushed him to the other side of the wall.

His entire focus now was to try to use his ability to turn that wall into something soft, and he had less than a second, or he'd be crushed to death.

Luckily, he was able to transfer that energy to his shoulder just in time; as soon as his shoulder hit the wall, its properties changed into something akin to a pillow. With that close death, he was able to learn a bit more about his abilities, making him think it was worth it. 'I might have a few screw looses too,' Tristan thought as he lay down on the ground, content with himself and humming.

As soon as everything calmed down, Dahlia, at this point, remembered what just happened. Her body was shaking like crazy, and she immediately ran toward Tristan with a frantic look. "TRISTAN!?!?!?!" she immediately hugged him tightly and started apologizing over and over again.

"I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I"M SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY." And for the rest of the time, Dahlia was sobbing heavily, staining Tristan's already half-ripped T-shirt and jeans. As she was sobbing, Tristan had already reached his main goal, which was to pat his Mother's head. He had won in this intervention and gave her a head pat.

"There, there, Mom, everything going to be ok. You aren't alone anymore, Mom, as you got me and Dad this time to take care of you." Dahlia couldn't help but tear up at this point, but this time, she wasn't crying anymore.

"M-my Little Munchkin seems to have already grown up; I am so v-very sorry for my outburst in front of a cutie like you, but it seems like you were only trying to help me... I know this seems random, but there was this song from back then that had always stuck with me, and right now, it seems like it's already bedtime." Dahlia, this time, gently picked up Tristan and carried him to his bed.

"Alright, Tristan, are you ready to listen to me sing?" Tristan didn't say anything else but shook his head yes. And she finally started.

"Dear sweet child, no need to cry~ I will hold you tight~ So sleep all your worries and cares away~ No need to be scared, you are out of harm's way~ I will keep you safe and warm~ Love you every day~ Reach your tiny hands for the light~ Take your future and make it shine so bright~ With every lie I am crumbling and dying inside~ Wanting to save you with all of my might~ But this world is against me, I cannot fight~ They will steal you away, out of my sight~ But I still pray and I hope that you'll live past today~ Find your own strength please my dear run away~ Don't be weak or afraid, let your heart lead the way ~ I hope, and I pray, you'll be alright."

(A/n: It's from a song called Isabella's Lullaby. Aviance covered the song, and Aura Raleen made those beautiful lyrics; it's on YouTube if you were to look for it. I'll see if I can put a link in this paragraph. Also, he hasn't put any thought into his parents dying because of how strong they are, and his attachment towards them is on a whole different level. No matter how smart one is, mental trauma will always go burr.)

And with that, Tristan fell asleep, with depression striking him in the face.

(POV: Tristan Devroop Akvash)

"*Yawn* Goodnight, Mom," I said to Mom, and she kissed me on the forehead and said to me.

"Make sure to get your sleep. I got you really tired, too, so I'll be cleaning this place up." And she left to do the extra work that was her... She really does make things harder for herself, honestly.

I mean, Dad was the one who started the plan for an intervention, but the only way to make it more beneficial was if her 'drug' was gone for a certain amount of time; I mean, sure, he really did have a business trip, but he thought now was the best time and left me to plan things on the fly...

And that song is giving me depression. I can't sleep with that... I only hope that when Dad comes back, he'll slip up in front of Mom. He may be a master planner, but when it comes to keeping secrets like these, trouble will be the only thing that awaits him.

(POV: Julius Akvash)

Well, now I finally got off the plane back to Sweet Home, Nevada; I bet Tristan had everything under his control while I was gone making money!!!! Now, when I started using that space magic, Dahli taught me, arriving at the front of the house...

What- the- fuck- HAPPENED TO THE HOUSE!?!?!?!?!?!??! I began running and screaming like a madman. "DAHLIA?!?!?!?!? TRISTAN?!!??!?!?!?! ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT??!?!???!?!" and then an invisible force made me stop moving... Dahlia looks PISSED. 

"Hello, darling~ I guess you and I will need a long discussion ~ As you did miss the intervention you started~" Dahlia spoke like a freaking psychopath!?!?!!? Oh, fuck me.

"Ummm? H-hey Dahli, my sweet little girl, how have you been?!?!?!" Dahlia was still glaring at me with anger.

"I apologize, my sweetie, but the fact that you used Tristan for your little scheme for an 'intervention.' has already made me beyond pissed; I almost KILLED OUR LITTLE BOY BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!" Julius still wanted to quip by trying to give his top-tier gaslighting ability a go.

"Oh honey~ it wasn't my fault for anything~ you know I wasn't the one who was there in the first!?!?!?!?? ~" Dahlia had enough of me and started twisting my ear

"OWOWOWOWOWOWOWO!!!! OWWWWWWW!!!!! *Sucking the air in* FUUUUUUCK!!!!!!" Dahlia happily smiled triumphantly and told Tristan

"You're going to help me clean this mess up, Julius, and I'm not taking a no as an answer, do you understand?" 'I give up, you win dahlia.'

"*Sigh* Yes, Mam." I gave my best salute, and she stopped twisting my ear. 

(POV: Third person View)

And with that begins their time cleaning up the mess. The years fly by fast as the worst is still to come.

Somehow, my wanting to kill both Julius and Dahlia off permanently has made me depressed. This has been the longest I have ever written in just about anything. Writing all of this also felt like a roller coaster ride for me, and I hope you enjoy that long prologue. Cheers.

Saptarasuracreators' thoughts