
A Voyage Of The Unlucky Anomalous Mage Across The Boundless Realities.

(A/n: There's also a spin-off on Tristan's Girlfriend... She went through a lot, and the story is called "A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess.") Once upon a time, a young man had so much to look forward to in the future; now, it had been ripped away in the blink of an eye in a matter of a day, including those who were close to him while he survived—although he thought he was going to survive. Now reborn as a baby again, Tristan Devroop Akvash is tossed into a seemingly ordinary world with fragmented memories of his past life that he refuses to piece together. I mean, why would he when this new life of his is fantastic!! Yet, everything seems to fall off again as awakens to what this world had always been from the beginning, where another tragedy will unfold where young Tristan can only watch and be transported off to a deserted field of snow. Through that brief period of tragedy, he was held at a crossroads of what he'd become. But an annoying voice in his head and an odd entity of unknown origins had somehow kept his mind "mostly" intact, and he would meet strange people as his caretakers who had prior dealings with his parents. He will explore his new abilities in this world and possibly discover parts of himself that he hasn't known about, even from his last life in this World Of Darkness. I want to say that this story starts out completely dark, not the first chapter but the second. It's also not fast-paced, as the focus will be on other characters, too. (Anyway, things won't go wrong for Tristan again until he is 10, so he will have time.) (I do not own the World of Darkness or any other potential worlds. The World of Darkness is a role-playing tabletop game that doesn't have to be completely accurate, and there will be OCs and tons of bullsh*t happening in it with all the entities within. Kind of similar to the SCP world but with 30 years of lore continuity.) (Also, this story might include World Travel too. I haven't decided yet, but if I were to choose, then his next world should be wholesome or the complete opposite of grim and dark to create a new challenge for him) (I do not own any of the Pictures, Cover: Scpishka.) Extra tag: Romance Main World: WOD Second World: ???? Third World: SCP Fourth: The Fuck Is This?!?!?!? (Warning: Read Auxiliary before reading the story to be less confused and give a review to motivate me.)

Saptarasura · Lainnya
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34 Chs

A Merciless End, And A Fresh Restart?

(A/n: WARNING- Tragedy ahead. Read this with care and know that there will always be people who care about you in your life, and never give in to suicide, as that could lead to others feeling pain. And It may be a bit over the top, but I tried to make it as brutal as possible on purpose.)


In the streets of an unknown location lies a battered and pathetic young man beyond any recognition from his past self or his once bubbly personality that now remained unseen. A man who just wanted to propose to the love of his life and live a perfect life with her, just about everything he held dear was utterly ripped away slowly within the few moments that turned into hours, something that should've been the best day of his life with his love and now losing the satisfaction of ever becoming a wonderful father with his would-be children alongside their would-be mother. How could a simple date turn sideways as both he and her were at the wrong place at the wrong time and met with a disgusting group of people who decided to have their '₣Ʉ₦' with them? Yet, Sadly for him, the moments of his life would only begin to fall off from here as he was forcefully separated from his sweetheart, dragged off somewhere to an alleyway, and hard-whacked in the skull by a metal bat hard enough for anyone at a certain distance can hear a loud nauseating slushed crunch, effectively immobilizing him. And from there on, an inhumane torment compared to a cult sacrament will take place for all sorts of their ֆǟɖɨֆȶɨƈ קɭєครยгє that will not be described in this now ghastly alleyway; his survival can only be defined as short of a miracle. Yet, surviving this agony can only mean that worse has yet to come for the miserable fool, as everything will become a slow departure for our unnamed soul.

(Location, ###### Hospital)

'E-everything feels like a dream; I-I don't know where I am, but-but this..... I don't want this to end; please let me stay here.' 

Somewhere within his unconscious state was a young man who would have rather stayed in this complete bliss of nothingness than face the unbearable reality that could only stack upon himself even more with problems if he were to awaken. Yet, In the end, dreams of bliss can only go on for so long as he begins to awaken from his fleeting dream. As he opened his eyes, the helpless fool was in an unfamiliar room. He was in a hospital gown with an entire body cast, with his arms and legs supported. He was lying on a white bed with a room around him blending seamlessly with the bed and with a blindingly irritating light to the eyes. It was as aggravating as the room he was in. 'Why did everything have to be white?' were his thoughts when he woke up; #### still felt a sudden burst of pain in his chest, but it felt achievable for him to endure it. A moment later, a doctor came out of the blue to check his miserable condition. 

"Ah, it seems like you have awakened Mr. ####, albeit barely. Hello, my name is Dr. Fallian. I'm so sorry to check in on you at such a horrible time, as you could barely even talk with the full body cast; I'll be back to tell you your full autopsy after you have rested in a couple of hours, and if you feel like you need something give this button a push if and a nurse will arrive and help. Also, it seems you were just found yesterday morning, and waking up this early with your condition seems odd; I'll repeat this as I can't stress this enough, but please rest as you need it badly."

The doctor was right. He was covered from head to toe with the cast; the only part uncovered was his mouth and eyes, which wasn't the worst aspect of his condition as he could barely remember anything from before; this entire feeling was a foggy blight while staring at the ceiling, and added to this deplorable state was a splitting headache. With all that, he felt self-contempt for himself as who would even help him without pity for his disgusting state? His mind has become entirely negative, creating walls to feel any sense of comfort. But, ####'s state of mind was still thoroughly entrenched in fear from remembering what happened for him to even be in the hospital in the first place, not because of what got him to this state in the first place but because of this knawing feeling of a loss of something close to him, and still as of yet, he will only be ĐɆ₱ⱤłVɆĐ Ø₣ ๓๏гє of those that made his life enjoyable. But why a button to call for help, though? That would be torture for anyone in his condition.

(The Couple Of Hours Later)

The uncountable hours lying on the hospital bed were too uncomfortable even to move around, but with his determination, he allowed himself to go back to sleep, as he was too afraid to ask for help. In the end, being tenacious, or others will say resilient, is an excellent trait in most cases, as willpower can keep a person moving forward even if it's through fear at this point, but let's see how long that will Ⱡ₳₴₮.

"H- hello, Mr. ####. It's Dr. Fallian again. I'm back with your complete autopsy, and I have to say that this is full of bad news. But the good news is that your family will soon arrive."

While being in the full-body cast made talking for #### extremely difficult and added to the unending brain trauma, he could still communicate well enough to ask.

"C-can- you- just- tell me- my- condition.- p-please."

(A/N: The cast extended to his chin, but having something around would make talking uncomfortable, adding to the injuries. This is just a reminder.)

At that moment, Dr. Fallian felt concerned for ####, but he still begrudgingly gave him his complete physical diagnosis. 

"Alright, Mr. ####, From up to down, you have a severe head trauma that should generally kill a person instantly—added with the side of your skull being cracked and concaved in a way you should only see from a person deceased from a homicide case, I'm also surprised that the trauma itself isn't too bad either in the autopsy, a broken and dislocated jaw, added with facial fractures by both sides of the cheek, half of your teeth is gone on your left side, both shoulders were dislocated in such a way, it was as if someone or a group of people were playing around with your sockets like one of those toys or action figures!? The place connected to your elbows and triceps has been severely severed, counted with severe bone fractures all over your arms, and your spine has been severely altered and distorted to the point of permanent paralysis! Like your bones, your muscles have been poorly damaged; the waist down seems equally Damaged. But your organs . . . Your organs were going through multiple failures when bringing you here, which added to the loss of blood; we had to give you a blood transfusion immediately, and luckily, there was a blood donor on standby with the same blood as you!! And you're still alive and functioning for the most part, which is a miracle in itself!"

The longer that the Dr. listed off, almost every injury that was wrong with him made #### go slowly down to a pit that dug itself deeper and deeper into a despair that he could never come back to his original life, or whatever that life was beforehand. What will hurt him more? And then, The doctor's final words struck the last chord of his reality as the doctor isn't in his best positive mood while telling all of this to a patient at this point, especially while #### was in such a dreadful state.

"I am really, really sorry, Mr. ####... But I genuinely believe there will be no way for you to return from this someday. These injuries you've sustained. They are way too violent, and any surgery that could usually be done. It has become completely null, as anything done to you will lead you to a quick or slow and painful death. You are technically on life support; we can only rely on your natural healing process and painkillers to numb the pain. And if you are healing well enough, we'll prescribe an anabolic steroid to rebuild whatever damaged muscle is left... Even then, I am extremely doubtful that the steroids will help, but we temporarily gave you a painkiller beforehand so you could feel comfortable; they won't wear off till tomorrow. By tomorrow, we will prescribe a new painkiller for you." 

That... was almost the final straw for ####, but his mind began to wander off and he remembered something that brought him a bit of joy. Like a picture book in his head, where his family was together like a happy little reunion, 'the doctor said they were coming, right?' were ####'s joyful thoughts to move away from his painful circumstances. Finally, Dr. Fallian said with a comforting smile.

"Just relax here a bit longer, and let me turn on the TV for you, Mr. ####. Oh! Before I forget, your phone is beside you on the counter to the right, but there will be help soon, as a nurse will visit you periodically."

(First Hour)

And that is what #### did for the remainder of his stay here on the bed and watched what was on TV, mainly the news, nothing too noteworthy yet. Surprisingly, his family wasn't here yet, but something was probably happening, so patience was essential, and sadly, his pain was knawing on him slowly. Also, there were unread text messages from his phone that kept popping up, but sadly for ####, the phone was difficult to reach. As divine intervention pops out, a nurse soon arrives at the rescue. She had pale skin and brown hair that seemingly lacked any liveliness... it was frighteningly dull. Her dimmed green eyes looked hollow yet held a smile that should have been beautiful to anyone else, but to ####, it was a look of death for him. Her body wasn't his focus at this point because of his instincts... But in the end, he thought he was overreacting, as the imagination can sometimes be silly; I mean, why would anyone want to cause harm to him? The nurse with the same smile asked.

"Hello, sir, my name is Aveline Pomare. Is there anything you need?"

Ignoring his better judgment and unneeded curiosity over his phone, #### asked her for help.

"Can- y- you- help- me- with- m-my- p-phone p-please."

with all his difficulty in asking, the nurse quickly answered his plea. 

"Well, of course, sir. "

She smiled and quickly went to the side of # # # #'s counter to get his phone, asking ####.

"Does this phone only need a number passcode, or does it also work for face ID since it looks like an iPhone 10? I'm sorry for asking, as I'm not exactly a phone person."

Aveline, with her seemingly probing question, even if it didn't seem bad at all as she was only trying to help, still felt unnerving to ####; he felt trapped... He felt like prey within the dens of a predator... but again, #### brushed it off and thought his already-developed paranoia was getting in the way of talking to people. He answered back.


Aveline's already thin lips grew a smile in a way that the only thing you could see from it was a hollowed-out darkness, the opposite of a narrowed crescent moon. She had already put the phone in front of his face to unlock it, and as if she knew what to do next, she clicked on the messages for #### to read. Sadly for him, the text messages before his harrowing situation were something he wished not to see at all.

[Text messages; unread 46][From Pa🤠, Ma😼]

[1 unread voice message]

[unread voice message: From My LittleBro🥶]

It was his first time in a while seeing his little brother communicating with him, and for his little brother to make it a voice message made for an even more dreadful feeling, but he wanted to hear his precious brother's voice again. With a bit more strength in his voice, he finally asked Aveline.

"C-could- you- press- t-the- play- button- for this- o-one and- leave- p-please."

With the ever-same cold stare of those hollowed green eyes and ever-present smile toward ####, Aveline did just that and left him to his privacy. 

[First Unread voice message: From My LittleBro🥶]

"What up, my main man, my buddy, my pal, my big bro, it's your one and only little brother!!! Colby!!!! I know that this is unexpected for me to call you out of the blue, but I wanted to say that I love you with all of my heart, and there is nothing else I could've asked for... I know, I know... I'm not making any sense right now, but that's alright because I'm not sure what will happen to me; I feel there is nothing for me. And this feeling only grew for me when I started by trying to be a UFC fighter... I only did that because I am a complete dumb*ss compared to you... You were always bright; no matter how much I tried to try my best, I have always felt this emotion knawing on me. I wanted to be better so that I wouldn't feel like a huge disappointment to you... I-i w-wanted... TO BE SOMETHING THAT YOU COULD BE PROUD OF!!!! A- *sniffle* and that's what I tried to be; I tried by starting a business, and that business was supposed to be about helping other businesses. And that was where everything went to sh*t; I lost just about everything, and I have been thinking about how to talk to you in person. But I would rather not show you my face, FOR I am such a huge disappointment to you, Pa, and Ma... Ha-haahahahahahahahhahahahahha!!! C-can't y-you believe it... I really tried; I JJ-just wanted t-to be s-something f-for you... This is probably the last time I will have any way to communicate with you or even see you again... I have a gun next to me ####, a-and before I go #-####, t-this isn't even your fault, I-I'm just too much of a coward *POP*..... *BEEEP* 'I'm sorry, but this phone number is now unavailable.' "

#### was shaking... He just lost someone who was one of his pillars. All he could do was lay here and do nothing at all. After hearing someone he loved with all his heart, his little brother was profoundly hurt, and he couldn't do anything to save him. While stewing in his self-loathing, Nurse Aveline returned and asked with her ever-perpetual smile.

"Is there anything else you need from me, Mr. ####?"

It was a simple answer, but he answered to her.

"N-no- thanks- c-could you- t-take my- p-phone back- o-on- the table."

she nodded with that haunting smile, walked to the bedside, and returned his phone to the counter. ђє ฬเɭɭ ร๏๏ภ гєﻮгєՇ ภ๏Շ гєค๔เภﻮ Շђ๏รє ՇєאՇ ๓єรรคﻮєร.

After that was over, she soon walked away after she gave him one last glance that looked completely manic to the point of complete excitement as she was near the door and told #### with a smile that should have come off as a warning, but #### was entirely shut out of the world mentally as his only thoughts were towards his brother.

"I'll be back for your medicine, Mr. ####!"

Now he just wanted to relax, but then, somewhere in his conscience, he started to remember... something that felt like he desperately wanted to return to that memory... He finally remembered Liana. He wished to see her again, but all he would need to do to see what was left of her was to look at the TV. #### finally decided to look up at the television, and what was on right now was titled.


Something about this... Made him entirely numb as HE and LIANA were somewhere in Baltimore for their date, and memories came flooding in, the good and the bad ones; he didn't need to make sure it was her on the news at this point, but sadly with his condition weeping would be physically painful for ####. His brother was gone, and his soon-to-be bride was ripped away from him in a vile manner, alongside his would-be memories of him and her holding their first child together. What else can be taken away from ####? For a seemingly long time, of this cognitive paralysis through the offset of emotions whirling within his inner turmoil, nurse Aveline Pomare finally arrived with his needed meds. 

"Hello, Mr. ####, I'm back with what you needed; I heard you were prescribed Nalmefene HCl." 

Her seemingly angelic voice was nothing beautiful at this moment, realizing Dr. Fallian hadn't yet prescribed him anything for painkillers. The doctor hadn't returned yet for whatever reason; that worry was out of reach to him at this point when his fear from before came back with blinding hopelessness as his eyes stared into her once lifeless eyes, now full of color with a shade of dark green. He couldn't move, had no way to run, and was all คɭ๏ภє with a demon in human skin that could choose whether he should live or die. Because In her hands was an injection device for... who knows what deadly concoction is inside... She started speaking in an eager yet demented play on of words that felt more to humiliate its prey

"Oh, Mr. ####, I'm so sorry, but I wasn't sure which type of painkiller to give you, so I had to mix it all up in this one HUGE injection and also added some more of my recommendation!

Terror, pure terror, was the only thing he could feel. Another feeling was a tinge of regret, never to see even a glimpse of his parents; who will know, when he dies in this god-forsaken world, who will know something of him? He felt many emotions, and mostly, that feeling was overcome with loss. #### felt that he had lost something again under his nose... But what else could he do, as he was systematically isolated without knowledge of it happening? The nurse slowly approached the blood transfusion and injected whatever lethal substance she mixed up together. Within forty seconds of waiting, and Aveline staring into ####'s brown eyes with a look full of ecstasy, his very body that tried to hold #### together started seizing; his lungs began to shorten in its breathing, constricting and squeezing his lungs to the point of condensing itself, his body that was once his pillar of health began spasming on itself and contorting in pain like a bunch of twists and turns that keeps going on and on, as the very body that he took care of finally turned against him. #### knew he was dying but couldn't yell, scream, or thrash around. All he felt was a numbing yet throbbing pain throughout his body. All he could do was silently weep as this pain ended his misery. And then Nurse Aveline spoke in a sarcastic voice, edged to the brim with all of its intent of breaking poor #### even further like one of those villain monologues, but unlike most monologues, there is no help on the way till tomorrow.

"You know ####, It was pretty easy to get this close to you... The only person helping you is supposed to be me and no one else. This hospital does a sh*t job at hiring nurses to help their patients, and my break doesn't end till tomorrow."

Aveline also added even more dreadful news in a mocking tone that was supposed to sound cute, but it came off as the same mocking tone.

"Oh, don't worry about dying too quickly!!! What I gave you will only take about 45 minutes to kill you, so it's just you and me until you expire, and also, with what I gave you, the only thing you could ever do is listen! Also, again, there was a simple reason why I chose you to be one of my victims!!! The first time I saw you in such a horrible condition. It made me want to end you right then, but instead, I just waited for the right opportunity. And my lord, that was the most exhilarating choice I could make when your parents tried to drive to Maryland to get over here to the hospital, just for you. And do you know what happened next ####?" 

There was a long, uneasy silence. All he could do was wait and listen as he was dying slowly..... And painfully.

"Oh, who am I kidding? I bet you can't even speak at this point. So let's say the ride here turned into a freak accident."

There was a moment of doubt, confusion, and dread from ####. Why would Dr. Fallion lie about his parents coming here shortly? Maybe it was because of how fast it happened, but the more #### thought about it, the worse his brain became as his head trauma started to act up, and what came with it was tears of blood flowing through his face. 

"Well, the hospital had just gotten this news. A semi-truck fully crushed both of your lovely parents, and the killer hasn't been charged with anything yet while they are still rotting somewhere in the morgue... Your doctor wanted to keep this information from you till tomorrow. If you think I'm lying, you could look at the news on your phone or the obituary on the main website, as they already have everything there for anyone to look at. Here, let us have a look at the obituary instead."

She smoothed her way to ####'s counter on the other side of the bed to grab his phone, put his phone in front of his face, and it unlocked. She began searching on the web and found the September 14, 2018, obituary. She shoved the phone to ####'s face and saw the undeniable fact in front of him.

[Beatrice ####, Deceased, September 14, 2018. Here lies a loving mother and wife.]

[Samson ####, Deceased, September 14, 2018. Here lies a hard-working father who would do anything for his sons and wife.]

At this time... he was severely broken. There were no words to describe this feeling for him. he felt completely and utterly lost. Everything that held him together vanished while he remained here. He is nearing death's door... with an unfortunate poetic irony that his parents were born with the same birthday and died with each other while #### remains here, barely breathing. His brother Colby was too afraid to talk to #### or anyone else and would have killed himself instead. And lastly was Liana... Liana didn't deserve any of this, but life has always been a cruel mistress to all. Liana was a victim of the vices of the people with hearts that were the most wretched, as she was unimaginably violated and butchered like an animal while #### was still holding on to the thin line of life that was slowly snapping away... With each passing moment, #### was stared at like he was some animal in the zoo. Aveline finally conveyed something to #### that was downright bone-chilling while trying to hold back her mocked laughter as she spoke with VłⱠɆ ₲ⱠɆɆ as she enjoyed her every moment tormenting ####.

"Y-you know- when you finally die, which is getting kinda close, I am going to have fun with your fresh corpse!."

If #### was terrified before, then right now, he is going ballistic, oh, lord. He can't do anything except die painfully and go on without all of this pain; if it weren't for what Aveline gave to ####, he wouldn't have cared about his condition and would start to sob uncontrollably and beg her not to fiddle with his body. But #### was finally at the end of his ropes, feeling sleepy; he was beginning to feel less and less pain and the last words she whispered to #### before he passed with his tear-stained blood.

"Nighty night, little lamb."

Finally, he felt numb, and his final regrets were left unanswered, as there was nothing but void now as his eyes turned sunken. This was the end for ####. He had no relatives to see his end as they were far away, no friends to be able to make time for him, a dead family that left him behind, and finally, Liana, the love of his life, gone just like that it was like life wanted to strip everything away from him one at a time. It's finally over for him in this life as he eventually moves away from this prolonged pain. But what replaced his pain was only coldness.

(POV: ####)

'W- where am I? This doesn't feel like heaven; it feels cold. How long have I been here? Wait, who would take care of Ma and Pa's pets!?.' My random thoughts were swirling in a complete frenzy, trying to sort themselves out, yet I still couldn't seem to scream no matter how hard I tried... My memories are still around, and yet... I would rather not touch upon them as of yet as they swirl... while distracted, there seemed to be a familiar light illuminated far into the void calling me to get closer. This light differed from this void; it gave me hope and a familiar longing. I reached toward the light, and as soon as I could even touch it. Everything turned completely white.

(POV: Somewhere In Nevada)

"Alright, baby, breathe in and out, Dahlia, we're almost there."

The first voice was Julius Avkash trying to help his wife give birth to their first child.


... the woman with the Scandinavian accent was the soon-to-be mother, Dahlia Avkash. They settled just away into the snowy mountains of Nevada, away from the prying eyes of the IRS and other problems, so they could start a family together and eventually build a (Illegal) farm under their house. Being next to the hillside would also mean fewer people would bother them, to say they totally didn't illegally build their home away from prying eyes... Julius, with the same smile as before, still comforted Dahlia during her labor.

"You got this, Dahlia!!! Just one final push."

And that's what Dahlia did.


and with that final push, the baby was finally born into the world and cried like any other newborn.


Julius gave a decisive cut to the umbilical cord, held the baby in his hands, and started cradling it while giving it as much comfort as needed. Dahlia quickly replied with a relieved smile while looking at the blessing they had created.

"IT'S A BOY!!??!!"

Exclaimed Julius, holding the baby. Dahlia quickly replied with a relieved smile while looking at the blessing they had created.

"Let me hold our baby for for now, honey."

Julius gave the adorable child a peck on the cheek and gave him back to her. As she held on to this child, she held on just tight enough so that she wouldn't hurt their child but enough to give it a sense of comfort as she cooed him to sleep. After he fell back to sleep, Dahlia started asking her adorable doofus of a husband.

"So what should we name our child Julius? I know you have your ideas. However, how bad they are, they still are ideas."

She gave a shit-faced grin of a cheshire when saying this to Julian, and obviously, who wouldn't take offense to that seemingly backhanded question.

"HEY!?!?!?! What was that for!?!??! I already picked out a name for him, and it will sound sicko mode?!!?

Dahlia, at this point, was questioning his mental state right now until she came to a realization about something.

"Oh... I get it now; it's that brain rot people have been talking about lately online. Don't worry, sweetie, we will find the right meds for you, '*te-he*.'"

Julius didn't want to keep going as he only gave her more fuel to bully him and returned to naming their child.

"*Sigh* my idea for a name is Tristan Devroop Avkash... I believe THIS! is the perfect name for our child."

While Julius looked smug, as if asking to be kicked in the face, Dahlia just blankly looked at her husband for a moment, then said. 

"I am honestly surprised that you gave a pretty good idea for once... Are you possessed by a wraith or something? Nah, my husband shouldn't be this articulate if a wraith possessed him. *GASP!!* Are you hypnotized by a vampy of all things!!!???! If you are, do one of those gang signs you have always told me about!"

Julius had a sudden urge to get into a fistfight with his wife, but A. he would lose badly, and B. there was a child in her hands right now, so he had to reign himself down so that he would not throw a fit as of now. So Julius had to go with a better approach with a forced smile.

"*breathing in*- *SIGH*- well, no honey, there is no vampire that could copy my innate talent of pure dumbassery and intellect in the art of the unhinge with 'hypnosis.'"

Julius emphasized his mocking of her back with air quotes, even though the only response he got was a dry look from her. And then Dahlia said.

"I mean, I like the sound of it, but doesn't it sound a bit too... I don't know, long?

Julius came back with complete—confidence in protecting such a perfect name.

"Oh, you don't have to worry. Our child will love our name. Especially when it sounds SO COOL!!!"

Dahlia was also curious about why a middle name like Devroop.

"Hey sweetie, I like the sound Devroop, but why that one specifically?"

Julius stated.

"Well, my dear, lovely wife, it's because of its meaning from back home in India: Shadow of God!!!

Julius posed in an edgy fashion to make himself look cooler. And sadly, it wasn't working.

"Oh, my God! There is absolutely no way that I am going to let you change our son's name into an edge lord! But I will allow the middle name to stay, though, as it does have a ring to it."

Dahlia immediately shut down Julius's plan to convert their son to the dark side, but that didn't stop him from trying. When they were both done talking, they decided to lay their eyes on their child, resting peacefully even during their ramblings.

This was the beginning of a poor soul now named Tristan Devroop Akvash. And this is his story, Forward in the World of Darkness.

I hope you like this gruesome tale of a story. But a bit more info on his new parents. They are both mages. One was a runaway prince who joined a band of death mages. The other was an ex-heir to a family name of the Hermes faction.

Saptarasuracreators' thoughts