
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Riddling emotions

"Whaaaaaat!!!???" (Issei and Zenovia simultaneously yells out in question on why the both of them are involved with the police)

"What the hell did you guys do to get held back by the police, did you piss them off or something!?" (Issei asks Ayanokōji and Irina in confusion to their case)

Irina still in silence then glances to Ayanokōji, Ayanokōji catches on to Irina's gaze as her trying to tell him to explain everything

"I think it would be best to explain everything once everyone is here" (Ayanokōji calmly advises to Issei and Zenovia)

Issei and Zenovia knows and understands Ayanokōji's suggestion is for the best so that everyone can be informed at once, so they patiently wait for Kiba, Rias, Akeno and Koneko's arrival.

A while goes by

Rias, Akeno, Kiba and Koneko are finally seen approaching them in the distance

When they arrived they apologized to everyone for being late and explains that they got into trouble with a few teachers.

Rias asks Issei, Irina, Zenovia and Ayanokōji if they also got into trouble for coming late, Issei informs Rias that he and Zenovia were only given warnings for their late coming, Rias looks to Issei with a jealous look on her face

"Really!? Looks like you guys lucked out unlike us"

Rias then suddenly catches on to Issei's sentence

"Issei what do you mean you and Zenovia got warnings, didn't Irina and Ayanokōji get them aswell because last time I checked they were on their way to school on foot and we Teleported here so they couldn't have arrived before us, I'm confused am I missing something??" (Rias confusingly asks Issei)

Issei immediately answers Rias

"Ayanokōji and Irina didn't even make it to school, what me and Zenovia heard from Ayanokōji is that they were held back because of the police for reasons we still don't know of"

Rias does not immediately respond back to what Issei said, instead she just remains silent


Almost out of nowhere, Rias, Akeno, Kiba and Koneko simultaneously yells out in question

Rias then pushes Issei out the way making him land on his neck then focuses her attention on Ayanokōji and Irina

"Irina, Ayanokōji why the hell did you two get involved with the police the second I turned my back you guys!!??" (Rias angrily asks both Ayanokōji and Irina)

Ayanokōji tries calming Rias down and tells her that it wasn't their fault and that it was just an accident, the way Ayanokōji phrased his sentence sets Rias off, she asks him if he killed someone, to which Ayanokōji calmly denies the accusation, Rias and Ayanokōji starts talking over one another with Rias being the one that's actually talking over Ayanokōji

Feeling as if she needs to say something, Irina then yells out the words;

"Ayanokōji saved my life!!!!!".

Rias immediately stops talking and everyone else is the atmosphere is met with a strange quiet. Irina continues by telling Rias the full story.

"This is gonna sound pretty cliché but here goes, when I exited Issei's house I started running to the school in the middle of the road, As I was running My peripherals caught a dark silhouette moving in sky at an incredible speed something about it was off, I knew that it wasn't a plane or anything like that, as a matter of fact, it had wings, I couldn't get a clear description of its face or appearance because it was moving so fast

I then finally decide to look at the road ahead of me

but while my eyes were not fixated on the road ahead, a semi-truck was approaching at me at full speed, I barely had enough time to even react then the next thing I see is the man in the truck pulling out a gun and pointing it my direction, he also sticked his head out the window to, I guess get a better angle to shoot me

The man had mean, ugly scars all over his face and his eyes looked deranged, just by looking at him I knew he wouldn't hesitate to shoot me if he wanted to, just as I thought that the man then pulled the trigger (Bang) for some reason I couldn't think of a way out of that situation, even if I could avoid the bullet it wouldn't matter because I was only a few centimeters away from the truck and had no hope of escaping I thought to myself.

As the feeling of almost certain death made commends with my soul, I then began to have flashbacks of all the great and wonderful times I had with each and everyone one of you guys, those flashbacks made me begin to shed a tear knowing that I was gonna lose it all, but then out of nowhere before the oncoming bullet or truck could hit me I felt myself being pushed out the way avoiding being hit by both the bullet and the semi-truck.

I landed on a few trash bags with my eyes closed in fear, and when opened my eyes I was shocked to see who had just saved me, it was Ayanokōji, he stood over me and asked me if I was okay and if I was hurt, I could barely mumble a word because I was still was shook about my near death experience, I eventually calmed down a bit and told Ayanokōji that I didn't get hurt, Ayanokōji then asked why I she was zoning out while running in the middle of the road, at that moment I couldn't give a decisive answer so I only told Ayanokōji that I didn't know.

Ayanokōji looked around to see where the semi-truck was and saw that it was now through a wall, the next thing we then notice is a few police cars surrounding the truck and one the police officers saw us, he approached us and asked if we were okay to which Ayanokōji responded to him that we were okay, he further informs the officer that the driver almost hit me but he lucky pushed me out the way, the police then brought the both of us to one of their cars so we can sit inside of it, it turned out there was another criminal with a vehicle just like the man that almost drove me over who is also on a high speed Chase.

Me and Ayanokōji sat quietly in the car for a while neither one of us trying to break the awkward silence, about 1hour and 30 minutes went by while the police were trying to find the other criminal, one of the police officers came to the car we were in and I'm guessing he saw our uniforms because he gave us a suggestion to stay off the roads just to be safe on our way back to school, me and Ayanokōji agreed to the officers suggestion and walked the long way back to school, but when we arrived the last bell had already rung so we decided wait for everyone here."

Rias with a blank like expression then suddenly has tears falling down her face as walks forward and hugs Irina and Ayanokōji, she apologizes to Ayanokōji for wrongly accusing him and also thanks him for saving Irina's life and tells them to be more careful about where they go.

Ayanokōji with a steady voice assures Rias that they'll be more careful and cautious about the circumstances of their surroundings

To which Irina agrees to by nodding her head

Rias then releases the both of them then offers Ayanokōji to join them and have dinner with them tonight as a thank you for saving both Asia and Irina's lives.

Ayanokōji on the other hand denies Rias's special offer

"I appreciate the offer very much President but you don't need to thank me, because I'm only doing what I promised you I'd be to you President and that's being useful to you, and besides I already have plans for tonight that can't be cancelled so I'm gonna have to denie your offer" (Ayanokōji calmly rejects Rias's offer)

Ayanokōji then bids everyone a fair well as walks off, everyone just stands in amazement of what Ayanokōji has done for them in the short time they've known him, despite him not even knowing him for a full month.

Despite his short time with the members of the house of Gremory, Ayanokōji already seems to be leaving great impressions on everyone, especially one.

Back at Issei's home Akeno has just finished telling Asia how Ayanokōji saved her life, Asia's face immediately changes red out of embarrassment as she sits at the dinner table speechless, Issei yells at Akeno for telling her what Ayanokōji did and that he is trying to forget it, Akeno starts Laughing and asks why shouldn't she and that it was one of the most romantic sites she has seen in a long time and that the big green light shining from their kiss was just spectacular and probably more romantic then his and Rias's first kiss

This is something that makes Rias mad so she yells at Akeno for her childish comperations, Akeno giggles to herself then tells Asia that she and Ayanokōji would make a adorable couple, but immediately Issei cuts the conversation right there and tells Akeno that it will never happen,

"Ayanokōji may have saved Asia by kissing her but further then that is off limits" (Issei overprotectively comes to Asia's aid)

Everyone at the dinner starts to laugh at laugh Issei's overprotectiveness over Asia,

"You sure are a hero when it comes to another man trying to pull something Asia it makes me wonder how you would act if it was Rias in that situation"

Rias suddenly chokes on her food after Akeno finishes talking

Issei doesn't back down to Akeno trying to bring awkwardness to the table so he then tells her that he would do the same for Rias as well, Issei's words makes Rias start dramatically blushing to the point where her whole face is now red.

Akeno decides to change the subject and brings up another topic, she asks Irina how it feelt like to be saved by a 'real life superman'

Irina looks at Akeno in Question

"Hey Akeno what do you mean by that??"

Akeno once again starts giggling to herself

"You know exactly what I'm talking, your superman that's named Ayanokōji" (Akeno playfully teases Irina)

Irina chokes on her food and asks Akino why she would say such a thing

"But it's true isn't it, he saved you just at the last moment like superman would, but in a romantic way" (Akeno continues playing with Irina)

Irina tells Akeno that she is greatful that Ayanokōji saved her but says that he isn't her type

"What a shame and I thought you guys would look cute together, Ayanokōji is a fairly decent looking guy and could probably treat you right"

Irina once again denies as she begins bitting down on her steak, Akeno once again tries playfully tempting Irina into falling for Ayanokōji but after she sees that Irina's mind is made up she then moves on to Rossweisse, Rossweisse get's caught off guard at Akeno now trying to hook her up with Ayanokōji but just like Irina she just nicely declines the offer

Akeno on the other hand doesn't stop teasing Rossweisse and insteads tries to persuade her

"Come on Rossweisse this is Ayanokōji we're talking about, you know the boy that saved Asia, I bet you wouldn't mind if a boy with that nice a face be your first boyfriend"

Filled with embarrassment Rossweisse starts blushing while covering her faces and shaking her head

Rias All of a sudden starts chuckling to herself

"Akeno I must say I never saw you like this before, you never even acted like this when you were always teasing Issei, could it be that someone else may have fallen on your to do list of romantical choices?"

Akeno suddenly pauses for a few seconds before answering Rias's question

"I actually don't know, now that you put it like that Rias, Issei has always seemed like a man I'd admire till the day I die because he still is don't get me wrong, but if we're talking about Ayanokōji, we'll he's just different, the last time I talked to Ayanokōji was last week during break, we talked about the best romantic settings where we would take our significant others and Ayanokōji gave a beautiful description of one that instantly made me feel like I wanted to be at that setting, but the funny thing I realised when I was thinking about his beautiful description is that I never imagined being there with Issei but instead with Ayanokōji"

Everyone by the table is left speechless at what Akeno just said

"But what about Issei? Are you really gonna break his heart just like that by telling us that you might like another man?" (Zenovia confusedly tells Akeno trying)

"Yeah Issei is probably feeling pretty bummed, on the other hand I feel that Akeno and Ayanokōji wouldn't be a bad match" (Koneko says joining in on the fray)

"Akeno you should watch out what you say more, now you got Issei looking all sad over there" (Irina tells Akeno)

"Poor Issei, come on guys I'm pretty sure Akeno still might have feelings for him" (Rossweisse tries convincing everyone that Akeno hasn't lost hope for Issei)

"YOU KNOW I CAN HEAR YOU GUYS RIGHT!!!!!!?" (Issei annoyedly shouts out)

"My heart will always be with Issei till the day I die, but his heart is currently with Rias at the moment so I respect that but as far as me falling for someone else like Ayanokōji remains even a mystery to me, I guess I'll have to let fate decide whether or not that'd be a possibility" (Akeno says with a light smile across her face)

Surprised at Akeno's strange confession Rias tells her with a warm smile on her face that if that is how she feels about him then she should probably admit her feelings to him and see what he thinks, Rias also tells her that Ayanokōji would be a great man for her and that she trusts him after everything he did for them today. Everyone else nods in respect and agreement to Rias's statement.

Dinner continues on for a while

After they finish eating, Kiba decides to call it a night and head home he tells everyone goodnight they all give him one back before he leaves

As Kiba now walks to his home, he starts to think to himself on how amazing Ayanokōji is, while thinking of how much he did for them in just one day. Kiba then starts getting flashbacks to the last time they spared together

"What was that day really about and what was the real nature behind Ayanokōji wanting to spare with me, when that match ended he mysterious told me that we'd never do it again, it all feels so strange, I can't figure that guy out."(Kiba questions the recent events in his inner monologue)