
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasi
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96 Chs

Wolf Hunt Task Part-2

East Path of the Gruesome Forest

As Chase and Ava walked along the weathered and partially demolished dirt path, they encountered a fork of two dirt paths.

"Look, there are two paths," Chase said, feeling exasperated with their predicament. "What should we do?"

Ava glanced at the diverging trails and pondered for a moment. "Perhaps we should split up and each take a different path," she suggested, her voice filled with determination.

However, Chase hesitated, concerned about the potential dangers of separating. "I'm not sure if that's a safe idea," he voiced his apprehension. "It could be dangerous for us to go alone."

'But I like this idea, it will be faster, I will be safe"Ava said, Displaying self-assurance and belief in the idea.

"Are you sure?"Chase asked worriedly.

Ava nodded her head to chase.

"But I have faith in myself, and don't you believe I'll be safe," Ava responded, radiating confidence and conviction.

Chase contemplated the situation, realizing that Ava would eventually need to rely on her own abilities. "Alright, I trust you," he acquiesced, maintaining his confidence despite any doubts. "Let's agree to meet back here quickly. If one of us doesn't return within a couple of hours, we'll initiate a search."

With that, Chase set off on the southeast path, while Ava embarked on the northeast trail, both following their chosen routes.

Ava's Perspective

Walking along the northeast path, Ava's senses sharpened, alert to the presence of wolves drawn by the lingering scent of Chase's blood and the recently slain grey wolf.


The haunting sound of multiple wolf howls echoed through the forest.

"They're all around me," Ava remarked, her alertness raised as she scanned her surroundings.

In the dim forest light, Ava spotted numerous pairs of glowing eyes observing her every move.

"Grr!" The wolves growled in unison, their menacing growls echoing through the air.

"Come on, I'm here waiting for you!" Ava defiantly called out, projecting a louder and more assertive tone.

Finally, the wolves emerged from the depths of the forest, seven of them slowly and ferociously making their way toward Ava.

Ava unsheathed her axe, tightening her muscles as she assumed an offensive stance.

"There are seven of them, and I need to find a way to defeat them without being overwhelmed," Ava thought, suppressing her fear and strategizing for long-term endurance and stamina.

One wolf suddenly lunged at her, its fangs still stained with the blood of its recent kill. Ava swiftly evaded the attack, dodging to the left and then countering with a decisive slice to the wolf's neck. Blood spurted from the wound, dyeing the ground crimson.

As Ava turned her attention to another wolf, she adjusted her tactics on the fly, switching to a defensive stance. With her axe held before her body, she deflected the incoming paws of the wolf.

"Ahh!" Ava grunted as she struggled against the wolf's strength, the force pushing her back.

Unbeknownst to her, another wolf approached from behind. Reacting with reflexive agility, Ava somersaulted over the first wolf, flinging her axe into the second wolf's head midair. Gracefully landing back on the ground, she swiftly dispatched the injured wolf.

But as Ava focused on her victories, she failed to notice the wolf's claw slashing her shoulder. Pain shot through her, and she let out a cry of anguish. Amidst the onslaught of the remaining five wolves converging upon her, Ava thought, 'Chase, help me!'

'No, I must prove that I can survive on my own,' she resolved, undergoing a self-reflection.

Blood trickled from her wound, staining her clothes and adding to her determination. She ran her hand across the bloodied shoulder, observing the crimson liquid in her palm.

"Thump. Thump."

Her heart pounded loudly, its rapid beats resounding in her ears.

"Thump. Thump."

A surge of fear coursed through her veins, accompanied by the physical sensations of pain.

Then, a rush of vivid and detailed memories flooded Ava's mind. She experienced past events as if they were happening in the present.

With a sudden movement of raising her head, her eyes turned vertical, resembling those of a cat. Four whisker-like lines appeared on each cheek, and her canines sharpened.

"You damned wolves!" Ava shouted, her voice filled with seething hatred and her eyes radiating a wave of intense anger that caused birds to take flight from the surrounding trees.

The wolves looked on, stunned and fearful, as they realized the transformation that had taken place. Realizing their imminent defeat, they turned to flee.

Ava dropped her axe, her foot slammed against the ground, causing it to crack as she launched herself toward the retreating wolves. Her mind was consumed by a single goal – to eliminate every last one of them.

Moving with unparalleled speed, Ava struck with her claws, slicing through one wolf's neck effortlessly. She swiftly turned, leaping into the air landing onto another wolf and slamming it to the ground, ending its life.

"Ha, ha!" Ava laughed with a mix of happiness, evilness, and hysteria, relishing in her newfound power.

The last three wolves realized there was no escape and turned to face Ava, bracing themselves for a final stand.

"Do you truly believe you can win?" Ava taunted with a playful smile, mocking the wolves and projecting an air of superiority.

The wolves slowly backed away, sensing the futility of their resistance.

Undeterred, Ava launched herself forward once more. She sliced one wolf's face, cleaving it in half, and kicked another in the underbelly, sending it flying through the air, its entrails spilling out. The final wolf lunged forward to bite Ava, but she swiftly grabbed its head, locking it in a vice grip.

"In your next life, think before you attack me," Ava hissed into the wolf's ear, tightening her grip until the wolf's neck snapped, ending its life.

Releasing her hold on the wolf, Ava dropped to the ground, and her nails, fangs, and whiskers gradually receded into her body.

A wave of exhaustion washed over her, and Ava's mind resurfaced, the world around her coming back into focus. Before she succumbed to unconsciousness, her final thought was of Chase.

Chase's Perspective

Chase treaded down the southeast path, his eyes sharp and alert.

Soon enough, he came face to face with a pack of eight wolves blocking his way.

"It appears you've all decided to come to me," Chase stated confidently, projecting a self-assured expression.

"Grr!" The eight wolves growled menacingly at him.

"Don't bare your fangs at me if you can't back it up," Chase retorted, maintaining an open and confident stance.

Two wolves lunged toward Chase, baring their sharp teeth. He flexed his muscles and swiftly drew his spear from his back, his expression snarling.

As the wolves closed in, Chase struck with multiple thrusts, impaling one wolf's head while the other narrowly evaded his attack.

"Don't back away. Come forward!" Chase taunted the wolves, goading them to face him head-on.

One wolf, driven by its instincts, lunged and sank its teeth into Chase's forearm, drawing blood. Ignoring the searing pain, Chase swiftly struck the wolf's skull with the butt of his spear, forcing it to release its grip.

Undeterred, Chase engaged in a flurry of intense action. He dispatched another wolf with a well-placed thrust, impaling its chest and extinguishing its life.

"Flap! Flap!"

Chase and the wolves turned their attention to the sound of wings flapping, drawing their gaze upward, and spotting multiple birds.

'What's going on?' Chase wondered, uncertainty clouding his mind.

While Chase pondered, the wolves, perceiving his distraction, seized the opportunity. Three of them lunged towards him. With practiced anticipation, he battled two wolves quickly killing them, Chase sidestepped, evading the snapping jaws of one wolf with lightning speed. Seizing the moment, he swiftly thrust his spear, aiming for the wolf's flank. The spear found its mark, inflicting a true strike. A howl of pain filled the air as the injured wolf retreated, its fur stained with blood.

"Ahh!" Chase winced in pain, feeling the throbbing in his forearm.

Examining his wound, Chase noticed only two small fang holes, indicating that the bite wasn't too deep.

Flicking the blood off his spear, Chase used his spear to cut and extract the fangs and claws from the dead wolves.

With a worried glance towards Ava's direction, he muttered, "I hope you're alright, Ava," hoping for her well-being, before resuming back down the dirt path.

Returning to the designated meeting spot, Chase discovered Ava's absence. Initially thinking she might have taken longer to kill the wolves, he patiently waited.

Thirty minutes passed, and Chase's restlessness grew, pacing back and forth "Where is Ava?" he muttered aloud, plagued by racing thoughts.

"She should have been here a long time ago," Chase fretted, sensing the weight of and impending danger.

Without further delay, Chase dashed down the path in search of Ava.

After a couple of minutes, Chase stumbled upon Ava, lying ontop of a dead wolf and surrounded by other lifeless wolves.

"Ava!" Chase exclaimed, struggling to comprehend the situation before him.

Rushing to her side, Chase carefully lifted her from the wolf's body, attempting to awaken her.

"Oh my, no, Ava," Chase lamented in disbelief, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and despair.