
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
96 Chs

War! Part-3

The sun blazed high in the sky, casting its scorching rays upon the land below, igniting the battlefield with an inferno of light. The clash of arms erupted like thunder, as weapons met with a resounding clang, releasing a flurry of dazzling sparks that danced like fiery sprites, Amidst the symphony of warfare, a chorus of battle cries and agonized screams echoed through the air.

The battlefield below lay scattered with the broken bodies of dead knights, a haunting memory of all knight's sacrifices, shattered weaponry, lay scattered across the ground, bearing witness to the price paid for glory. The armor of both the Blue Eagle Knights and the Green Griffin Knights shimmered brilliantly under the sun's.

The scent of blood, mingling with the sun's oppressive heat, wafted through the air, tainting the atmosphere with a metallic tang that clung to the senses. As the warmth from the sun's rays combined with the gentle breeze, it created an eerie symphony, spreading the scent of blood and dead bodies, across the field like a haunting melody.

Amid the war, Luke, adorned in gleaming armor, His grip on the morning star, The iron ball, studded with black spikes, crackled with a magical aura.

With every step, the ground tremble beneath Luke's feet, His heart pounded in his chest, the sun's relentless heat beat down upon Luke's gleaming armor, adding to the intensity of the moment.

With each swing of his morning star mace, Luke unleashed a devastating blow upon the green griffin knights. The iron ball, studded with sharp spikes, whirled through the air with a menacing hiss, as if it hungered for the taste of the green griffin knight's flesh. As it connected with the knight's target, a resounding thud reverberated through the battlefield, accompanied by bone-crushing crunches and the anguished cries of those unfortunate enough to face the morning star mace.


"This guy is too big for us to properly land a hit on him!"

Luke bashed the knight out of the way as he arrived at another, he swiftly brought his morning star mace down in an overhead arc, aiming for the knight's shoulder. The spiked ball connected with a powerful impact, sending shards of shattered armor flying and destroying the knight inside causing the knight to instantly die.

With a deft twist of his wrist, Luke swung his morning star mace horizontally, aiming for another knight's midsection. The spiked spikes tore through steel armor, leaving deep gashes and leaving the enemy gasping for breath as he slam down onto the knight's head crushing it and sending brains flying onto him slowly dropping off Luke's armor.

"Who is this guy he is too powerful" A knight shouted in panic as his other knight surrounded Luke.

Luke moved forward he infused his warpower energy onto his mace ball, Spotting an opening in the knight's defense, Luke unleashed a rapid series of strikes. His morning star mace became a blur as he struck with precision, each blow finding its mark killing the knight on the first strict, with Luke's height, long-arm body he managed to block all attacks.

"What do we do he has his defense on lock there is no opening"A knight shouted in panic.

As another knight attempted to parry a strike, Luke twisted his wrist and changed the angle of attack. The spikes on his morning star mace caught the edge of the knight's weapon, causing it to veer off course and leaving their flank vulnerable to a swift follow-up strike, but another knight came to the side of Luke, as he managed to slash at Luke's arm bringing a small cut dripping black-colored blood.

"Haha, I got him!"The knight cheer.

"What that heel!, why is his blood black?"

Luke quickly wiped away his black blood, as he keep moving with every swing he grunted kicking the dead knight aside, continuing to move forward with his armor stained with blood, With every swing of his morning star mace, he shattered shields, destroy armor, and sent knight's sprawling to the ground in a whirlwind of pain and disarray.

Another knight ran up to Luke, Sensing an opportunity, Luke feigned a high swing with his morning star mace, baiting the knights into raising their shields. With a quick adjustment, he pivoted and swept his mace low, striking the unprotected legs, the sound of bone breaking and sending the knights crashing to the ground.

The weight and momentum of the weapon combined with Luke's immense strength and speed, rendering his enemies helpless in his path, as it destroys its head sending it flying, destroying their chest as the knight dropped, destroying their leg crippling the knight continued forward without getting exhausted.

On the other side was Alex, Amidst the raging chaos of the battlefield, laughing happily as he dash through the Green Griffin Knights slashing them.

Alex lunged forward, extending his sword with precision, aiming for the knight's chest. The blade sliced through the air, finding its mark and leaving a deep gash through the knight's armor, onto the chest eliciting a cry of pain.


With a contemptuous sneer, Alex mocked the Green Griffin Knights, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Is this the best you can muster? Worthless attempts against a knight of my caliber? Pathetic."

As he swung his sword, Alex's movements were marked by a flourish, each strike accompanied by a condescending remark. "Your pitiful defense is no match for my skills. Yield now, and perhaps I'll spare you the embarrassment of further defeat."

"Do you really think you are so powerful"

"We will kill you"

Green griffin knight keeps getting angry and annoyed at Alex's taunting.

With a fluid motion, Alex executed a swift diagonal slash, arcing HIS sword from high to low. The blade connected with the kights arm, severing through flesh showing the knight's white bone, causing them to drop their weapon in agony.

Stepping forward, Alex unleashed a series of rapid thrusts in a group of green griffin knights, each aimed at different vulnerable points on their bodies. The sword danced through the air, puncturing defenses and leaving behind a trail of shallow wounds.

Alex stopped then raised his hand signaling to Archer in the back.

"Archer ready!"Alex shouted.

All archers raised their bows from Alex's signal to the sky and some down toward the knight on the ground.

Alex dropped his and toward the green griffin knights"Archer, Fire!"



Thousand of arrows flew into the air and then came back down at a very fast speed, piercing Green Griffin Knight in the head, arm, and body, the archer keep reloading and the firing of arrows continued.

Alex dashed forward "Come experience Azure Whirlwind" Alex with a series of swift and fluid sword strikes, His sword speed creates a small swirling vortex of golden energy, tearing through the knights with a cyclone of devastating force, sending blood, leg, and arms into the air.


Alex's swordsmanship was a display of showmanship, his blade dancing through the air in an ostentatious display of skill. With each strike, he belittled knights, taunting them with disdainful words. "Your attacks lack finesse. I expected a challenge, not this feeble attempt at combat."

As Alex cut multiple knights' heads off their bodies, "Let go Azure Aerial Charge." Alex leap into the air with incredible height and speed



Closing the distance of the knight's in a breathtaking display. As he descended upon them Alex unleash a flurry of powerful sword thrusts, As multiple small holes and cuts appeared, on the knights, faces, eyes, and armor the scene strikes fear into the hearts of the green griffin knights.

"Ahh, My face"

Alex reveled in his perceived superiority, deflecting blows with effortless grace and delivering precise strikes, Each successful strike was met with an arrogant proclamation. "You thought you could defeat me? Such naivety. I'm untouchable, I'm a knight of the all-powerful maeson family."

As the green griffin knight fought fiercely trying to turn back the tide of the battle, Alex's confidence remained unshaken.

Alex kicked a knight that manage to slash his armor, "You dare touch me" Noticing an opening, Alex spun on his heel, twirling his sword in an elegant motion. As they completed the turn, their blade connected with the knight's neck clean, causing blood to spray into the air, as the knight's body swayed before dropping onto the ground.

Alex parried an incoming attack, redirecting the knight's sword away. With a quick follow-up, he executed a precise thrust, driving the point of their sword into the knight's shoulder, causing them to grimace in pain as Alex brought his sword up through the shoulder slicing the knight's face in half showing the all-bone and flesh.

"Ahh!"The knight brought his hand up touching his face terrified before dropping down dead.

Two knights saw what happened and quickly drop their weapons.

"Wait please spare us," The green griffin knight said in a panic as there pleaded for their lives.

Alex lowed his sword, the corner of his mouth being lifted slightly"Oh why?, would I"

The two knights looked at each other and nodded.

"Well we can help you fight"

"You guys aren't very strong, So my answer is"Alex looked at the knight with a piercing gaze"No"

As Alex finished he quickly swung his sword at the knight's head cutting them clean off as blood sprayed out into the air, their bodies swayed until they fell onto the ground

"Haha!" Alex laughed evilly.

Alex's arrogance fueled his fighting spirit, propelling him to push his limits and seek out the most formidable opponents. He craved recognition, craving a challenger worthy of his skills. "Is there no one among you who can match my might? Where are the true knights, worthy of facing me?"

With every step, every swing of his sword, Alex exuded a disdainful air.

As the battle raged on, Alex's arrogant words echoed across the battlefield, leaving the green griffin knights, filled with anger and determination. Whether he would be humbled or continue his reign of arrogance, only the flow of the battle and the future would reveal.