
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasi
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96 Chs

Trial Of Shadows Part-3

Chase and Ava find themselves in a dimly lit, labyrinthine hallway, the air heavy with tension. The corridor is shrouded in darkness, and their senses are heightened as they cautiously proceed.

"Look, Ava. What are those?" Chase whispers to Ava, his voice barely audible in the eerie silence.

They come face to face with a group of shadowy figures, their forms shifting and fading in and out of the darkness. It becomes clear that these shadowy figures.

"I don't know," Ava replies uncertainly, studying the shadowy figures. "But they seem to be guarding something."

The shadowy figures, are guards of some sort, standing watch over the hallway.

"Since this trial is about stealth, we have to use stealth," Chase suggests. "Our best bet is to navigate past them without being detected."

"Alright, Chase. Stealth shall be our best option. Let's try to blend into the shadows and exploit their blind spots," Ava agrees, nodding.

They carefully observe the movements of the shadow guards, analyzing their patterns and timing. Each step they take is calculated, making sure to stay hidden in the shadows and avoid the guards' line of sight.

"I'll go first, Chase. Keep an eye on the nearest shadow's movements," Ava whispers, slowly moving forward.

"Okay, Ava, but be swift and stay low," Chase advises, his voice filled with caution. "We cannot afford to be detected."

The shadows glide through the hallway, their attention focused on their surroundings. Chase and Ava must find opportunities to move unnoticed, using their knowledge of the shadows to their advantage.

Ava gracefully navigates the labyrinthine hallway, her footsteps barely making a sound as she moves with cat-like agility. She hides in the shadows, using her acute awareness to avoid the guards' line of sight.

"Wait, Ava! The shadows are turning this way," Chase warns, his voice filled with urgency.

Ava freezes, barely daring to breathe as the shadow's dark gaze sweeps the area. Her body blends seamlessly with the darkness, rendering her nearly invisible. The shadow's pass by, oblivious to Ava's presence.

"That was close. Thanks for the warning, Chase," Ava says, exhaling with relief.

"We're always in this together, Ava. Let's keep going," Chase reassures her with a faint smile.

Chase and Ava continue forward stealthily, each step carefully calculated. They utilize their knowledge of the terrain and the shadows' blind spots, maneuvering through the shadows like phantoms.

"There, Ava. We can hide in that alcove. When the sentinels pass by, we'll continue along the path," Chase points out a dark alcove, their temporary sanctuary.

"Agreed, Chase. We must try to synchronize our movements and time it perfectly," Ava whispers to Chase, emphasizing the importance of coordination.

They wait for the shadows to draw nearer, their hearts pounding in their chests. As the first sentinel approaches, Chase and Ava slip into the alcove, blending seamlessly into the darkness.

"Stay silent, Ava. Breathe lightly. We must not give ourselves away," Chase advises his voice barely a whisper.

The shadows pass by, their presence fading into the distance. Chase and Ava emerge from the alcove, moving silently along the hallway, hugging the dark wall as they continue their stealthy journey.

"Remember, Chase. Patience is key. We must wait for the right moment to proceed," Ava whispers, her voice barely audible.

"Okay, Ava. I got it. We must continue to remain unseen, exploiting their blind spots and moving precisely," Chase nods, understanding the importance of patience and precision.

They navigate through the dark hallway, their movements were calculated and deliberate. Each step is placed with care, avoiding the creaking floorboards and any unnecessary noise that could betray their presence. They use the darkness to their advantage, blending seamlessly into the shadows and evading the guards' gaze.

"Chase, there's a narrow corridor ahead. We can slip through undetected if we time it right," Ava observes, her eyes scanning their surroundings.

"Let's try to move swiftly, Ava. We must train our stealth and become one with the darkness," Chase suggests, his focus unwavering.

They quicken their pace, their footsteps light and barely audible. As they reach the narrow corridor, they time their movement to perfection, slipping through the tight space without making a sound, leaving the sentinels none the wiser as they enter another hallway.

"Chase, do you feel that? Something's not right," Ava whispers, her senses tingling with unease.

"I sense it too, Ava. The shadows seem restless suddenly," Chase nods, his eyes darting around.

As Chase and Ava continue forward, the shadows surrounding them start to writhe and twist, taking on long, arm-like appendages with sharp claws. Sinister forms float in the air, reaching out towards them.

"Chase, the shadows... they're following us!" Ava exclaims, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and urgency.

"Stay close, Ava. We mustn't let them engulf us," Chase declares, determination etched on his face.

Chase and Ava, quicken their pace, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. They weave through the dark hallways, desperately seeking a way out. The shadows pursue them relentlessly, their forms elongating and reaching out as if to ensnare them.

"They're getting closer, Chase! We need to find a way to escape!" Ava shouts, her voice tinged with panic.

"Keep moving, Ava!" Chase commands, his voice firm and resolute.

With a burst of determination, Chase and Ava push themselves further, dodging and evading the encroaching shadows. They take sharp turns, ducking into alcoves, and using their agility to stay one step ahead.

"We're almost there, Ava! Don't give up!" Chase encourages, his voice filled with unwavering determination.

"Stay focused! We'll make it through!" Ava responds, panting for air but refusing to falter.

Finally, they spot a faint glimmer of light ahead, a sign of an exit from the treacherous hallway. With renewed strength, they sprint towards it, their movements fueled by desperation.

As they reach the threshold of the exit, the shadows lunge, stretching out to ensnare them. But with a final burst of agility, Chase and Ava manage to slip through, narrowly escaping their clutches.

They collapse onto the ground just outside the hallway, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. The shadows recede, returning to their passive state as if nothing had happened.

"We... we made it, Chase," Ava says, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and relief.

"Our stealth paid off, Ava. We outwitted them," Chase says, a faint smile on his face, acknowledging their success.

"We're becoming quite the shadows ourselves," Chase adds, his voice filled with pride as they reflect on their accomplishment.