
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

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Goblin Hunt

Chase and Ava ventured through the dense forest, their eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of movement. The foliage created an eerie atmosphere, amplifying their sense of caution. The foliage seemed to stretch out like ghostly arms, reaching for them as they ventured further into the forest, and the whispering leaves added a haunting soundtrack to their cautious steps

Breaking the silence, Chase inquired, "How should we approach the goblins? Should we ambush them or charge in?"

Ava furrowed her brow, taking a moment to ponder Chase's question. "Considering goblins usually move in groups, I think ambushing them would be our best bet. We should also be wary of other monsters that might inhabit this forest," she replied, a hint of concern in her voice.

Ava quickly devised a clever plan. "I have an idea. Let's use our silver weapons to lure them in. Remember what we learned at the academy about different monsters and their weaknesses? I believe this approach could work." she said, recalling the information they had learned during their studies.

Chase's memory flickered with recognition. Ava's suggestion triggered his recollection of a beast book they had studied at the academy. "Ah, yes! Goblins like a lot of silver, and gold," he recalled the relevant details.

As they conversed, Chase and Ava suddenly heard voices speaking an unknown language accompanied by a dragging noise. "Hide," Chase urgently whispered, The goblin chatter echoed through the forest like mischievous giggles, signaling their approach.

Swiftly, Chase pulled Ava in front of him, sheltering her behind a large tree. They peered out from their hiding spot and caught sight of four green creatures, about three feet tall, approaching them. The goblins wore ragged clothing, displaying short teeth, long noses, sharp fingers, and pointed ears. One of them brandished a steel short sword, while the other carried an old, rusty blade.

"Goblins," Ava whispered softly.

"It seems we won't need to set up an ambush. They've come straight to us," Chase whispered back, his voice barely audible. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him they had intended to lay a clever trap, but fate had played its hand differently.

"But how can we dispatch them quickly and quietly?" Chase questioned, seeking Ava's input once again because they can no longer lay a trap.

"I've already thought of that. We can use my speed to swiftly eliminate one of them, but the other will be up to you. Freya mentioned using war power energy to sever their ears, so we can attack them normally and then cut off their ears using war power energy," Ava suggested.

Ava's strategic plan impressed Chase, and he nodded in agreement. "The color of our energy does seem to hold some significance. You're quite smart," he complimented her, recognizing her intelligence and resourcefulness of her lavender color.

Ava smiled, appreciating the praise. "Thank you," she replied, the encouragement fueling her determination.

"When I nod at you, count to three, and then attack," Ava instructed, laying out the plan with precision. Chase nodded in understanding, his focus shifting to the imminent challenge that lay ahead.

Chase's determination shone in his eyes as he affirmed, "I understand. I'm ready."

Ava, acknowledging the significance of their mission, nodded in approval. Her keen eyes scanned their surroundings, and she spotted a sturdy tree branch overhead.

"Boost me up onto that branch," Ava requested, knowing that a strategic vantage point would provide her with an advantage in observing the area and planning their next move.

Chase swiftly moved to assist her, cupping his hands together to create a stable platform for her foot and Ava repeated the action with her other foot. Chase slowly and steadily lifted her up above his head.

'Should I look up?' Chase wondered but quickly dismissed the thought. 'No, I need to focus for now,' he reminded himself.

With a powerful thrust, Chase lifted her up onto the branch, showcasing his strength and agility. Ava ascends the tree. She hugged the trunk and began to climb onto the desired branch.

Meanwhile, Chase took the opportunity to examine the goblins' statistics:

- Short Goblin-

-Beast Rank: Lesser-

- Level: 3

- HP: 120

- Strength: 11

- Agility: 9

- Physique: 5

- Skills: Bite, Claw

Having studied the information, Chase saw Ava nodding at him, axe in hand. He reciprocated the gesture.

"'One... Two... Three!' Ava leaped off the branch silently, aiming her axe at the goblin's head. The impact shook the tree, casting an eerie glow on her as the moonlight filtered through the dense foliage. The sound of Ava's axe meeting the goblin's skull resonated through the forest, green slime-blood splattering across her face. She fell to the ground, accompanied by the lifeless goblin.

Simultaneously, Chase sprinted forward, thrusting his spear into the goblin's head, impaling it. Another goblin approached from behind, prompting Chase to swiftly withdraw his spear and swing it, shattering the rusty blade and cleaving into the goblin's skull, instantly ending its life.

-Congratulations on your first kill!- a voice from the system announced. -Reward: Intuitive Combat.-

-Congratulations on killing a level-3 short goblin! : 30 Knight Point,- the system added.

"So, this is what the system meant by getting stronger through killing to level up," Chase mused, momentarily ignoring the system's prompt. Surprisingly, he didn't feel repulsed by the act of killing or the sight of blood. Perhaps it was because these were monsters, unfamiliar and separate from human life.

Chase's concern for Ava's well-being was evident as he inquired, "Are you alright?" His gaze shifted towards the remaining two dead goblins, aware that their mission was not yet fully complete.

But Ava was already on her feet, displaying her characteristic resilience. With swift and precise movements, she dispatched the last goblin, leaving no room for hesitation or doubt. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice steady and composed despite the recent battle. The green blood on her face bore witness to her fierce determination.

Ava's practical approach took over as she suggested, "Here, let's each take two goblin ears, so cut them off using a small amount of war power energy," offering her axe to Chase for the task.

Chase and Ava knelt down, infused a small amount of war power energy into their axe blades, and cleanly severed the goblins' ears. Even with the minimal amount of energy, the ground beneath them bore the mark of the cut.

Once the goblin ears were secured in their brown satchels, Ava proposed a plan. "We should hurry and set up an ambush for any other goblins that come searching for their companions. What do you think?" she asked Chase.

"Alright, tell me your plan," Chase responded, fully engaged.

Ava proceeded to outline her strategy, and together, they moved the goblins' bodies and positioned their weapons, firmly embedding them in the tree. With their preparations complete, Ava climbed back up into the tree, while Chase concealed himself behind another tree trunk. They patiently awaited the arrival of more goblins.

After twenty minutes of vigilance, Chase and Ava detected the sound of goblin chatter, and six goblins appeared from the same direction as before.

"They've come for the weapons," Ava noted.

The goblins noticed the steel weapon lodged in the tree and grew excited, chattering among themselves.

"Ra, Kar!" they exclaimed, hopping excitedly but falling short of their goal because chase stuck the sword in the tree higher than the goblins can reach.

Undeterred, the goblins resorted to communicating in their language.

"La, Ta, Ra!" they called out.

The goblins began climbing on top of one another, attempting to reach the weapon.

Ava leaped from the tree, her movements swift and agile like a hunting panther, her axe crashing into the head of one goblin during her descent. Chase emerged from behind the goblins, his spear at the ready, and cleanly severing another goblin's head. With a swift turn, he swung his spear at the remaining goblin, slicing it in half. Simultaneously, Ava hurled her axe, striking the final goblin's head and ending its life.

"Congratulations on killing a level-3 short goblin! : 30 Knight Points," the system announced.

"Nice work. Let's do it again, hopefully with more of them this time," Chase said, his voice filled with anticipation.

Once again, they cut off the goblins' ears and hide the bodies, ready for another potential ambush. They patiently resumed their hiding spots, awaiting the arrival of more goblins.

Thirty minutes passed without any goblins appearing, causing them to grow restless.

"Ava, no more goblins are coming. What should we do now?" Chase asked, concern lacing his voice.

Ava pondered for a moment, her gaze fixed on the direction from which the goblins had repeatedly emerged.

Ava's suggestion to head in the direction the goblins came from resonated with Chase, and he agreed wholeheartedly. "That's a good idea," he acknowledged, recognizing the importance of being proactive and staying ahead of any potential threats.

Ava's keen eye caught sight of the goblins' discarded weapons, and she turned to Chase with a question, "What should we do with these?"

Chase considered their options before responding, "Leave the old and rusty ones, but take the steel sword. We might be able to sell it for coins." His practical mindset saw an opportunity in salvaging the valuable steel weapon, which could be useful in obtaining resources or trading for provisions back at the Blue Eagle Academy.

Chase retrieved the steel sword, and together, they proceeded in the direction from which the goblins had come.

After five minutes of walking, Chase and Ava encountered two more goblins, swiftly dispatching them. Their journey continued until they reached an open area filled with the corpses of seven goblins. Deep gashes marred the trees, evidence of a fierce battle that had taken place.

"Look at all this blood," Ava exclaimed, pointing to a tree where a large red bloodstain, indicating of a human marked the beginning of a trail deeper into the forest.

"It seems a significant fight occurred here, preventing the goblins from reaching us. Someone must have been injured," Chase surmised, analyzing the scene.

"Should we follow the trail and see who it is?" Ava suggested, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, let's go. There might be something valuable for us," Chase agreed, deciding to trace the bloodstained path.

For the next twenty minutes, they followed the trail until they heard the sounds of goblins and someone screaming.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha! Ha!"


Hastening their pace, Chase and Ava arrived at the source of the commotion, discovering a wounded knight classmate lying on the ground. Blood stained their stomach, while eight goblins encircled them, gleefully stomping on their hands.

"What should we do?" Ava asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Hide in the tree until I'm ready," Chase instructed, lifting Ava into the branches.

With determination in his eyes, Chase stepped out into the open.

"Hey, Chase help me" he called out to his classmate, feigning indifference despite the perilous situation.

"Why should I help you," Chase said mockingly.

"What? We're classmates! We should help each other!" the wounded classmate pleaded.

"In the academy, perhaps. But here, in this dangerous forest, survival is every man for himself," Chase responded, his voice laced with a mocking tone and a cold edge.

The classmate appeared stunned by Chase's words, while Ava, hidden in the tree, shared in their surprise, Chase's words were like icicles, piercing the warm cloak of camaraderie and revealing the harsh reality of survival in the forest.

'He's right,' Ava thought to herself. 'Outside the academy, we're no longer classmates. Miss Freya did say we could do anything to survive.' In this unforgiving environment, the survival of each individual depended on their ability to navigate the dangers that surrounded them.

With a sense of urgency, the wounded classmate, shaken by the shift in dynamics, implored, "What do you need from me for you to help?"

Chase's satisfaction was evident as he replied, "Finally using your brain."