
Heller’s Humiliation

Heller was seen carrying Kate in a bridal manner to the prince's chamber. His face was pulled tightly together and reddened from all the anger and rage gathered within him. Heller kept his gaze ahead as he dreaded looking down to see Kate's face. He could not believe that he was carrying the maid like that and it pained him more seeing that he had no option in the matter.

Heller wondered how the prince got wind of what he was doing to Kate. Perhaps, all the yelling she did made someone to report the matter to the prince. On the other hand, Heller didn't foresee the prince caring that much to come to Kate's resuce. He was shocked to his bones when he heard the prince's voice in the store room.

'All because of this nonentity in my hands!' Heller thought. He was irked and pissed that the prince had ordered him to carry Kate. There were servants available for that, but no, the Prince decided to humiliate him.