
I Can’t See!

Mizrak sighed softly. 

"Why are you letting your life revolve around your family and what you desire from them? Do you believe you need them to be happy? Do you believe that when you do all the things you wish to do right now, you will be happy?" 

Logan didn't say a word, but he met the man's hazel eyes. "You wouldn't understand, Mizrak. If you were born into a broken family, perhaps you might. But right now, you can't comprehend how complicated it feels. I don't even understand myself or exactly what I want. I am rather chasing what I think might make me feel good, less angry, and less hurt."  

Mizrak stared at him. "Right, I can't understand because my parents died before I could understand anything, and I grew up in an orphanage. That is why I do everything you want. That is why I'm here with you. But even still, I don't want you to lose yourself or who you are. If you let go, you can be happy and turn your back on all this. But if you don't..." he paused.