
Father? Really?

Lucius took a step forward, but Valerio raised his hand, stopping him.


"Don't come close to me, and please leave; I don't want you here." Valerio stood up from the sofa to walk to his room, but as weak as he was, he nearly fell to the ground. However, Lucius managed to grab a hold of him before he could fall.


"Valerio, I know you do not want to see my face or see me here, but I am only here to help you. Nix told me about your condition and that you are not in a good state now," Lucius said to him.


Valerio slowly blinked his eyes, and without sparing him a glance, he said, "It has nothing to do with you. Please, leave." He broke out of his grip, but Lucius grabbed him by the arm, stopping him.