
A Universal Journey With Unrivaled System

Summary: Alex, a seemingly poor and average student at Rain City High School, is grappling with the weight of his past and the challenges of his present. Having lost his parents just a year ago, he carries the burden of their absence on his young shoulders. Memories of the struggles he has endured, including the tragic suicide of his best friend, constantly haunt him, making it difficult for him to find the motivation to study. Driven by his desires for a better future, Alex stumbles upon a mysterious video that captivates his attention. It unveils the wonders of lucid dreaming and the potential for unlocking hidden abilities within the dream world. Curiosity piqued, Alex decides to give it a try and ventures into the realm of lucid dreaming. To his astonishment, he succeeds in achieving a lucid dream, where he gains control over his actions and surroundings. But when he wakes up, he realizes that something profound has occurred. The dream was not merely a figment of his imagination; it was a catalyst that awakened the dormant power of the Unrivaled system that lay hidden within his soul. With the emergence of the Unrivaled system, Alex's life takes an unexpected turn. He discovers that this system possesses extraordinary capabilities and offers him a chance to transcend his limitations. The system promises unrivaled skills, knowledge, and abilities that can propel him towards success and reshape his destiny. As Alex begins to explore the potential of the Unrivaled system, he realizes that he now has a unique advantage in his pursuit of academic excellence. With less than four months remaining before his crucial college entrance exam, he channels his newfound abilities towards intensive studying, leveraging the system's resources to enhance his understanding and retention of knowledge. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Alex must confront the ghosts of his past, the traumas that still linger within him, and find the strength to overcome them. He faces doubts and insecurities, questioning whether he is truly capable of transforming his life and fulfilling his aspirations. With each step forward, Alex discovers that the Unrivaled system is not just a tool for academic success but a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. As he delves deeper into the system's intricacies, he unravels hidden talents, unlocks new skills, and develops an unyielding determination to prove his worth.

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22 Chs

Chapter 1: The Rain Country and Rain City

The day was radiant, bathed in the warmth of the shining sun and caressed by a gentle, calming breeze. However, amidst this picturesque scene, an entire city found itself engulfed in rain. It seemed as though the bright light of the sun never reached this place, known as the City of Rain. This small, backward city was nestled within the Rain Country, where technology lagged far behind.

Curiously named Rain Country due to its perpetual rainfall regardless of the season, the country's scientists devised an ambitious plan. They used their knowledge to cover the entire nation with a transparent plate that prevented raindrops from reaching the surface. Instead, the rainwater was collected and channeled into a dam, generating electricity. Unfortunately, this seemingly ingenious project had unintended consequences. The government, in its efforts to protect the people, accrued significant debt from seeking outside help. Consequently, the country's progress came to a standstill, leaving it almost 500 years behind its more advanced counterparts.

The youth of Rain Country faced immense challenges, with the exceptionally talented individuals being sent to a relatively advanced region known as the Rain Cloud City. Meanwhile, average students were left to reside in Rain City, the least developed part of the country. Despite the benefits of free and unlimited electricity, which alleviated power shortages and reduced financial burdens, Rain Country struggled to recover from the project's aftermath.

Today was a significant date—August 14, 2069—marking the 18th birthday of our protagonist, Alex. In his intoxicated state, Alex sat on the edge of a tall building, clutching a bottle of alcohol. Tears streamed down his disheveled face, and his handsome features were contorted with anguish.

Alex, burdened by the weight of his past, felt a profound sadness that seemed to envelop his very being. Each passing day had become a relentless cycle of tragedy and loss. His heart ached as he remembered the faces of his loved ones, now forever lost to him. The pain of their absence gnawed at his soul, leaving him shattered and alone.

"Sob... Why?" Alex's voice trembled with despair. "Why must I endure this endless suffering?" He gazed up at the rain-soaked sky, its tears mirroring the torrent of emotions within him. "Every day has been a disaster, a relentless storm that refuses to subside. Even those who were supposed to support me—my friends, my family—have all been snatched away. And my relatives... they were but distant figures, concerned only with their material possessions."

As the alcohol coursed through his veins, momentarily numbing his pain, Alex's tears continued to fall unabated. He clung to the bottle, seeking solace in its deceptive embrace. But in his heart, he knew that the alcohol offered no real comfort, only a temporary respite from the overwhelming sadness that consumed him.

"It's all over... I no longer wish to live," Alex whispered, his voice barely audible amidst the sound of raindrops. He felt a profound emptiness, a void that no amount of tears or alcohol could fill. It seemed as though hope had abandoned him, leaving him adrift in a sea of despair.

As the rain continued to fall relentlessly in the City of Rain, Alex found himself at the precipice of despair, searching for solace in a world that seemed indifferent to his struggles. The weight of his past and the burdens of his present bore down on him, threatening to extinguish the flickering flame of his spirit.Whispers echoed through his mind, haunting him with a profound sadness. The memory of her, the one he couldn't save, pierced his soul. "Remember, Alex, even if I am no longer there to help you navigate life's troubles, you must never give up. You were destined to achieve great heights. Promise me you won't ever contemplate taking your own life. If you do, I will haunt you, be it as a ghost or even from the depths of heaven or hell."

Alex clung to her words, the weight of their meaning crashing over him like a tidal wave. He slowly descended from the edge of the building, casting one last glance at the abyss below. The ground disappeared from sight, swallowed by the unknown depths. "Perhaps... perhaps I should continue living," he murmured, a glimmer of determination igniting in his eyes. With resolve coursing through his veins, he cast the bottle of alcohol aside and made his way back home, the darkness of the night enveloping him.

In Rain City, one of the four divisions of the Rain Kingdom, Alex resided. Among the Rain Cloud City, Rain Dome City, and Rain Dam City, Rain City stood as the least advanced, a place where average and underprivileged individuals sought solace. Though Rain Cloud City boasted greater advancements, it still lagged behind the other three countries.

As an average student attending Rain City High School, Alex found himself in the final year of his high school journey, with a mere 3.5 months left until the college entrance exams. In Rain City, high school students had to pass these exams to secure admission into prestigious universities. The better their scores, the higher the likelihood of attending esteemed institutions like the Divine Rain University in Rain Cloud City. Unfortunately, Alex was only an average student, struggling to pass his previous classes, burdened with backlogs.

His high school curriculum included subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, Computer Science, and Painting. While painting served as his cherished hobby, computer science ignited a fiery passion within him. Alex excelled at coding and had even developed a handful of applications and games. However, his creations failed to garner attention, leaving him unable to monetize his talents.

With tears streaking his face, Alex sought solace in physical exertion, channeling his anguish, pain, and anger into rigorous workouts. Physical activity served as a release valve, allowing him to momentarily escape the grasp of his despair. He embraced calisthenics, finding solace in the graceful movements of his body. Following his intense workout, he cleansed himself with a cold shower, hoping to wash away the emotional turmoil that plagued his existence. Exhausted, he surrendered to the comforting embrace of sleep.