
A Unique Extra Remake

**"A UNIQUE EXTRA"** follows Austin Resford, a once-normal boy who dies in a bus accident, only to be reborn in the world of a web novel he had read as a child. In this strange fantasy world, many possess unique systems, including the hero who holds three powerful ones. Austin awakens in an orphanage, having taken over the body of an unknown boy, with no knowledge of his past. Now, as an extra in a world full of heroes, villains, and hidden powers, Austin must navigate his new life and uncover the secrets of his new identity.

Anime_Guy_2373 · Seni bela diri
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11 Chs

Test Of Teacher Shela 1

I stood outside the office, staring at the door before I finally knocked.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in," a voice called from inside.

I stepped in. "Hello, Teacher Shela."

"Austin?" She raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing in my office? If you needed help with a new magic book from the library, you could've asked me there. You know I'm usually in the library."

"No, Teacher," I said, shaking my head. "I came to ask you something important."

She folded her arms. "Go ahead, then."

"I want to learn Rune Magic."

Her eyes widened, clearly surprised. "Rune Magic? Do you even understand what that is?"

"Rune Magic is dangerous," she warned. "Unlike other forms of magic, it doesn't use a caster's mana. It draws from nature itself. Its power is unmatched, but controlling it is incredibly difficult. It's not something just anyone can learn."

I could see the seriousness in her expression, but I was determined.

"It took me 38 years to reach Master rank," she continued, her tone more intense now. "Do you honestly believe you can just learn Rune Magic so easily, you little brat?"

I smirked, almost expecting this reaction. I knew it would go this way. "Women… sheesh."

But then I felt a shift in my confidence. I'm not just Austin. I'm Alex. I know how to handle women.

A sly grin appeared on my face. "Wait, 38 years? How old were you when you started learning Rune Magic?"

Shela blinked, thrown off for a moment. "I was 17."

"Wow," I said, nodding in admiration. "So, you're over 50 now, and yet you're still so beautiful. How do you do it?"

Her face reddened slightly, a blush creeping into her cheeks. Got her. I could tell she wasn't used to receiving compliments—probably too intimidating for most people to approach.

I thought myself I'm guessing no guy's ever tried to approach her because of her Master No one would dare compliment her because they're afraid. But not me. You deserve to hear the truth, Miss Shela devil smile

I could see her demeanor shift slightly, her tough exterior faltering as my words sank in.

Shela Jeson. The adopted daughter of the Grand Wizard, Lady Agusta Jeson, known as the Madwoman. It was Agusta who had taught Shela Rune Magic, making her one of the few Grandmasters(A Rank) Awakened of Rune Magic in the world. People across the continent feared her because she was nearing a breakthrough—a step away from becoming the first Mythical-ranked Rune Magic user in history.

In the novel, Shela even fought the Demon King head-on. As a Mythical rank, an S-rank, she gave the Legendary-ranked Demon King a fight so fierce that he had to retreat. Although she was severely injured after the battle, the novel never mentioned her death. She had fought one of the strongest beings in the world using Rune Magic—the origin of all magic—and survived.

And I needed to learn that power any how


Miss shela

Ohh Austin sorry I was lost so

You little brat

She glared at me as I complimented her, but it didn't stop her from saying I wasn't ready to learn Rune Magic. According to her, I was still too young, and she wouldn't allow me to risk my life like that. Her eyes became emotional, and I could see the concern in them.

I couldn't understand why she was so against it. But why, Teacher Shela? I know Rune Magic is dangerous, but I also know I can handle it.

She snapped, telling me to stop talking nonsense, saying that my life could be on the line with Rune Magic.

That was when I lost my patience. I was getting irritated, and I couldn't keep my emotions in check anymore. So what if my life is at risk? I yelled, my voice rising with anger. It's my life, and I'm the one risking it. You have no say in the matter. I'm just an orphan, anyway. If I die, it won't matter to anyone. Not even you. I'm alone. No one cares whether I live or die.

She froze, shocked by my words. For a moment, the room was silent. Then, her expression twisted into one of fury, and I could feel the pressure of her aura. You brat, she hissed, her voice trembling with rage.

The weight of her power hit me hard, and I dropped to my knees without thinking. My body felt weak, but my mind raced with thoughts. Does she really think I'm that worthless?

If you think your life is so meaningless, then I'll just kill you myself, she said coldly.

She lifted her fingers, rotating them in the air, and I saw a small fireball begin to form. It wasn't big, just the size of a level 2 or 3 spell, but I could feel its heat as it slowly made its way toward me.

My anger flared up again. Damn it, does she really think I'm that weak? Does she really believe this little fireball will hurt me? That I'm some pushover who can't handle something this basic? I'm not a kid anymore.

Even though I couldn't use magic, my Vajrastava martial arts training had sharpened my body. I wasn't going to let her fireball hit me. No way.

Focusing my energy, I summoned the Ki I had honed through my training. I could feel it in my palm, strong and condensed. I aimed it at the fireball, ready to block it.

I struck the fireball with my Ki-infused palm, and a loud boom echoed in the room. The explosion was powerful enough to send me flying backward. I crashed into the wall, the impact knocking the breath out of me. The fireball had stopped, but I couldn't believe what had just happened.

How could such a small fireball be so powerful? My martial arts core wasn't able to stop it completely, and yet, I hadn't sensed any mana being used.

How is that possible? No mana was used, but that fireball was far stronger than it should've been. It felt like the lowest of low-level spells, something a level 2 magic user could create, but the power behind it was immense. Damn it. This had to be Rune Magic.

I was shocked but I see teacher shela was even more shocked I don't know what she was thinking


I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. The fireball I had cast was merely a level 2 spell, a basic one at that, but it carried the Ignite Rune character. That rune alone made the fireball something no martial artist below level 15 could block head-on. And yet, this boy—this kid—had done it. Was he truly stronger than level 15? No, it couldn't be. And on top of that, he had just used Ki energy. Only awakened heroes at level E or higher can harness Ki energy.

I saw her in daise and then I feel pain puch..

Pain shot through me, but I forced myself to stand. Shela was staring at me like I had done the impossible. That fireball of hers had been no joke, enhanced with a rune. My body was aching, but I had managed to block it using the Ki energy I had been practicing with Vajrastava. Still, I hadn't expected her to be this shocked. Why was she looking at me like that? Did she really think I couldn't handle myself is she really going to kill me that's what I am thinking then.something unexpected happens

She asked me, her voice full of disbelief, if I had just used Ki energy. I nodded through the pain and told her I had made some progress with Vajrastava. I could feel my aura better now, and I knew I was close to a breakthrough. My rank was F+, but soon, I'd be at level 10. That's when her shock deepened.

Level 10, she repeated like it was a big deal. She started muttering about how Vajrastava was an incomplete martial art and that I had made a breakthrough way too fast. Joseph had given me that manual only a few months ago, but I'd already started using Ki energy. Was that so strange

Of course it is a big deal if not because I have Human sage I wouldn't have make it progress to 20% i thought

Before I could process her reaction fully, the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway, rushing toward the office. Joseph was leading the charge, and he barged in, looking between Shela and me. His eyes were wide as he asked what had happened and what had caused the explosion.


Aurthor Ok guys thank you for reading

Please 🙏 give me your opinion about my story


I am a beginner novelist. I have just started writing novels, and this is my first story. I don't know if people will like this novel or not, but I want to complete it. I have thought through all the ideas, and I really want to finish this novel properly. Thank you so much, friends.


If you find anything wrong in my novel, please criticize it.
