
A Unique Extra Remake

**"A UNIQUE EXTRA"** follows Austin Resford, a once-normal boy who dies in a bus accident, only to be reborn in the world of a web novel he had read as a child. In this strange fantasy world, many possess unique systems, including the hero who holds three powerful ones. Austin awakens in an orphanage, having taken over the body of an unknown boy, with no knowledge of his past. Now, as an extra in a world full of heroes, villains, and hidden powers, Austin must navigate his new life and uncover the secrets of his new identity.

Anime_Guy_2373 · Seni bela diri
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11 Chs

New Plan In New World

What is all this? Whose body is this? Two divine abilities, which are quite overpowered, and I can even inherit a system as well. These stats are exceptionally good. Strength, agility, vitality—they're way too high for a 10-year-old.

Even the main character Adam was born with only one divine skill, but his ability is different. Even with these stats, it's still really difficult to become as powerful as Adam because he inherited the systems of three heroes. The reason for inheriting these three systems is because of Demon King Azazal. Azazal possesses the Demon King system, which grants him the ability to inherit the systems of other Demon Kings. He defeated the Seven Sins demons and inherited their powers.

This is why the hero also got three equal systems. The first is the Hero System, inherited from his ancestors, which helps him with martial arts and sword abilities. The second is the Seraph System, which provides holy power to fight demons. The third is the Dragon King System, which was the previous Dragon King's system and grants him the power of five dragons: the Dragon of Fire, the Dragon of Sky, the Dragon of Sea, the Dragon of Strength, and the Dragon of Magic. It was only with the combination of these powers that the hero was able to defeat the Demon King in the end.

If I want to reach the level of Adam and the Demon King, I need a powerful system. I know about many hidden locations of the first generation heroes, but I still need a powerful system.

However, I'm lucky here. This is Rosford country. Don't be confused—Rosford was a powerful first-generation hero, but he was an orphan. Rosford is known as a legendary martial artist who created many powerful martial arts. He established the Rosford Orphanage so that war orphans could live there, and he gave his surname to all the orphaned children. He was a true hero. But unfortunately, his inheritance fell into the wrong hands. It was taken by Sawan, the son of his favorite student, the current king of Rosford country.

Sawan was arrogant and selfish, always jealous of the main character, and in his inferiority, he betrayed humanity and chose the Demon King as his master. He caused a lot of trouble for the main character and even ruled over the entire Dark Continent. With the help of this system, even the Demon King began to fear that Sawan might become stronger than him. But Sawan was eventually killed, and it took five legendary heroes, including the main character, and eight mythical-ranked heroes to take him down.

The hero rankings are as follows: F, E, D, C, B (Master), A (Grandmaster Master), S (Mythical), and S++ (Legendary). So it's decided: I'm not going to live like a normal orphanage kid anymore—someone who, even though had superpowers and divine skills, sat like a fool and settled for a normal and simple life. Now, I have only one aim: I will become the strongest in this world—stronger than any hero, stronger than any demon.

Knock knock.

"Austin, are you okay? Open the gate."

Oh, yes, come in.

Hello, are you okay? Why weren't you paying attention in class? Austin, you're an awakened kid who is very important for the future survival of humanity. You need to take care of yourself."

"Oh, okay, Teacher Shela."

Shela is the dean of our orphanage and also an A-rank (Master rank) awakened. Austin bows his head like an obedient child.

"Good boy. Tomorrow in class, we will start basic mana training, so be prepared for it."

"Okay, Teacher."

Oh yes, tomorrow my mana training will start. Mana training is important for all awakened individuals because through mana training, you can decide whether to choose magic or martial arts. Mana is essential for both. Martial artists store mana in their core, while magicians store it in their heart. It's not that difficult. There are individuals from both sides who have chosen either magic or martial arts, but their limit is usually at the Master or Grandmaster rank. When they reach the peak of the Grandmaster rank and can no longer gain strength, they try to switch from magic to martial arts or from martial arts to magic in order to increase their power.

Mostly, A-rank heroes attempt this. Magic and martial arts have different approaches. Magic helps you manipulate the laws of nature, but for that, you need a lot of focus, control, and knowledge. On the other hand, martial artists need only physical training. They can learn different martial arts techniques, but talent is needed for that as well. Martial artists can manipulate their bodies, increasing their physical strength and endurance using core mana force, which results in powerful blasts. It's similar to Dragon Ball Z characters, but on a lower level, like Master Roshi.

Some super talented individuals practice both magic and martial arts, reaching the legendary rank in both, but this is very rare. Out of the 20 legendary heroes, only five have been able to use both magic and martial arts to reach the legendary rank. I already possess the potential of a magician, which is why I chose Rosford's inheritance, as he was a powerful martial artist. But first, I need to unlock my second divine skill so I can also use the five elements.


Austin enters a large training room. Rosford country is a haven for orphans and awakened orphans, but the children of nobles from Rosford country also study here. Here, children receive proper education, food, and clothing every day. It's one of the ten most powerful countries on the Gia continent. There are 12 continents in total, out of which 5 belong to humans. These are the continents where the 20 legendary humans lived. Besides the 5 human continents, 3 belong to elves and 1 to dwarves, who have a friendly relationship with humans. The remaining 3 continents are controlled by 3 legendary beastmen. Rosford country is a powerful nation. Its ruler, Evan Rosford, a student of Rosford, is an S-Mythical rank hero. Gia and the other continents are home to many such countries. In the world, there are 107 countries across the 12 continents, each ruled by a Mythical rank hero who serves the World Authority. Currently, there are 14 legendary rank heroes in the 12 continents who act as the world's last line of defense.

Tuk tuk. The teacher enters the training area.

"Oh, good morning, children. My name is Joseph, and I will be giving you basic mana training."

Kids: "Wow, he's that legendary teacher!"

"Silence! ... Lecture starts."

"Mana is part of our nature. When space cracks appeared 700 years ago, along with the demon army, mana and other subspecies also entered Earth. That's when humans discovered mana. Some humans continuously cultivated mana, awakening hidden powers, and they were called the first-generation heroes. Mana is all around us, and through proper breathing, we adjust it into our bodies. Mana breathing is divided into two categories: Core Mana Breathing for martial artists and Heart Mana Breathing for mages. Your body will automatically adjust mana either into the core or the heart."

"Teacher, what if I want to use mana in both my core and heart and try to use both at the same time from the start? Isn't that possible?"

Haha. All the students laugh.

Austin: "Who is this idiot? Doesn't he know how hard it is to train both the heart and core at the same time? This is basic knowledge for awakened individuals."

Joseph: Mana for the core and heart comes from the same source, kids. In the beginning, we create both a core and a heart, but by the time you reach Core rank C, mana synthesis slows down. Other than a few legendary heroes, no one has reached legend rank using both the core and the heart at the same time. That's why it's better to choose either the core or the heart. And when your core or heart reaches its limit, then try another approach to gain power.

Okay, teacher.

Austin thinking: Ahhh, I know! I'll focus on my mana heart for now. After I inherit Rosford's power, then I'll focus on the core.

Joseph: Everyone, close your eyes and try to feel the mana flow using the method I taught you.

Austin: *This is easy for me because I can complete breathing training quickly due to my super divine talent, Human Sage, which sharpens my memory. This is the breath of mana... Ahhh, what is this tingling feeling? Is this the mana flow passing through my veins and moving into my core? Wait, how? What the hell? Why is my mana creating a core instead of flowing into my heart? What the hell is happening to me? My body is becoming like a martial artist's, not a magician's

Here's the refreshed version of your text:


Why? Is it because my divine skill, Element Master, is locked? In novels, locked skills unlock when they come into contact with mana flow. I've completed the first stage of breathing, and I've formed a rank 1 mana core. But instead of becoming a mage, I'm becoming a martial artist.

Level up... level up... level up... Ahhh! It's a small core, but I jumped two levels!

Joseph looked at me. "Wow, look at him. This kid is truly a genius. He learned mana breathing faster than any other kid. He's good. Maybe he's on par with the kids of ancient families who are called prodigies. Interesting..."

What is happening? I need to check my status.

Status open

Name: Austin Rosford

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Potential: Locked

Level: 3

Rank: F


Strength: 15

Agility: 13

Mana: 12

Endurance: 17

Vitality: 15

Intelligence: 25

Charm: 10

Ability: You can inherit a system if you come into contact with a system.


Human Sage [Divine]: You are born with the power of a human sage. You can learn everything faster than anyone else.


Low-Level Mana Breathing (Progress 5%)

Mana Core: Rank 1

Innate Skills

Element Master (Locked)

Divine Locked: This ability allows its user to control all elements in any way, but certain conditions must be met to unlock this ability.

Everything seems to be progressing rapidly for Austin, with his rapid level-up and unlocking new possibilities. But his best talent is locked and he didn't know the reason, what do I do.