

what will happens when a ruthless tycoon finds two boys who look exactly like him, same eye, hair and behavior will he make his way to accept them or leave them to find their own life????

fancyruby · Seni bela diri
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Fredrick and Freddie were taking a walk around their city..., they both knew this city like the back of their heads.., they wanted fresh air away from their grandfather's hell of a house, the house has gone back to it's usual way, even so St louis was as busy as ever busy than it's usual rate, Fredrick and Freddie walked down to the downtown bar, they needed to make money incase their mother would change her mind and have the bar returned.

They reached the bar. People have already gathered since it was night and a Saturday too, working men whose wives are giving them some hard time, single men who are here tp chill and ladies who are here to catch some fun and a man who they will be a night stand or a forever one.

" Fred.. boys …. come here... where is your mother" a voice called out to them, it was there mothers ex and last since he broke up with ten years ago when she needed him the most he left her and came back eight years after thinking she was still waiting for him but Isabella got him off his own ground

" Uncle Jeremy seems you're drunk already" Freddie said, he talked a lot more than his twin brother Fredrick, Fredrick was calm and smart they both were smart … just that one talks a lot and the other doesn't

" Who is drunk, am I okay , yes... I.... what are you doing here"

" want to earn some money" Fredrick replied, he really did not like Jeremy but his mum forgave him and became his friend so both him and Freddie had to be nice to him every time they saw him, if not they would have chopped his shit head off by now

" Look at these rats.... earn money... What nonsense is that... get away from here" Jeremy laughed

" you sure are drunk Jeremy " Freddie hits his head and Jeremy turned in anger, he hated these kid they were the reason Isabella never got back with him

" get lost you two, … you bastard... get out of here" Jeremy shouted, causing everyone in the bar to look at them, including Anthony and his crew, Anthony and Freddie eye's met, then he got up and walked toward them

" shit, shit, shit , we got to go rick" Freddie panicked

" What, when did you start lis..." Fredrick

" hey you" Luke shouted at them, Freddie took his twin hand and dash out of the bar, he knew that this time their mum will not save them if these guys hit them all around

" what going on Freddie" Fredrick asked not sure of what was going on and why they were running

" is them the gold bar people, I thought they left"

" God what's this now what the fuck are they still doing here, was that the only bar in their car" Fredrick couldn't help but ask

" That's it, that's what I thought... they have a lot.. but i can't why on earth they are still after me"

" where one earth are we running to now, this is a dead end and they are catching up with us"

" let's go there, come on" Freddie turned to the next street and the followed but only one car was after what they did not know was that the other cars has gone to block the road they can follow

" why is it one car that is after us" Fredrick asked

" yeah I thought they were five, well that's good cause we can deal with one, come on turn here" Freddie turned, but they saw one black car blocking their way

" now I know why, come on … this way " they turned the other way but it was blocked by a black car, they thought of going to the front but a black car also block their way

" you have nowhere to run now, "

" leave us alone, we don't know why you are chasing us" Freddie said

" yeah, leave us alone cause you got the wrong person" Fredrick held on to Freddie's hand, guarding his twin brother

" so, you are two huh??????, bring down your mask" Anthony shouted they couldn't see their face...., they knew the other boy because of his hair and dress he wasn't sure that it was him but when the boy made a run then Anthony was sure it was him

" gosh, what's this..., take this kids down and be on guard incase their mother or whoever saved him the last time" Anthony was getting their attention so that Luke would knock them off with the electric bun and he did.., the two boys fell on the ground" this kids, get them into the car and leave their mask on, we will remove it when we get to Branson" Anthony ordered

" yeah, we have a long way to go...., but tie their hands at least" Luke smiled, " this boys are thieves the best of them" they got them into car and drove off to Branson, they had a four hours trip to begin

It had already been two hours since the boys went out to get some air, Isabella became troubled and she felt they were in danger... she asked around and everyone said they saw them two hours ago and haven't seen them ever since then..., still she got to the downtown bar( Frei & lush bar) she met Jeremy and asked him but all the fool did was talk in craps

" Jeremy, I'm dead serious... did you happen to see them" Isabella tone became too serious

" what...., why do you care about those bastard kids of yours... huh Isa"

" i can see you drunk Jeremy"

" that what Freddie told me,... that bastard child of yours...., am not drunk okay"

" that means they were here, talk already Jeremy"

" get off " Jeremy shouted

" madam, are you looking for those kids who talked to him" Isabella turned and saw an elderly man in front of her " yes sir"

" I think, I saw them an hour ago.., they were running and chased by some group of people dressed in black"

" did you happen to see where they were heading to sir" Isabella asked

" no dear, I didn't see such thing" the man turned to leave but remembered something " but I did see that those men had black cars, they looked like bodyguards"

" Oh thank you sir, thank you so much" when the man left, Isabella tried to find out who would have taken them " black cars, bodyguards..., what's this... who wants my kids... who could that be huh?" something just hit Isabella " the gold owners...., why on earth would they still be here, no it can't be them, then who..." Isabella thought for some time " Anna and her wicked daughters, it has to be them" Isabella left the bar, she had to be sure that Anna and her children were not beside this, as though they would tell her if they were involved .

Isabella got home, the family was already having dinner when she got there

" Ally!!!!!!!!!!" Isabella shouted and drew Ally's hair, making her stand off her butt

" get off my hair you bitch" Ally shouted

" where is my kids, am not joking on this Ally where are they"

" how would I know??, am not their mother you know"

Isabella drew her hair so more.., and Ally kept on shouting, she kept on drawing it still Mike came and freed his sister from her grip

" Isa, have you lost your mind what with this" Mike said

" you this wench" Ally's hair was all messed up " you are crazy"

" Have you asked around??" Rye Fox asked, Isabella's father, he turned to face Isabella waiting for a reply

" ask your wife and daughters,... I overheard them talking about killing my kids Isabella fired

Rye turned his head to his wife then to Ally, he didn't look at Halley cause he knew she can't do it " is this true??"

" Rye you don't believe her right??, how could you even think that I could harm those kids" Anna replied

Isabella hissed, her eyes were full of anger " you killed my mother..., remember. and now you of all people have the mind to say you can't kill someone" Isabella raised her finger to Anna " mind you if anything happen' s to any of them, I will be the one killing some one's mother"

" We are not the only ones who want your children gone, you see..... other want them out too" Anna tone was filled with mockery

" mock me all you want but if I find out that you are in any way involved in this , then I will bury you alive and no one will stop me" Isabella said and left the dining room

Rye stood up from his seat and drop his spoon not even finishing his meal " if any of you is involved in this, return those kid before I get into the matter, do you see I or your brothers go after those boys, no right, cause we know who the hell they look like and you know what would happen if that turn's out to be true, why can't you and your mother get it together and leave those kids in peace " Rye left the table for them, he was fed up of talking about one same thing millions of time.