
A True Villainess

Every Isekai novel about taking the body of the villainess is roughly the same. They take the villainess's body and do good and try to clear her name and win over all the male leads' hearts and take the place of the female lead and blah blah blah or mainly something like that. However, that's all boring. Where is the fun in all that? Wasn't the villainous meant to bring drama to the story? Give meaning to the plot. That's where our main character comes in, Lee Jihyo. Lee Jihyo is a woman who hates what people mean to be THE standard. That standard is beautiful, rich, and powerful. The people at the bottom of the food chain have it rough and that's where Jihyo came from. Her parents were a big factor in the way she thinks today but this story is not of her past, but of her future. Her favorite novel (the only novel that made her express any sort of emotion other than emotions of negativity) was a novel called 'Beauty and Light'. Despite the name, she couldn't care less about the main storyline and the heroine and hero. What she was hooked on was the villainous, Anastasia Becker, who was just like her. Ugly, harmful, and hateful. The ending was predictable but she still hated how the "criminal" was treated all because she didn't meet the standard. She saw herself as the villainess and when the book ended she wanted another story for the villainess, a story where she won. Thus her prayers were heard and she was put her in her hero's body. This journey is her journey to get to the top in whatever way she can. She will have no mercy. She will do whatever it takes. She is not like other villains who have sympathy and care. She threw those feelings away far into the trenches of hell. She will remind you all what a villain can do for she will show you what a true villainess is. art of the cover from the Korean webtoon the dark lord's confession. (I will change it soon I'm working on it) I hope you enjoy :))

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"What time is it?"

I open my eyes to find myself in a room that I would never dream of sleeping or entering.

I look around with confusion and frustration.

I have to get to work.

This must be a dream.

Where in the heck am I?

It's too fancy, no way in hell would I ever have enough money to sleep in this sort of room.

The bed is super soft though.

Let me just enjoy this dream while I can it's not like I can experience this ag-

"So you are awake" a voice I don't recognize rings in my head like an echo.

I must have gone ins-

"You have not gone insane, listen I don't have much time left in this world. My soul has to go but I have been given time to tell you what you must do-"

Hold up hold up hold up- you can hear my thoughts- wait what do you mean leave this world who on Earth are you-

"As I have said, I don't have much time so listen you insolent fool before it is too late-"

I am no insolent fool watch your mouth whatever the heck you are-

"Interrupt me again and I will leave you in this world clueless."

I see a mirror in the corner of this gigantic room and dash to it to see a reflection I recognize all too well.

"You see, you are not from this world I am"


"Are you listening Jihyo-"


"So you know me that well huh?"

How could I not know the only woman who gave me comfort?

"I see, but we have never talked, how in Celestia would I have given you comfort- BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT. Listen Jihyo what I am about to tell you is a lot to take in but please belie-"

I believe you.

I sat on the chair that was in front of the mirror and for a good 20 seconds there was silence. In those 20 seconds, I was awestruck by the face I now harbor. How on Earth would you find this ugly? She has long flawless red hair, eyes the color of tanzanite, skin fairer than even the word fair, a nose crafted by the gods, lips the shape of a heart that even Cupid desires, a body with a shape millions of women would kill for, and eyelashes that were just the right length to be noticed and not too long to become frustrating- the book described her oppositely but I could still see most of the features that were described. She is utterly gorgeous-

"I'm not as pretty as you exaggerate me to be Jihyo"

But you are, the only reason why you were hated was because of that scar of yours but even your scars are pretty.

Again, Jihyo left Anastasia in complete awe.

(Anastasia would have been more beautiful if it wasn't for the scar on her face. It was a long thick line that went from ear to ear. If a man had that type of scar he would be praised for it but for a woman, that was a different case and Anastasia had to live that case for most of her life.- Phrases from the book 'Beauty and Light')

Not even the novel would tell me what caused her scar, that bloody book's only job was to portray her as a piece of shit. But a piece of shit that I like.

"I'm not a piece of shit and I don't know if I should take the last line as a compliment or not, and so it's true that my life was written by some imbecile. Hah listen Jihyo and listen carefully."


"I do not have much time here so I will summarize it all. I do not have the power to mend this ridiculous story to my will but you do. Give us the ending we deserve. Put all those bitches in their places and show them what a true villainess can do. If there is a woman who has more willpower to do this than me it's you Lee Jihyo. I have made a deal with the king of devils himself to bring your soul to my body and to sell mine to him. I don't know what's in store for me in hell but I know it would be way better than living in this life only to die by the hands of those fools. My soul is affected by this thing you call 'the author' and by their stupid rules but yours is not. You can change the shifts in this story, you can give us the ending we both desire. I will be at peace in hell knowing that you will bring us vengeance."

Tears are forming in my eyes.

Please don't go yet I haven't even met you properly.

"The king is growing impatient I must go. I truly hope you can keep this promise and live the life we both would have wanted. Shove it down their throats that we are better will you Jihyo?"



"Good, I'm glad I chose you. You know we could have been great friends if the circumstances just played in our favor. Sadly nothing plays in our favor but maybe you can change that. I have left you books on everything you need to know about this world on the shelves, some money that will suffice for a while, a letter explaining everything that you may have questions about, and a few of my comfort books that I'm sure you would like. It was great to meet you Jihyo, goodbye."

Will I see you in hell?

"I'm sure you will that's the only place we can go after death."

Haha, goodbye Anastasia, and good luck.

"Same to you Jihyo"

And with that, I could feel an empty spot in my consciousness. She is gone and she left me with a purpose. But wait how did she know- well she is gone there is no point in finding out how she knows, that's all in the past.

I have a world to bring to my knees.