
Chapter 9

  The moment I reach the hospital, I immediately run to the entrance and ask in the Nurse Station for Dion's room. The nurse who assisted me asks what's my relationship with him, and said it is for security purposes.


  Ironically, I introduced myself as his friend, when in fact, I turned him down last night. But this is not the time to think about that. I need to see Dion.


  As the nurse typed something on the computer, I can help but to tap my shoes on the tiled floor because of a mixture of worry and nervousness. And when the nurse finally told me the number and what floor Dion's room is located, I didn't waste a chance. I did a half-run since the floor is tiled and I might slip if I literally run.


  When the elevator opened, I hastily go in and press the number of the floor where I am about to go. Seconds of waiting, the elevator stops and the moment I got out, I searched for Dion's room.