
Chapter 6

  As the night sky with thousands of twinkling stars from afar and the golden moonlight illuminating the vast darkness below together with the artificial lights of the city, slowly turned blue and as the sun rises from the east as a start of another day and another life, I slowly open my eyes. The sunlight passing through the glass window of my room fangs my skin. I close my eyes again as hit me right to my pupils. A few moments later, I open it again, and a bright smile, as bright as the sun crept in my lips.


  "Good morning, the universe," I mumble.


  I push myself up and do my morning routine. After that, I went downstairs for breakfast. I found Zhairo sitting on one of the chairs with his omelet. He simply greets me a 'good morning' and went back on his food. I didn't bother to ask where are our parents since I already know.


  They probably went to their work earlier than usual.