
Chapter 19

  Intertwined fingers that fit perfectly, our hands strongly holding each other as we walk to this busy expensive street. He shocked me with the news that we will meet our parents at twilight and tell them about us. I must say that this is a day of surprises.

  "I'm nervous about meeting our parents and telling them about us," I mumbled.

  He chuckled and turned his head to me. "Sweetheart, I should be the one telling that. You've met my dad already, while I, this is my first time meeting Mr. and Mrs. Camince."

  I can't help but chuckle when I sensed his nervousness about meeting my parents. Oh Dion, if you only knew how nervous I was too when your father paid me a surprise visit and asked me a favor about you.

  "Oh, you don't know how I feel that time, Dion. And hey, I first met your father on Zeughauskeller too."

  "Yep, I know. That's why I choose that restaurant because dad already had a record there, and besides, it is near here."