
Chapter 48: Misery

Everyone returned to what they were doing before. Carrying on with their business as if what just happened never ever did happened at all. I twisted my tongue as I said that in my mind.

I dismissed my soulblade and asked the friendliest-looking Adventurer nearby about what happened. He was a lad, a little younger than me.

"Um, excuse me," I said politely. "Do you mind telling me what's that all about?"

"Sure," he replied amiably and told me what he knew.

So, here's the short version of the story. Dude walks up to Sigrid, demanding that she stops taking hunting requests. Claims she had been over-hunting and leaving almost none for the rest of them. Sigrid refuses. He insists. She resists. End of story.

I had previously heard from Rando that she used to be a Gold-Ranker and how her entire party members got killed on the job, leaving her as the sole survivor. And that she had been alone since - doing solo jobs and taking requests that require little to no personal interaction. It must've been torturous for her; living years with a survivor's guilt. Having everyone avoid you like bad juju merely because of the fact that you made it out alive while everybody else hadn't.

I know what you're expecting me to do: Rescue the Ice Queen from her Kingdom of Isolation.

Yeah, no thanks. Though I could sympathize, I simply can't. Won't. Ignoring the consideration that there isn't any merit for me to do so, it would also mean getting more involved with her, which I would like to avoid at all costs. Never know when someone might decide to investigate me for hanging around someone as infamous as her, considering that I might be killed simply for the fact that I am a Transcender. It might've been a decade since the incident Telara told me about - where alleged Transcenders are hunted down and slaughtered. I'm sorry folks, but her emotional well-being just isn't worth my life.

"I see… Thanks for letting me know," I offered my hand.

He clasped my hand and shook it once, "No problem, man."

Me and Lia resumed our activities, scanning across the request boards when suddenly Lia tapped on my shoulders.

"Mike, look at this!" she pointed at one of the posters, looking slightly different than the usual format of requests.


Medical Staff Wanted: Sanca Town

Summary: Looking for Healers to serve as medics in a local tournament for a few days

Requirements: Healers

Rewards: Refer to counter for details


"That's great, Lia! Let's head up to ask Jenny about the details."

I turned and saw her frowning slightly, uneasiness apparent on her soft features.

I lifted an eyebrow and inquired, "There's a problem?"

"Nothing… It's just that… The requirements for the job…"

Ah, I get it.

"Don't worry about it, I'll still tag along anyway."


"Lia," my tone grew a little serious, "It's a waste not to take on a job specific to your skillset, especially with your abilities. You should do it. Don't let me drag you down."

She listened to me silently, still looking hesitant. I felt a gentle breeze on my soul upon seeing her helpless expression.

"Besides," I brightened up, "By travelling around more often, we might potentially find out a few clues regarding the whereabouts of Ellariel's home. And even if there weren't any, I still would've went with you. After all we're partners, aren't we?" I gave her a thumbs up and smiled.

She expression loosened up and she replied with a smile of her own. We set off to the counter to inquire the details from Jenny.

"The annual Sanca's Martial Tournament, eh?" Jenny said with interest.

I focused on my eyes on her, "You know about it?"

"You don't?" she sounded incredulous.

Me and Lia both shrugged.

"Please enlighten our ignorant selves, O' venerable clerk," I jested.

She snorted, "If that's what you wish of me, then I shall convey it to you O' humble Adventurer.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat, "Alright. The first Sanca's Martial Tournament was held around thirty years ago by a few parties of Adventurers who happened to be there for the same request. What the request was, nobody really remembers. But according to the story that circulated, they had apparently gotten into a dispute over the spoils and decided to settle it by splitting the loot based on the results of the tournament, a suggestion made by one of the Adventurers. The result was a very entertaining fight which made the townsfolk there decide to host the tournament every year since. It was purely for fun at first, but as the tournament steadily grow in popularity, a revolutionary idea suddenly came to them. And so they decided to build an arena, charge fees, and set up food stalls - officializing it in a way. Of course, nearby towns had tried mimicking the same concept after noticing their booming success. But they were too late. The Sanca's Martial Tournament's name had stuck, latching themselves into the heart and soul of every martial enthusiast. As such, every year people from all over the country come over to watch and participate in it just to revel in raw physical battle," Jenny narrated zealishly.

Me and Lia looked at each other and blinked. We turned back to Jenny.

"Uhh, you sure know a lot about it," I commented.

"Of course, I've been coming to see the tournament every year since I was little," she said, spoken in the same manner as someone who had never missed a single Sunday church in their life. She turned to Lia, "Still, I'm envious that you're getting a backstage pass and a free stay there."

"She gets a free stay there?" I asked.

"Yeah, amongst other accommodations. Wait a minute. Let me check," she flipped through a stack of papers before pulling out one.

"It says right here that Medical Staffs are provided lodging, meals, and transportation. As for the pay, 3 Gold a day for Copper-Rank Healers and 5 Gold a day for Silver-Rank Healers. The duration of the work lasts four days, three days during the tournament and one day after. Your job as part of the medical staff is to prevent anyone dying from critical post-combat injuries. As for the rules, no accepting bribes from participants, no charging them extra for any treatment, and no selling them any kinds of herbs and potions."

I widened my eyes in disbelief. I checked Lia's expression and found her making the same face as mine. 5 Gold for a single day of work including accommodations just to stand by and heal wounded people? Kinda makes risking my life for 10 Gold seemed stupid. I guess doctors do make a heap load of money, whether it's in this world or another. Wait a minute… I faced Jenny, scrunching my brows, gears turning in my head.

"Regarding the rules… Is there anything in there that says you can't give a prescriptions?"

Jenny eyed me confusingly, "A prescription? What is that?"

"It's a kind of recommendation of medicine that a Healer gives to their patients."

"Oh, I see. Let me take another look," she read the paper intently for a minute before lifting her head to me and said, "Nope, there isn't."

My eyes lit up and I asked Jenny another question.

"Do a lot of people get hurt in the tournament?"


"And Healers, are there enough to patch them all up?"

"The medical staff is always understaffed, why do you think they get paid so much?"

A smile formed on my face.

"Uhh.. Why do you ask?" she glared at me with suspicion.

My smile broaden up, growing unsettling as I replied, "Trade secret."

She sighed, "Just don't do anything illegal, okay?"

"Sure thing!"

"Ah," Lia interjected, "You said you've never miss the tournament since you were little. What about this year? Don't you have work over here?"

Jenny stared at Lia intently as she scoffed, "And you think that's gonna stop me?"

Lia and I saw the fiery passion in her eyes burning hot and we both immediately understood what she meant.

"Oh, and the carriage to Sanca Town leaves in 8 days from now. Be sure to come to the Guild at the morning of the departure date."

"Well then, I guess we should make preparations for the trip. Thanks, Jenny!"

"Thank you very much, Veluri bless you!"

"Fufufu, you're very welcome!"

We exited the Guild and went back to the inn to chill before resuming our daily potioneering practice.

A tournament was to be held in Sanca Town and people were going to get hurt. Lots of them. I grinned wickedly as I imagined participants wailing in pain. I was gonna make money out of their misery.