
A Titan in ONE PIECE

A Teen who wishes to be reincarnated in ONE PIECE and have all the Titans transformation. How will he survive in this world? Will he be the strogest? smartest? or just plain dumb? Disclaimer:He will join the Strawhats and the mc power will be just not overpower luffy but he will not be weak too. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO SORRY IF MY ENGLISH IS BAD. (I JUST WROTE THIS FOR FUN, DON'T HAVE TO HESITATE TO DROP IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE MY WRITING.)

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4 Chs

Where it all started

(AN:This is my first ff so pls bear with me if i cant explain the setting accurately thank you)

Khai or Khaios wakes up in a bright place and see's a man drinking tea and approaches him. "So, im gonna guess you're God, and you're going to reincarnate me into another world" God sips his tea and answered. "That sounds about right, I guess i wont explain anything to you then?..". Khai then questioned himself what has he done significant to be given another chance for. God then answers him, "I will give you another chance because of what you have done before you died on earth".

Khai is confused from what he remembered, before he died he just sacrificed himself to save his family from the terrorist who plans to kill them all. "But i just sacrificed my self to save my family" Khai answered God. "And that's exactly it. If you didnt sacrifice yourself, and let that man lived, He will cause the worlds doom because, He is the one that will start WW3,WW4 and, WW5".

Khai is shocked when he heard this just because of that sacrifice of his he saved the world and if he didn't just hear it coming from he woudnt believe it in a million years even though he's dead he's very happy atleast he did something to affect the world just as he died. Khai then asks God "How will i choose my new world God?". God then answered "By spinning this roulette" God then conjured a roulette beside him with many writings there is MHA, Fairy Tail,Naruto,and etc.

Khaios then spun the roulette and got the world ONE PIECE. Although he doesnt know much about One Piece world he will try to live in this world to the fullest and enjoy every moment because not everyday you can sacrifice yourself and expect that the one you killed will cause the next world war to occur.

God then said to Khai. "Khai i will give you five wishes because of the impact you left the world and its also my thank you for saving me the trouble of getting rid of the man.

"Ok then my first wish is I want to be a titan shifter but i want all 9 titans". But suddenly God then interupts him and said " I can do that but i will have to nerf and do some chages into some of the Titans and as compensation for the drawbacks you can transform into small versions too. Khai ponder's and agrees with God's changes. Because Khai realizes too that he can't transfrom in a ship, so the small version will be helpful.

"My second wish is to remove the curse of Ymir. Khai wanted to make sure that this curse is removed because he can't enjoy the world he would be going if he only lives for 13 years."My third wish is to have high talent in haki and martial arts.". God then say's " But you have to practice it and be good with it. You will learn it easily, but training it is hard so you to strive hard for it". Khai just nods and continued with his wishes. "The fourth one is I want the appearance of Levi in AOT. (AN: I decided with Levi cause he had that scary serious look.😆)

"And the last one is I want to be reincarnated 2 years before the canon start".

God then speaks "Good luck with you're adventure young man, I wish you the best".

He then snaps his fingers and Khai just vanishes into the bright place.

After a while Khai wakes up in a raft while being impaled in the mast like cross. "Huh why am I impaled in a cross" As he keeps complaining of whats happening he suddenly felt a loss in strenght, he wonders what happened to him but he suddenly fell unconsious. As his raft was travelling guided by the wind , it arrives at a big mountain with strong winds and currents.

After Khai's nap he felt the big waves and strong wind hitting his back. "UWAA WHAT THE!! I-IM CROSSING THE GRANDLINE!!?". Before he can struggle to turn around the raft he remembers that he was impaled to the mast and he cant do anything and current is already going up the mountain. He shouts for his life and hoped that Laboon wont be blocking the down the Reverse Mountain. As he reached the top of Reverse Mountain he can see above the clouds, but the sightseeing was easily going to an end because of yhe gravity pulling him down " AhhhAahhhh AhaAHHA!!!!!!!." As he was coming down he heard a like Ship horn in his past life.

But realisation suddenly hit him, and Khai now thinks that all the luck he had left was sucked out dry for being reincanated, So he just closed his eyes and hope that something would happen. Laboon see's a small raft and Laboon had a strong urge to eat the ship but whale itself dont know why, But the just followed its Instinct as an Animal and ate the fast moving raft.

A few minutes later, Khai opened his eyes like he came from a nap but actually he fell unconscious again going down the Reverse Mountain, as he looked around he was in a painted dome with a small Island in the middle and see's an old man in a chair and reading newspaper. "Please help me." pleads Khai. The Old man just frowns and intently stares at the young man, He just stands up and entered his house but immediately came back with a rope and pulls Khai near the Little Island.

As Crocus removes all the wood like nail from Khaios's body, He was startled to see steam came is of the boy's injury. "This kid has eaten one of those Devil fruits but the question is what kind" thoughts Crocus. As Khai was starting to regain his stamina back he immediately stands up and bowed at 90 degrees at Crocus. "IM KHAIOS JAEGER!! THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME" shoutily said by Khai and immidietly asks Crocus. "CAN I STAY HERE FOR 2 YEARS?!!" shoutily said again by Khaios.But Crocus immidietly shouted "WHAAAAAAAT?!!!"

(AN:i hope you like my first chapter and the next one too...i hope you give youre opinion that is helpful and not who just complains thank you.)

This is my second attempt in improving my skills as an author, I hope you people like it.

Yvan_Luarezcreators' thoughts