
Impressive Talents - Part 1

"Have you given thought to your future rounds?" Volguard said. "As potent as the style might be, the way you operated with it in this round was simplistic. In the sense that, it would be easy for your future foes to counter. They shall simply avoid accepting your sacrifices."

"But that too should open up opportunities, right, Professor?" Oliver said.

"…Mhm. Indeed, it shall. Very well. I will say nothing more, and I will leave you to celebrate," Volguard said. "I look forward to seeing what you manage to present in future rounds."

There were only a few more Battle board matches left in the day before sundown, and by the time it came around, all the masses were gathered exclusively around the stalls, looking for whatever hot food they could. Once they'd found something, they'd drift towards one of the many large bonfires that had sprung up across the plains like fireflies, looking to catch a bit of the heat.