
Governance - Part 2

"And you're only telling me about this now?" Oliver said.

"What was the need to tell you?" Greeves shrugged. "This is my job, ain't it? You'd ask me to sort it out, so I have in advance. It ain't the first time we've had to grovel before the merchants."

"I shouldn't be finding out just hours before they arrive," Oliver said, frowning. "I'd know about these things in future before they happen. Where did you intend to meet with them?"

"My house," Greeves said. "It's good enough for their like."

Oliver couldn't deny that Greeves kept a tidy home, and he'd ever had one of the best houses in Solgrim. But it didn't sit right with Oliver that Greeves was holding meetings that concerned the fate of the town in his personal residence.

"Have it done here," Oliver said. "Have future meetings like this, that concern Solgrim as a whole, done here."