
Chapter 9: Wrench in my enemy’s plans

Motto: Actions have consequences

With that, I got out. As I walked up to the house, with flowers in hand, Andrea saw from her bedroom window. Andrea then called Malcolm's phone and got a voicemail.

She then said, "Malcolm, Weller is here. Call me."

With that, the Limousine drove off and I knocked on the door.

With no answer, I said, "Andrea I am sorry about yesterday. I found out my mom died. The world thinks she fell down the stairs. But my mom was beaten to death by my father and, because of who he is he will get away with it.

So I snapped at you. I never trusted anyone. But, I am sorry."

She then opened the door in her lingerie.

I whistled and she said, "Great apology and you brought flowers."

I gave her the flowers and she said, "Come in so I can let you keep your mind off everything."

With that, I went in and straight into her bed. I put my gun on the table and we lay in bed. She then gave me a long massage and I fell asleep. When she taught I was asleep, she took my gun and removed the firing pin.

Then put back my gun. Then she went to the bathroom and I opened my eyes, with a smile. With that, I put in another, which was in my shoes. I put it back and went to bed. Earl made it to Anderson Motors HQ.

As he walked into his office Sam said, "We can fight this. All we need is to get Joseph in our corner."

Carmen put down her briefcase and said, "He will not help us. He loves loyalty and trust over money and power. So he cannot be bought in any way. Not to mention his wife is Chief Justice, Arlene MacLeod of the Supreme Court.

She has hated us since her brother was gunned down by us last year. Since then she has supported Nicholas and the Underground Cartels. We aim at Joseph; we would just fuel the fire. This is why Anita chose him."

Sam then said, "Then we go after Nicholas. He has been a total pain in the ass long enough."

Earl leaned back and said, "I have sent 14 powerful assassins after him and they all came back in body bags. They knew how to handle themselves. I have blown up his car and still, he roams. That boy is not normal and you are my best soldier, I won't risk you."

Sam then said, "Boss we can't let him roam free."

Earl then got a text from Andrea saying, "Nick is here."

He replied, "Get the documents signed. XXX."

Earl then put down his phone and said, "I am handling the situation."

Sam and Carmen then left his office. Andrea then hit me. As I turned she held a gun on my head.

I slowly got up and asked, "What is this?"

"For the record. I hate you. And this will be sweet," she replied as I sat up.

I then played a fool and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

She then threw the newspaper article, about Sharon's death, at me.

I quickly asked, "Sharon, is that you?"

She held the gun on me and said, "No! I am the other half."

I then exhaled, smiled, and said, "I knew I should have checked the river. But I listened to Malcolm."

She then said, "He paid for my surgeries. You should be careful of the people you trust. Your gun doesn't work."

I then smiled and said, "For what it is worth I like you."

She then said, "But I don't like you or Earl. This is why I will take your empire and disappear."

I exhaled and said, "So my father sponsored your exhibition and now you will disappear with his money. My father is a dangerous man, he will hunt you down. That's if Cristina and my people don't kill you first."

Andrea then said, "I don't give a shit about your father. And Malcolm will control the Underground Cartels. But you will sign some documents giving ownership of Anderson Enterprise Inc."

I then said, "No can do."

She clocked the gun and said, "I have 9 bullets that say differently."

I then exhaled and said, "OK. Shoot me."

She then asked, "Do you think I won't?"

I picked up my gun and said, "I honestly think you won't."

She shot me twice and I was unarmed. As she was stunned I shot her in her right leg. She dropped and screamed.

I then said, "I take it you never read my father's files on me. Had you, you would have known that he tried to kill me 14 times and I know everything about guns. My degree in psychology tells me that you would go for the simplest thing in the gun.

And the simplest thing is a firing pin. It is so small that the naked eye won't notice. But it is so valuable that the gun won't fire without it. So I always carry two."

She reached up to walk and while holding her leg she asked, "How is it that you are not hurt?"

I then said, "Before my father was the blackout. He was a civil lawyer. He was good because he went above and beyond the law to protect his clients. After he met my mother, she bought Chestnut.

He started a shooting range and went into weapons. I had small hands and a body. With that, I could get into small spaces. Before my father became the corporate Titan and head of Anderson Motor Group he uses to steal and chop up cars.

That's how he started Anderson Parts, which led to Anderson Garage and eventually lead to Anderson Motor Group. And he was good at killing people. My father once told me, if you are going to be a criminal be the best.

And the best either believes in God or the other side. My father had the best spiritual guides in Jamaica. But for me, I went to England and I spent my summers in South Africa. With that, I met more powerful people. And the guys I ran with were powerful.

After you wounded me in Cambodia, I went deeper into it. So now I can't be hurt by mortals such as you. So we are going to discuss my father and his plans for the future and the funeral."

She started to cry as I went to her. With that half an hour later I was done. As I came out Garth and his men raised their guns.

I stopped and said, "Let me guess, Candice was worried."

They lowered their guns and Garth asked, "Is she still alive sir?"

I then said, "She is no longer with us. Now do me a favor, make it look like a burglary, and collect a few things."

He then said, "Yes sir."

I then said, "I have a press conference and Launch party to get to. Then a birthday party later. So see you."

He then gave me the keys to the Blue BMW M5 and I went to it. As I drove away he went in. He searched the house and found Andrea in a pool of blood. She had various stab wounds and her face was carved. Her clothes were torn to imitate rape.

Garth whistled and said, "I guessed you learned your lesson."