




[system] (A/N: non sentient)


Sanus, Kingdom of Vale, Island of Patch: Forest Outskirts

3/4/20XX, 5:32 AM

12 years before Vol.1



'Right now, I'm honestly fucked.

One minute I was going out kamikaze style and the next I was standing in the middle of a random forest...


In the body of a five year old...


Without any signs of parental guardians...


I also happen to not know how to survive in the wild...


Welp, the fuck am I going to do now? All I know is that I'm in Remnant, and that somehow I now have knowledge about my locked system and that I can partially activate it, in which when I do it just tells me my location(literally just the name and no mini map), date and time, name, age and what age I can fully unlock it. That's what it literally does for now.

All I know about this world is Aura essential, Semblance need Aura, Dust = magic rocks, main characters good, Grimm bad, most White Fang bad, Cinder bad, Ozpin's a professional isekai master, and Salem MILF villain. Other than that, nothing else comes to mind other than some important events like the Fall of Beacon although not their specific time.'

As I was in deep thoughts while lying down on a large rock that was near me, I then heard some rustling in the bushes. I hastily got up and wobbly grabbed the nearest long and sharp object I could find, which was a big stick or branch. I got on some stance I saw in a video game which slightly helped with my grip and tried to calm my breaths so that if I had to run I would at least have enough energy to sprint fast.

As the growing suspense was taking over my mind, a small black blur jumped out of the bushes and tackled me. I panicked as I closed my eyes and tried struggling and swinging my weaponized tree branch expecting to hit something and waiting for the pain of being eaten alive, only to feel the licks of a small animal on my face. I opened my eyes expecting a vicious creature of Grimm, instead I saw a chonky adorable pup with white and gray fur.


(A/N: pupper image)


"AYY, STAHP IT! IT TICKLES! OOF-" I shouted as the pup kept on licking me and jumped on my chest.

"Bwaa! Okay, stop it right now please. I need to catch my breath." I said as I got up and picked up the smol pupper that was panting and wagging it's tail while playfully barking.

I put down the pup which was now sitting up as I pat it's head. "You kind of scared me for a second there you adorable little thing, where'd you even come from? You look domesticated so maybe your owners are nearby? Hmm, if so then maybe I can get in touch in civilization much faster than I thought. Yosh, guess I'll make you lead the way if you know then, if you don't then that's okay." I said to it as it's eyes somehow burned blue as if filled with dark determination like a certain crippled horse jockey.

As I got up and stopped petting the pup, it then ran towards a random direction which surprised me a bit but I still ran after it. As I followed haste after it, I was kind of surprised a small animal could run almost as fast as Usain Bolt, maybe it has Aura or some shit. After a few minutes of running, it stopped in front of a two story log cabin which looked abandoned.

"You live here?" I asked the dog as I panted from being out of breath, *small cute bark* responded the pup.

"Wait really? I thought you had owners, or maybe- oh. Right I forgot, grimm exist here. *Sigh* well this kind of turned dark, let's just hope for the best that maybe they escaped and that this cabin still has maybe tidbits of essentials like food and clothes. " I said as I slowly walked inside the abandoned house all while the small pup tread beside me while quietly whimpering.

The inside of the house was okay in most areas, although mostly looted, there were still some food for me and for the pup, and there were other useful things left. Among the useful things I found was a map, a .45 cal pistol with 5 extra mags with a variety of dust infused ammunitions as well, a sizeable amount of Lightning Dust near a power generator in the basement, and a frying pan.

Do not underestimate the frying pan which can become a drying pan and a dying pan.

After looking for more random stuff that interested me, I then went to the messed up living wrong that was full of random thrown objects and laid down on the couch to rest. The small pup went to a dog bed with "Graue Hoffnung" stitched to the side.

'I guess his name is Graue which really is just gray in German and Hoffnung must be the last name of the family that lived here. Good to know, maybe if they're not dead they'll come back eventually but, looking at the previous state of the other parts of the house before I cleaned it up then they're most likely not coming back. *Sigh*, what a drag. It's still 6:12 AM, so I should be able to wake up later at noon and start planning on what to do until I'm old enough to enter Signal Academy.' I thought as I closed my eyes and slept after.

Sanus, Kingdom of Vale, Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office

3/4/20XX, 7:32 AM

"Headmaster Ozpin, there's been another report of a family disappearing in Patch. It's honestly starting to worry me, I'm getting the feeling that "She's" behind these. The families that have disappeared all have one same concerning detail, they're families of four." Said a blonde milf also known as Glynda Goodwitch.

Glynda is a middle-aged woman that has very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes are bright green and she wears thin ovular glasses. She has dangling teal earrings that match the hanging pendant on her collar.

She wears a white long-sleeved, pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist. Her lower body is covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black fading into brown stockings.

She wears black boots with bronze heels and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. The cut of the cape is stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back. Above this line of beads appears an emblem of a tiara that is her personal symbol.

"As early as it is in the morning, that news is indeed quite concerning, if she really is sending her pawns after Summer's family, then I think it would be best if we send Qrow to try and find the culprits, we should not yet assume "Her" pawns are responsible for this. If she is, then we should evacuate the Island and send proper teams of huntsmen for extermination. For now, we wait and as Qrow gathers clues, I doubt the perpetrators would act again just after this." Said a middle-aged man. This man is Ozpin.

Ozpin looks like a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He has a light complexion and sharp facial features. Interestingly, Ozpin has black eyebrows, suggesting that he may have had black hair when he was younger.

He wears shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. In addition to his cane, his other frequent accessory is a mug bearing the Beacon Academy emblem, from which he drinks hot cocoa.

"I hope you're right about this, it's just- you know that Summer and her daughter is one of our last hopes in defeating "Her". I, have to go and sign some paperwork now, Ozpin. If anything happens again, I'll let you know." said Glynda as she grabbed a stack of paperwork from Ozpin's desk and walked towards the elevator.

"All right, I'll contact Qrow later and brief him of this. Oum knows how he loves his nieces and how he would kill for their safety." Ozpin said as he sipped his cocoa and closed his eyes.

Glynda nods and then bids Ozpin farewell as the elevator door closes and leaves Ozpin who now has a lot more things to think about alone in his office again.

Mistral, Secluded Underground Cave

3/4/20XX, 7:32 AM

In an underground cavern that has been hidden from the world for many years, a black swirling portal with cyan highlights appeared an disappeared as fast as it came. From which, something was dropped, a small cube of a purple rock. As the small rock touched the stone floor of the cavern and then, the other rocks slowly but surely, turned purple as well.

From the deeper parts of the cavern, other things and "creatures" have been dropped, from which only one sound could be heard.