
A Teachers' Wish (xianxia short novel)

Ren Huian, a disciple is forced to take in disciple despite his will, thus he promises his teachers if they let him choose he would be willing. He traveled around and found two orphaned girls to teach. His first lesson started with a question as he forced his students to hold a blade for the first time in their lives. "Do you hold a blade to kill, or do you hold it to protect?" Author notes: Art Drawn by me This is mostly something new I'm trying out. There will be only 30 chapters, each one will have to be around 1, 000 words. (This is a absolute rule I have to comply). And also for me to not have any pressure, I'm going to try and make extremely unhinged characters because I feel like I'm too comfortable with making normal humans and they turn out to be boring af.

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4 Chs

2 Disciples

"The moment I saw his figure in the skies, I realized my hands wanted to reach out and grab him, but I was too far away. Why? Why was it that others can get such a opportunity, but I can't?"

As she steps out from the torn down houses she yells out.

"P-Please wait! Please take me too!"

She knelt down in front of the immortal and kowtowed in the dirt and ashes, unbothered by the mess on her dress.

Ren Huian held one of his hands behind his back. "Mortal, I have already gotten a disciple. Let this just be that we weren't fated to be master and disciples."

Now that he had accomplished what he had set out to do, he now prioritized going back to his master to report that he had finished his job. Then he would be able to laze around without getting scolded.

Ren Huian wasn't a kind person. If chosen to be good or bad, then he would be bad. 

"Let's go, Bai Hong." He gestured for her to hop on the sword.

Bai Hong stared at the girl on the ground who nonstop kept kowtowing and felt a tinge in her heart. 

She looked around the village as she saw the village fully burnt down with almost no survivor except her and this girl.

"I-Immortal this-"

"Call me master from now on."

"Y-yes. Master, you see, she's only a frail girl in this village. If she were be alone here....I fear the worst...."

"She can take the gold I've given you and live a luxurious life then. In any case, there isn't any survivors between the two of you. We can drop her off in the town near our sect."

Bai Hong breathed a sigh of relief. However, unknowingly the girl was clenching her teeth in anger. She eyed Bai Hong in hate.

The girl in the dress held her hand in a fist. Her fingernails seeping into her skin as blood spews out from her palms. 


Her forehead touched the ground.

"I am willing to do whatever you want as long as you accept me as your disciple! I don't want to be a mortal!"

Ren Huian looks at her determination. He looked at Bai Hong who was worried, he gave another suggestion. "I'll let you join the sect, but as a outer disciple. How about it? After all, I don't need another student."

"I am willing to do whatever you want as long as you accept me as your disciple!"

She repeated the lines again. 

This time Ren Huian sighed annoyingly, especially since he didn't want to have to take care of 2 disciples. 

"Either that or you can stay here all you want. Bai Hong, get on!" However the girl still kept her head to the ground, unwilling to choose any other option. 

"M-master..." Bai Hong stood nervously. She became distress that her master will really leave the girl the moment she got on.

"Get on." He emotionlessly ordered. 

Bai Hong knew that it was wrong to go against her teacher, just after becoming a student. She knew her place, but she couldn't just leave the girl to fend for herself. The girl also seemed to be stubborn and not willing to listen even if Bai Hong were to try to persuade her.

"Master..." She knelt down on the ground besides the girl. "Please accept her as your disciple!"

Ren Huian emotionlessly glared at Bai Hong. 

"Are you threatening me?"


Suddenly a pressure fell on Bai Hong, causing her lay on the ground. She understood that this was the consequences of going against her master. 

Ren Huian noticing she wasn't fighting back, stopped immediately.

"Sigh~ How unlucky." He sat on his sword with one leg on top the other, as his fist supported his chin. "Girl, tell me then. Why should I take you in as a disciple? If you can't then I'll throw you in the town near our sect even if I have to force you!"

 The girl finally lifted her head. Her face was covered in dirt and blood. 

"F-firstly, Immortal. May I ask why you're looking for a disciple?"

"Fine, I'll tell you. My master told me to look for a disciple to train. If you still can't give me an answer after this, then this talk is over."

"Then I think that you should take me in as your second disciple."


"This seems to be your first time choosing a disciple and it seems that you don't wish to accept another disciple. Thus if you also make me your disciple....you can make sure that you won't have to go look for another disciple if your first disciple isn't....good."

Ren Huian also had a doubt in his mind. "My master won't force me to take on another disciple would he? Knowing him....He would."

Just thinking about his happy go lucky master, he felt tired.

He responded, "That's not enough reason. If I were to take only Bai Hong, I could train her with full effort, but if I have to take you in as well, it would be a divided effort."

 "If there was a first time, then there will be a 2nd time. Instead of looking for a disciple in the future and then helping them grow, why not do it now and get twice the result."

Ren Huian thought that this made sense and liked the idea. If he were forced to get another disciple along the lines by his master, he would have to teach the same thing over again. But if he took in 2 disciples, he can show his master that he already fulfilled his duty and have an excuse. 

Plus if he took in 2 disciples, even his master would find it hard to force him to do things. 

All things considered, there wasn't anything bad about accepting a second disciple. In fact it was quite advantageous. 

"What's your name?"

The two girls looked shocked. Bai Hong smiled happily. 

She cupped her hands and bowed.

"Lei Yue! My name is Lei Yue, m-master."

"Both of you get on. We're heading back to the sect."