

Main Characters:

First name - Raeyon

Surname -Zeng

Gender - Female

Age - 15

Description -

"Her amber eyes embraces the sun's rays and light the way to her thoughts. Those two windows are the epitome of how honey slowly drips down, smooth yet captivating. Although they are the warmest of colours, she herself only allows the coldness to seethe through them. If you do not hold a place in that heart of hers, those slanted and sharp eyes shall never ever grace you with a second glance. The young lady was gifted with prominent cheek bones that enhances her frosty look, ebony waves of hair that now cascades down to her hips and lips that held a deep cupid's bow. It was clear that she was indeed favoured by the gods when created as the mark of beauty was set on her right cheek, closely below the eye. Although she was still so youthful, the beauty of her face had already captivated many and the amount of people that wanted her hand in marriage were vast."

First name - Korain

Surname - Whang

Gender - Male

Age - 18

Description -

""He was once a boy whose only focus was experiencing the best things in life. As the flowers wilt, the sun sets and the seasons changed, so did that boy. Now stood a man with precise features, his luxurious mane of chestnut brown was now only ever seen tied up and he wielded a set of thoughtful jet black eyes. He always donned look of someone who was emotionless as he was always lost in his own world. The man chose to shut out the idea of showing his emotions and would only unlock them when he felt at ease, this was rare now as the days have been difficult. When in a familiar space and in the presence of loved ones, a smile of amusement should shine through with eyes that gave out a little warmth. Whether he chose to be a stone cold man or a lighthearted man, those who were lucky to have ever laid their eyes on him would be aroused with either the feelings of jealousy or attraction"

Supporting Characters:

Ma Yun



Hair colour: dark brown

Eyes: dark brown

May rely on others to make decisions

Unaware of their own needs and Restless

Struggles to be organised and clear minded

Always helps those in need and always outgoing but may feel lonely even when with others

Very loyal and Selfless

Min Jung Hee




Hair colour: black

Eyes: green

Harshly judges themself but always self-motivated to improve

Independent, Flexible, Lives for the moment

Extroverted but difficult to truly get to know

Strong sense of values

Kind and Gentle

Min Jung Dae




Hair colour: Black

Eyes: Green

Appears aloof and careless but is actually someone who keeps note of even the minor details around him.

Always meaninglessly flirts whenever he gets the chance.

Tends to enjoy toying with other people's feelings so he became extremely manipulative.

Acts in selfish ways for good reasons.

Is surrounded by lots of people but only keeps Min Jung Hee and Whang Korain in his heart.