
A Tale on the Moon

On the Moon, the supreme goddess and god appeared. But suddenly, an obstruction occurred and they fell into reincarnation. They were to experience seven hardships. if the first didn't lead to another hardship, it would be successful and they wouldn't have to go through the remaining six hardships but, it did. Now, they have been through six hardships and are now presently in the seventh. Unfortunately, this hardship experience (or seventh life) is the hardest ever. They are separated in two different worlds. In her world, the powerful devil king falls for her. Not understanding her feelings, she agrees to marry him. But what will happen when on the wedding day, a war broke out between the heavens and the devil and demon realms and she accidentally kills the devil king. She then after being poisoned, appears in the supreme god's world. But then, the past has come to haunt the present. What will happen next? Join me as we journey through the love tales of Mei Xing and Yan Yuan

Vieled_tricky · Lainnya
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11 Chs

First time in devil realm

Snowdrop went through the boundary. It looked very beautiful in her opinion. It was not up to 10 seconds before she left that she passed through the boundary. She had her feet on dry ground and she saw a vast of waters before her.

"Wow, so beautiful and I'm not even wet. So is this devil realm?"

"No, it's the boundary", she heard a voice say.

She turned, "who are you?"

"I'm the one who takes people across the boundary", the old man said with a bow.

"For free? I don't have magical prowess".

"For free"

"Good. Take me across". She entered the boat and he started paddling.

"Which way are you headed?"

"Devil realm"

"It's a long way from here".

"Hmm. Did any man come through here?"

"He crossed the boundary. He didn't need any help as he has s the devil king"

"I see"

Snowdrop soon became bored as they had been moving for a while quietly.

"Can you tell me a romantic story?" she asked.

"Okay. I'll tell you a real life story but I might not use their actual names. There was a girl named Mei Xing. She was a supreme goddess in the unknown realm. She fell in love with the supreme god. Naturally, they were meant to be together. But then, their god status hadn't been discovered. The supreme god was engaged to a girl called Ying shi who was obsessed about him. When the truth was revealed, it was then realized that the supreme god's immortal body hadn't been so powerful enough let me the supreme goddess's. And so, the love he had for her kept affecting his life. All efforts made by the supreme goddess and Ying shi to hate her was futile. Then, she used s forbidden magic to make him forget about her and they went to experience hardships six times more. And after that, they will return to what they are meant to be"

"Is it a happy ending?"

"The seventh life is very tricky and if they don't pass and make the wrong decision, they will experience seven more hardships"

"I have no doubt they will pass"

"I hope so too. You're here", he said.

Snowdrop got down.

"Thanks for the story. If we meet again, promise you'll tell me another story"

"I promise".

Snowdrop smiled and left. She didn't know anywhere or anyone in devil realm. Then suddenly, a man approached her with a sword in his hand. He pointed it at her neck.

"Who are you?" he asked .

"I'm..... I'm....." Snowdrop stammered in fear, "I'm a maid who came to return the devil king's clothes to the palace. Where is it?"

"Then why are you dressed up in white?"

"It was a mix up. Someone cast a spell and my clothes got affected. How can you accost me like this, anyways?"

He removed the sword from her neck.

"Forgive me for being rude but dressing in white will attract the wrong attention. You should change as soon as possible"

"I'll do so", Snowdrop said and walked away relieved, "thanks, Sanxing (god of luck), I almost lost my life", she said in her head.

As she walked on, she heard someone screaming. It was a girl with two men.

"No,dad! No! I don't want to go. I love Lu Jin", she said trying to free her hand from the grip of the man that held her.

"Shut up!" The other man, that seemed to be her father, ordered, "you foolish girl, Li Jin is no match for you. You are beautiful. Only a befitting man deserves you. Just like the devil king. The devil king is having a personal maid. You're lucky to be the one. Make sure you win him over".

The girl freed her hand from the man's grip. She bowed at her father's feet and knelt down.

"Father, please. I love Lu Jin. I can love no other person but him. Father, let me marry him. "I'll listen to you always. I would never disobey you".

Her father bent down and held her chin. "You have to do as I say. Take her away".

The other man grabbed her hand and dragged her away. "Father! No! Please no!"

Snowdrop watched sadly as she was dragged away. She looked at her so-called father. He had gone.

"I have to help her. We must always have each other's back", she said.

She picked up a wooden stick. She also took some pollen and put in her pouch tied around her waist. She trailed the both of them from behind. Then, when she was close enough, banged his head with it. He turned angrily to see who attacked him.

"You..." He said surprised on seeing her on white. Even the girl who had not expected help was surprised. "

How dare you?" The man barked advancing towards her. Snowdrop shifted backwards. The girl quickly picked up a stone and hit his head. Snowdrop quickly used the opportunity to bring out the pollens from her pouch. The man wanted to hold the girl but Snowdrop turned him in her direction and sprayed the pollens on his face. She then held the girl's hand and they started running with the man chasing them.