
A tale of two elves - (Moved to a New Link)

A young woman who lives a calm life alone in her small cottage near the forest meets a young man who has special abilities and looks familiar. When they meet they discover something shocking, more shocking to her than to him. When she is over the shock they start a journey together, slow at first. A couple days maybe. When the woman has to meet a new person in this story things start to unravel fast. The new person has much power and doesn't adjust that easily when she has met the young woman and that brings some troubles into the playing field of these three persons

EllaTheGreat · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

The plan

When I woke up the next morning and saw the notification on my phone from my force shield, I took a quick shower and started preparing breakfast. I opened the door and yes there was Isyx but he was wearing weird clothes and different shoes. He was snoozing on the bench at the picnic table, so I kept quiet. It must have been a rough day yesterday. He left in such a hurry that it just weirded me out a little, but since I had more things to do yesterday, I didn't really have time to think about it. I looked back at the eggs I was preparing and right on time. Otherwise, they would have burned eggs instead of fried eggs. The weather outside was beautiful so I decided to have breakfast outside. I took the eggs and a few slices of bread and carefully walked towards my brother. Well, actually, my half-brother, but still. I softly put the breakfast down and said, "Good morning." Isyx jolted awake. "I'm sorry, Isyx, I didn't mean to scare you." "That's okay Lyndis, good morning to you too. What do you have for breakfast? I'm sorry to say that I already had breakfast at the palace." "That's okay, Isyx. I made some bacon and eggs on sandwiches for breakfast. How come you are so tired that you fall asleep on the bench in my garden so early in the morning?" "Well I had a nightmare last night." "Oh, what kind of nightmare?" "It was a nightmare about you and the village, you know I'm not only your brother, but I'm also the prince. I dreamt that the villagers attacked you because, well, you kinda have a history." I fell silent at that message because I knew the situation wasn't ideal, but what I didn't know was that the elves hated me that much. Isyx continued to talk to me about his nightmare, and after the story, he asked me a question. "Lyndis, I need some advice on how to break it to my mother that you are living nearby and that I don't want anybody to attack you for who you are. You might be half human, but you are their princess too. After all, we had the same father. He was their king." "Hmm, let me think a while about that." We both sat in silence for a while, trying to come up with a solution. Lulu jumped on my lap and started spinning. Suddenly, a plan unfolded in my brain. "I know," I said. "Let me just come with you the next time you can come visit me. we'll make a disguise for me, clothes, shoes, hair, everything. We'll hide my ears under the hood of some cloak, and we'll go to your mother. You bring me with you to the palace and smuggle me inside, then you'll tell your mother someone important immediately wants an audience with her and you. You'll tell her that it's important that nobody is watching and that you'll bring in the important guest. While you tell her that I will be hiding somewhere in the palace. After that you'll come and get me and bring me to her in a private room. Does that seem like a good idea?" Isyx scratched his head and thought for a while. He looked me in the eyes and said "That is a good plan but not really foolproof. You know, in the castle, we have many servants and so on, so where would I hide you?" "Okay, so what do we do instead?" "Instead I'll bring you into my room where there won't be any servants because they only get in there to make the bed and so on, so they'll be long gone by then. I'll come and get you after mom went to the private room. Let's just hope that she'll take it alright that you are living nearby and so on. After all, you are my sister and a child of the king."

Lulu stood up from my lap and now walked over to Isyx, who didn't mind her at all. He just started petting her like she was his own cat. "I'll take care of the clothes, shoes, and wig, but since I don't know how to put spells on objects, you'll have to figure that out on your own Lyndis." "That's okay, I already spell my clothes sometimes to be more camouflaged when drawing other people. It's just that I can't move as stealthy as you, so how did you plan on doing that?" "I have no idea. What I do know is that I can put a spell on your feet so you can walk very light like me to make sure you don't make too many sounds when walking."

Isyx and I agreed on a time. After Isyx put Lulu down, he went back to the palace and left us alone in the garden. The sun began to set up already so I went back inside my house and made myself and Lulu some dinner. Lulu got just plain old kibble, and for myself, I made chicken with vegetables. I was thrilled but also scared for tomorrow. It was gonna be a big day for both me and Isyx. I found myself pondering as to how Isyx was feeling about all this.