
A Tale of Shadow and Sun

[MATURE CONTENT] Max’s grip tightened around Reyna’s wrist making her drop the dagger that she held. He then pulled her in close, bodies pressed against each other. With his free hand, Max brushed Reyna’s hair behind her ear and hovered his lips close so that only she could hear him whisper. "Show me how much you hate me in other ways, Reyna." ———————————————————————- A battle for the throne, A battle over the heart. When ambition for power turns into the unexpected, Max and Reyna stand as each other’s counterparts and opponents for as long as they can remember. But what happens when you must rely on your enemy to defeat an even greater one? Reyna Helianthus is a woman full of fire and independence, but when the world’s greatest evil is reawakened she is forced into a betrothal to her kingdom’s most notorious rival; Maximillian Blackwell. Will they be able to work past their deep hatred for each other in order to fight for the greater good? Or will their own desires and ambitions leave the world in ruins? Sun and moon, battle and blood, power and love. *** Written by Slouch_Potato Edited by Empress333 Artwork by Checkherbored

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12 Chs

Crown Prince Max Blackwell - Pt. 2

Before going inside, he sensed a peculiar movement in the shadows near the bar. Listening to his instincts, he kept his guard up as he entered the establishment.

Max walked inside; beautiful chandeliers hung on the ceiling that was supported by pillars adorned with silver.

The lights were dim, and the atmosphere felt lively. His eyes scoured the room until they landed on a group of his friends inside a room designated for nobles.

"There's our champion," one said, touching Max's shoulder. "Ow!" he flinched at the pain, "Oof, she really got you this time hasn't she?"

"What is she like up close?" another asked,

"Intimidating." He replies,

"I hear the King is looking for a suitor for her, all the luck to that!" they all laugh, indirectly agreeing over how hard it would be to marry her off.

"What's so funny?" Max is confused,

"What do you mean? Do you really think there would be one nobleman who would willingly go into a lion's den like that?" he says.

"I would never do that even if she wins the throne"

"Really? If the throne is a part of the gamble then maybe I'd be swayed." one says out of turn.

"But that's not going to happen because the future King of Zion is right here in this bar!" He raised his glass for a toast as his hand pulled down Max's cloak to reveal his Blackwell blue eyes, complete with the scar passing through his left eye.

"Stop joking around, I couldn't even manage to win the battle today." Max denied, pulling his disguise back up.

"But of course, I bet King Blackwell would have a few tricks up his sleeve. There's no way he would let the throne go that easily. My father's in the internal council after all" Frederick, the son of Isla Rivelis' duke chimed in, clearly drunk.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have said that."

As if synchronized, everyone around the table looked away as if nothing had been said. Max quickly realized they were hiding something.

"What are you talking about?" He asked sternly.

"Bring on the ladies," his friend beside him commanded, and a number of girls entered the room full of noblemen.

The ladies who came in were the noblewomen's ladies in waiting, all dressed in beautiful and yet cheap fabric. A number of them immediately realized Max's presence.

"Prince Blackwell," one steps forward, her long brunette hair draped over her barely covered voluptuous breasts.

"Pleasure to meet you on a fine night like this." She curtsied, Max pulled his cloak down and returned her greeting.


Outside after the night had passed, Max carried a drunken Frederick back to his carriage.

"Frederick, what were you talking about the internal council's plan?"

Frederick's face twisted into an expression of regret upon hearing Max's question.

"I can't say anything, Max. Father might kill me, he'll easily deduce that I've been secretly listening to his conversations."

"Well if you don't tell me, I'll be the one to kill you then," Max jested, half-dropping his friend on the street.

"Okay okay!" he gave in.

"It's pretty bad. I heard that since Reyna wins by popular vote, the council might resort to working with the Corenthine Monastery."

"Monastery? Why would they-"

Max lost for words, immediately caught on to what Frederick was trying to say.

"You've figured it out haven't you? If there's one thing the commoners listen to more than those Helianthus bastards, it's…"

"An oracle from the deities" Max followed.

"Preferably, one that's tailored to ensure that the throne will fall to Isla Rivelis again."

Silence filled the air for a moment, Max wallowed under the full moon's spotlight.

"Do you really think the council would go through that length to forge an oracle from the divine just for power? Wouldn't that be deemed as a great sin?"

The duke's child shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know if they'll really go through with it, but as for committing sin… I'm sure Rivelis has done something much worse than that."

Max stops in his steps, weighing over how much pressure was on his shoulders. His friend picks up on his expression and tries to lighten his mood.

"Or they might just betroth you to Princess Clementine." he smiles,

Max flustered, dropping his friend to the ground.

"Hey!" Frederick yelled in pain, trying to bring himself to stand and enter his carriage.

"You sure you don't want a lift? This area's not safe at this time." his friend offered,

Max sensed another movement in the shadows, he knew the feeling of being followed all too well.

"Don't worry about me, I'll walk." Max refused in an attempt to lure the lurkers out.

Frederick's carriage left Max on the side of the road past midnight, as shops around him started to close and became an empty alleyway.