
A Tale Of Revenge

Having avoided her parents for a couple of years since the loss of her brother, Eleanor falls in love with a handsome billionaire; Alexander. Due to unmanaged circumstances, they get married based on a contract. It’s only about a matter of time before she realizes that she is a sheep in a lions den, and getting out will not be an easy task. Eleanor a talented artist struggling to make a living from her skills crosses paths with a billionaire who offers her help through a contract marriage. Seeming like a nice and promising man, she lets him into her world, and he shows her everything there is to wealth and romance, he makes her feel loved. But things begin to fall sideways as she discovers the truth about her husband being a cheat, and the murderer of her parents whom she felt she was avoiding due to a slight conflict. It clearly dawns on Eleanor that the path she had chosen had more than just love, luxury and addictive shades of grey to offer, it also had its darkness and putting him down could cost her everything. Alexander realizes Eleanors changing attitudes towards him, and her constant enquiries and discussions about her missing parents, he gets uncomfortable with it, but tries to keep her back in the love game because he loves her, but the game of love gradually turns to a game of hate and survival as more of the truth gets unfolded.

Busola_Olorunmo · Masa Muda
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Alexander remained in his car as he observed them from a distance. He took out time to admire Eleanor as she walked into the building, " Damn, now isn't she cute?" he smiled optimistically. 

Eleanor gets into her studio in her painting outfit, she places the items on the work table and ties her fine blonde hair backwards. Her phone rings, she grabs it and checks who the caller is, "Shit!" it's an agent from Creative Hands United, the company she's hoping to get a contract from in a couple of days. Reluctantly, she answers the call... "Hello, a voice from the other end of the call spoke, " Good morning, I believe I am unto miss Eleanor!"

"Yes, yes you are" Eleanor replied. "Alright, this is James from C.H.U" the masculine voice said, "Okay?" Eleanor responded... "I'm calling in regards to your business arrangements with the company."

"Okay, go on" She replied as she walked towards the window and looks out, she notices a black Mercedes drive of. "C.H.U has an outstanding contract with you for over two months now. Is that correct?" She heads back to the table and puts the call on speaker, "Yes, that is correct" She replied grabbing her tube colors and mixing them on her palette with a palette knife. "Good, hope you are aware the deal for the contract expires in two weeks from now, and if the two hundred paintings are not delivered by then, the deal's off and the contract terminated."

Eleanor took a deep breath, being reminded about the deadline seemed like the greatest threat to her at the moment, the colors blended smoothly as she mixed the varieties, "Yes, I am aware" She responded as she painted on the canvas before her. "Good" the voice said, kindly try to deliver the jobs in time for the deal to stand"

"Alright, I'll do that. Thank you for keeping in touch" Eleanor responded. "Alright, do have a nice day" The voice said. Eleanor ended the call and sat still on her stool as she glanced around.. "A hundred and fifty paintings so far, I need fifty more, and that contract is mine". She said as she resumed painting on the surface.

Back on the Road, Alex brings out the photo of Eleanor and her parents, for a moment, he admires Eleanor in the photo, "I'm so sorry it had to be this way. But you shall be my date" he smiles still staring at the photo while driving. A loud honk gets his attention, he looks up and finds a truck on the opposite direction, "You better watch where you're going dummy!" The truck driver yells at him. Alex smiles as he drops the photo and focuses on the road.

Fat Joe and Steve get to the apartment of the bereaved couples, they look around, no one is watching, they walk into the compound apprehensively. Steve tries to open the door but it's locked. "Wait here, I'll get in through the back door" Fat Joe said as he strolled aside in a calm but dubious manner, his eyes scanning everywhere to make sure no one is watching. Fat Joe had a thing for diligence, that's one of the reasons the billionaire hired him. He gets to the back of the building and observes the premises again, he wouldn't want to screw things up for his boss. In his contentment that no one is watching, he pulls out a penknife from his pocket sluggardly. He thrust's it into the door knob and makes a few shifts, the door opens. He walks in gently and scans the kitchen, it is neat, he finds some apples on the table, he picks one and takes a bite.

"Hey, you looking for Mr. Bradway?" A passerby asked Steve as he stood out waiting for Fat Joe to open the door from inside. Steve turns around and stares at the stranger with a pernicious feeling, but he quickly maintains an upright face… " Yes, I am actually waiting for him, he said he will be here in an hour" he quickly replied. The stranger smiles, "Alright then" he walks away. Steve takes a deep breath, the door opens behind him, "Come in" Fat Joe said. Steve gets in immediately and shuts the door. "What took you so long?" He asked with a slight feel of anger on his face, "Relax bro, I found something" Fat Joe said as he raises a phone, "The poor woman was trying to keep In touch with her daughter" he adds smiling sheepishly "And from the way it looks, the young girl does not keep in touch with her mother" he concludes.

"So?" Steve asked showing discontentment,

"So that's a win for us, she isn't exactly a threat for now" Fat Joe replied.

Steve walks towards his brother, "Wake up!" 

"Wake up? What do you mean?" Joe asked

They both stare at each other, "Alex is a billionaire, t's time we become billionaires too" Steve responded. " Hit the nail on the head bro, what exactly is your point here?" Fat Joe asked still trying to understand where his brother is heading with the discussion. "I know where his money is, all of it" Steve responded, his breath becoming intense and audible. "And so? What about it?" Joe asked… "I need your help, I need to move the money without him noticing." Steve replied.

Fat Joe took a few steps backwards, "Are you insane?" He asked his desperate brother. You won't even make it past the entrance door without authorization. That building is entirely made of AI intelligence" Fat Joe responded with a mixture of confusion and fire in his eyes. Steve grabs him by the shoulder, "Hey bro, put your self together, this is the only option we have" he said with fire and authority in his eyes, Steve always had a way of getting what he wanted not minding if he had to cut corners to get it done. Fat Joe took a deep breath and gazed upon his brother, "Alright, you are my brother, I will help you. But first, we need a plan, a good one"