

Cielle's heart jumps from inside her chest, her mind racing with a million horrible scenarios. Her limbs move on their own and soon she is standing by the foot of his bed. It gave her a sense of deja-vu of the night she had sneaked into his chamber to heal his wounds. It's the same scent of blood that she is sensing now. And it makes her insides tangle up with nervousness. 

"You back?" The man asks, his head peeking out of the blanket, dark raven hair all tangled up and his thick brows scrunched down in a deep frown. Well, seeing Cielle may be a nuisance to him but for her, it's an escape. An escape from reality. When she is with him, she doesn't have to rehearse her words and act like a perfect little doll. She can be herself. Act like herself. 

"You don't sound happy to have me back, darling." Cielle muses, moving closer to him. Her nose crunches when the scent of blood intensifies.