
A Tale of Forbidden love

“His lips brushed through my ear, I can't seem to control myself when I am around you, baby sis. He whispered. “I have never felt this way before with anyone. “I would kill just to be by your side always, his words to me, sending cold shivers to my body. I wanted to kiss him, rip his clothes off and touch every part of him. He pressed me against his body, finding the zipper of my dress and sliding it down. Thought of me being married flashed, but It washed off with his touch. I was going to enjoy the moment. Samantha Alfonso has to leave her hometown and move into the mansion of her mother's new rich husband. She embraced her new beginning, there she met Jeremy Banks, her 30 year old two faced billionaire step brother, who grew up with a rough childhood. They fall madly in love with each other and begin a secret love affair,unknown to Samantha her hometown crawled back into her new life bringing unwanted revelations. Will Jeremy Banks' pretentious character of being a good son be brought to light? Will his love for his step sister turn into a disaster? Or Will Samantha Alfonso quench the candle of love between her and her step brother and reunite with her mysterious Ex? Find out what happens….

Onahi_Andrew · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 13

The days that followed were a whirlwind of emotions. I found myself thinking about Cavey constantly. Our bond grew stronger, our love deepening with each passing day. 

We went on more dates, each one more magical than the last. Although he seems distant and angry sometimes, which has not happened before, I think he's just stressed and nothing to be worried about.

One evening, as we walked hand in hand along the beach, he stopped and turned to me.

"Sam, you make me feel things I've never felt before. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't," I assured him, my eyes shining with love. "I'm yours, honey."

We spent countless nights talking and sharing their dreams and fears. , "I said one night. "I want to be there for you."

"And I want to be there for you too," he replied, pulling her close.

That night, Cavey took my virginity. His touch was both tender and passionate, making me feel cherished and loved. For me it was a night I would never forget.

Weeks later…

Caveman POV

The morning after that night with Samantha, I woke up with a strange mix of satisfaction and confusion. 

On one hand, I was thrilled that I had finally gotten what I wanted. 

Samantha, sweet and innocent, had been like an unattainable prize. 

And now, I had her."Finally," I thought to myself, a grin spreading across my face.

 "That was easier than I thought."But something about that night stuck with me. It wasn't like my usual flings. 

There was a depth, an intensity, that I couldn't quite shake off. Samantha tasted sweet, her touch felt electric. 

It was different."She was a virgin," I reminded myself, trying to rationalize the feelings. "That's all it was. Nothing more.

"Weeks passed, after that night and I started ignoring her calls and messages. I needed to distance myself. I had other things to worry about, and she didn't matter anymore.

"Focus, Man," I muttered, shaking off the lingering thoughts of her. "You've got bigger fish to fry."

My father had called me the day before, ranting about marriage and my future. He was relentless, always pushing his agenda.

"Jeremy, when are you coming back home?" Dad's voice boomed over the phone."Dad, I'm busy with work," I replied, trying to keep my tone even.

Yeah, you heard right my real name is Jeremy, and Caveman is just my stage name, only people who are close to me know my real name, since I'm always on a mask nobody knows me outside the stage except for my crew and of course now Samantha.

"Busy with work? You're supposed to be a lawyer, not a wanderer! And what about Amelia? Have you thought about her at all?"

"Dad, I told you, I'm traveling for work. I need some space."

"Space? Space from what? Your responsibilities? You need to settle down, Jeremy. Get married, take over the family business. This wandering away nonsense needs to stop."

"Dad, it's not nonsense. I have just been busy with work"? Wandering doesn't pay bills, Jeremy. Your grandfather didn't build this empire for you to throw it away acting all childish."

I clenched my jaw, the anger rising. "I have my own plans, Dad. I'm not ready to come back."

"Fine. But don't think you can avoid this forever. You need to marry Amelia. She's good for you, and she's waiting."

"Yeah, we'll see about that," I muttered under my breath as I hung up the phone.

Ever since I left home, I've been hopping from one hotel to another. It's not like I can't afford a house, but I know Dad's spies are everywhere. 

Staying in hotels keeps me off the radar."At least this way, I can avoid the constant pressure," I thought, unpacking my bag in yet another hotel room. 

"It's not ideal, but it works."I spent my days training, fighting, and enjoying the freedom that came with my lifestyle. 

But the nagging thoughts about Samantha kept creeping in."Enough of this," I snapped at myself one evening. "Time to move on."

Amelia called out of the blue, sounding serious, worried, and urgent. 

Despite my disdain for her drama, she was still my friend. We'd been through a lot together.

"I need to see you," her voice crackled over the phone. "It's important."

"Fine, Amelia. Where do you want to meet?"

"There's a restaurant on Maple Street. Can you meet me there in an hour?"

"Alright, I'll be there," I replied, trying to mask my irritation.

I knew I had been avoiding her. Ever since things heated up with Samantha, I'd kept my distance. Amelia could be a pain, but she was also a part of my life I couldn't easily discard.

I arrived at the restaurant on Maple Street a bit early, grabbing a seat in the corner. I ordered a drink and waited, my mind racing through a hundred different scenarios of what she wanted to talk about.

"Jeremy," Amelia's voice brought me back to reality. She approached the table, looking as serious as she sounded on the phone.

"Hey," I said, standing up to greet her. "You sounded urgent. What's going on?"She sat down, her eyes searching mine. 

"Jeremy, we need to talk about ourselves, about our future. You have been avoiding me, my calls and messages for the longest."

"Amelia, you know how I feel about that," I replied, trying to stay calm. "I've got a lot going on right now."

"Yeah, I know. Kickboxing, your 'work travels'. She said, I looked around hoping no one heard that.

"But what about us, Jeremy? We've been engaged for years. Your father is pressuring both of us."

"Can you keep it low? I know, and I'm sorry. But I can't just drop everything and settle down. Not yet."

"Not yet? When, Jeremy? When will you be ready?" Her eyes were filled with a mix of anger and desperation.

"I don't know, Amelia. I just need more time."

"Time? For what? To fool around with other girls while I sit here waiting?" she snapped.

I winced at her words, knowing there was some truth to them. "It's not like that."

"Then what is it like, Jeremy? Explain it to me."I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Amelia, I care about you. But I can't be the man you want me to be right now."She looked away, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. 

"I don't know how much longer I can wait, Jeremy. I'm not a puppet for you and your father to control."

"I never wanted you to feel that way," I said softly. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't fix this," she replied, her voice breaking. "I need to know where we stand. What are we even doing?"

"I don't have all the answers right now. But I promise, I'll figure it out."

"You better," she said, standing up. "Because I'm running out of patience."I watched her leave, feeling a mix of guilt and relief. Amelia was a part of my life I couldn't ignore, but Samantha was still lingering in my mind.

At this point I miss my mother, I didn't have much of a relationship with her because she only left when I was 2 years old and all means to find her has been useless as dad didn't want me to know or associate with her, I was raised by nannies.

Dad was always busy with work and came back home late.I heard he had some huge investment deals, good for him, but not my problem.

I had no one to talk to. I have always been all by myself, if I had a mother I would have gone to her and wrapped myself in her arms, while she assures me that everything is going to be alright.