
Ch. 31 Team effort

"Kaz, hold on I'm getting you out of here." Perish grabbed the keys from the dead soldier's waist and opened the door. She rushed in to check on Kaz. He was still breathing, but it was faint, and he was beginning to look pale.

"Are you a friend of his?" Windson asked and smiled faintly. "I would get out of here now, or you'll end up in the same situation."

Perish ignored the man and tried waking Kaz up by shaking him. His eyes fluttered open, and he saw a ray of light and a beautiful woman looking back at him. Raising his hand to grasp at the face in front of him, Kaz could feel the warmth as it wrapped itself around him.

"Oh, Kaz, I'm so sorry for leaving you on your own."

He could not make out what the voice was saying, but warm drops fell on his face, and he smiled faintly. He was not sure what was going on, but he was starting to doze in and out of consciousness.

"If they did not take it, there might still be a healing potion in my bag." Windson shook his head towards the chest that was on the other side of the cell. Perish looked at him with tears in her eyes and back at the chest. She laid Kaz down gently and ran over to the chest, trying out the keys until she found one that fit. Putting it in, she heard the click and opened it. Suffling through the stuff, she found Kaz's ring and gear as well as a strange leather bag with a skull as the clip. She opened it, and inside was a red potion and a book. She quickly grabbed the medicine and went back to Kaz. Placing the potion to his lips, he could feel the cool refreshing taste of something sweet enter his throat. He tried to swallow it but coughed some of it up.

He could feel his body grow stronger slowly, and his vision was coming back to him. A warm stinging feeling covered his body as each, and every cut on his body slowly closed up. The wound on his stomach, though, was taking much longer to heal. Perish could hear someone coming down the stairs to the cell, and she panicked. She was not done feeding Kaz the potion, but she needed to get rid of the potential witness.

The drunk soldier stumbled down the stairs and landed next to one of the dead guards. "Hey, idiot, no sleeping on the job..." Taking a moment to regain his composure, he sat up and looked at the man realizing there was blood draining from his throat. He screamed and crawled back, hitting his back against the table, knocking the candle off and making it go out. Looking around for what did it, the man sees bright yellow bestial eyes staring back at him.

Screaming at the top of his lungs, "Intruders!" he tries to scramble up the stairs, but due to being inebriated, he can barely move straight. Perish curses her luck and puts Kaz down. He would need a few minutes before his wounds close up. She placed the ring on her finger and rubbed it, turning invisible. She then charged the man and grabbed the back of his head, revealing his neck and sliced it open.

She sprinted up the stairs and almost knocked right into another soldier who was heading towards the screaming. She slit his throat as well while he was surprised and continued forward. Soldiers were now getting up and stumbling over to the cell. Some had swords drawn, and others had maces. Stephan, who was not drunk, pulled out a crossbow and looked around for whoever was causing the commotion.

People were falling left and right, holding their throats, and some started panicking and running away. "GHOSTS!" some of them screamed as they fled in terror. Stephan watched the death around him and aimed his crossbow, trying to predict where the next attack would come from. It looked almost random, but there was a slight pattern to it. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself and let lose the bolt.

It flew for a second and then stopped in midair. Blood started dripping out of where the bolt hit, and people stopped falling over dead. A grin covered Stephan's face as he walked closer while reloading his crossbow. "So we have an assassin trying to take us out? Not a very bright one at that."

Perish gritted her teeth and looked at the man who was preparing another bolt for her. She wanted to charge the man, but her thigh was shot, and it hurt beyond belief moving it. She was stuck, and he was ready to finish her off.

Sarah and Peter saw the chaos unfold before their eyes. Soldiers were scattering left and right. While this was going on, they needed to get in and save Perish and Kaz. They could only assume that she was caught and is fighting for her life. Sarah charged in with her sword and looked around for any sign of her friends. Peter reluctantly followed behind her, preparing spells in case someone attacked, but no one seemed to be worried about the two new intruders.

The two found where the commotion was at its high point and saw a man pointing a crossbow at something invisible. They assumed it was Kaz since it's his ring and went to assist him before he could get killed.

"Firebolt!" A bolt of fire flew ahead of Sarah as she charged the man with the crossbow. He turned around and tried to shot her but missed quite badly. He dropped his weapon and pulled out his sword to parry the oncoming attack. Sidestepping the firebolt as he did.

Sarah could tell this man was skilled. He was able to make three moves in succession with little sweat. He smiled and tilted his head. "Oh, so you brought friends. We'll have fun with you tonight." He swung his blade at her, and she parried it. His strength was much more significant than hers, and it took her to her knees. He laughed at her pathetic attempt to fight.

"I see you have to rely on tactics like that to kill. No wonder you hide. It's pathetic."

He continued to press harder down on her, and she did everything she could to stay on her knees and not collapse. Peter ran and shot another firebolt, this time hitting the man in the shoulder. Stephen looked at him and grinned. "A weak warrior and an even weaker mage. You guys are a hoot, aren't you?"

He kept his weight on the blade and scanned the area for the invisible enemy. She had moved from where she was initially, but it did not take long to refocus on her. She was trying to get behind him. He was not going to make it easy for her. When he felt the warmth of her claws about to sink into him, he ducked, and she missed. Peter shot two more firebolts at the man to no avail. It seemed like this fight was going to be impossible for them to win like this.

It was then. When the fight seemed hopeless, that is when something changed. From the building came a high pitched screech that caused everyone in the area to either cover their ears or become paralyzed by the sound. Kaz had freed Windson, and they both made it to the entrance of the building to see the fighting out front. Windson ran forward, reaching into his bag and pulling out some weird concoction hidden in a secret compartment and threw it at Stephen. It landed on his chest and burst into dust. Sarah rolled out of the way and tried to regain her balance as she coughed a little of the powder in. It burned her throat a little.

Stephen, on the other hand, was coughing up a storm and holding his throat. Kaz came limping forward and extended his hand out to cast a spell. "This seems like the best time to try out my new spell."

He held his spellbook in his other hand and began reading the spell off. Vines began to shoot out of the ground and wrap around Stephen's arms and legs, binding him to the spot. He struggled to move and catch his breath. He cursed in between exhales. Kaz picked up a blade and came forward towards Stephen, raising the sword, he prepared to kill the leader of the soldiers in this camp. With most of them scattered or dead, this camp was pretty much done for.

Sarah looked away at the beheading, and Peter gritted his teeth. He had seen death before, but he was still not used to it. The blade swiftly cleaved the man's head off, and it rolled to the ground. With the man no longer alive, the vines held him in place. Kaz looked to his group.

"The hut is no longer safe. There will be more coming."

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^

Currently 7/100 privilege readers

Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

Delphonsecreators' thoughts