
Ch. 20 Adventurers

A few days went by, and the group recovered any wounds they had. The increase in recovery from the medicine helped tremendously, not to mention the points Kaz put in his recovery stat. While they were resting, Perish talked to Kaz about his ability to turn invisible. The cat was out of the bag, and Kaz could no longer hide his ring.

"When I fought the adventurers that attacked my people, I found a ring on one of them. It lets me turn invisible once per day."

Perish nodded and accepted that answer. Sarah, on the other hand, looked worried. "Umh, Kaz, what did the person you took the ring off of look like?"

Kaz described the girl he killed as delicately as he could. He knew from the moment she said those words that she knew the victim. She looked somberly at the ground and fiddled with her fingers. "Oh..."

Kaz wanted to defend his actions, but he knew it would not do any good. The room was now silent with reflection. Everyone was thinking about something important. Peter finally broke the silence. "Now that we are all healed, what about our objective with crossing the border. If Kaz can turn invisible, then he should be able to make it easier. It's just Perish we have to worry about."

Sarah interjected. "Not only that, but we still need a reason to cross the border. They don't just let anyone usually pass only soldiers, adventurers, and some merchants."

That surprised Kaz. If they let merchants cross, that means they make a trade with monsters, which said monsters had their civilizations. That was important information for him cause that meant they weren't all savages, and he could talk them into joining his plans.

"How much does a ring like this go for, and could one of you go to a town and get one for us?" Kaz figured maybe there was a chance they could both just sneak through with the rings.

"It's highly unlikely that we could get a magical item with no money to our names," Peter said, but he was thinking of an idea. "Perhaps we could break that ring down into its magical essence and try crafting a ring with that same property that you both could have." He waved the idea away. "No, that wouldn't work. It would take resources we don't have at this moment and someone much higher level than all of us."

Kaz heard it again. Someone mentioned level for the second time since he had arrived here. He noticed he did not have a level on his status bar. Did that mean he was level 0?

"What level are all of you?" Kaz decided to chance it and see if he sounded like an idiot.

Peter began to talk like a professor. His voice sounded informative and also quite funny. "Unless you join the adventurers guild, we are all level 0, and when it comes to monsters, they all gain experience as they kill, or that is at least what I was told when I lived in the town. Perish should only be level 0 if that is the case. What about you, Kaz, are you level 1 after your encounters?"

Perish nodded, "I am only level 0, still."

Kaz coughed a little and responded. "I am also level 0 still."

"Interesting even after all your fights, I would have assumed you would have leveled up by now. maybe they were wrong about monsters." Peter inspected Kaz over as he spoke,

"What about becoming adventurers Peter and Sarah? If that happened then, you would be able to cross the border easily. That would leave just figuring out how to get Perish across." Kaz recommended, waiting for their response.

"Peter could become one, but I have no skills required to become one yet," said Sarah, who looked bummed out now. She felt so useless all the time. Like she was more of a burden than anything.

Perish walked over to her and raised her head to look her in the eyes. "I could teach you a thing or two and help you pass the adventurer test."

"Do you think I have what it takes?" Sarah questioned, looking away from Perish.

"I've seen what you are capable of, Sarah, I know for a fact you can do it."

Sarah was relieved to know that someone believed in her. She was not sure what Perish wanted her to do, but she knew she would try to complete it to the best of her ability. Peter moved over to Kaz and pulled out a book bound in what looked like sheepskin. "I figure while they are studying for the exam, we can also do some practice. I want to see the extent of kobold magic learning."

That was great, Kaz thought. He could always learn more magic to add to his arsenal. The two groups split off to do their things. Perish and Sarah were learning necessary combat skills, and Peter and Kaz learning more about magic.

A week passed, and Kaz felt so much stronger now. Sarah was exhausted from daily training, but she was showing signs of improvement. Kaz decided to look over his new spells.

NAME- Kaz Stromberg- Protector of the Greyfang tribe






EGO- 7







- Stealth Lv 1

- Language- Draconic Lv 1

- Trap making- Lv 1

- Bluff- Lv 1

- Language- Common Lv 1

- Listen- Lv 1

- Tracking Lv 1

- Climb Lv 1

- Trap Making- Lv 1

- Medicine- Lv 1


- Humanoid Intelligence- Surprisingly smart for a kobold+3 Intelligence

- Kobold Heritage- Ugly, weak, small, stupid, and evil, but fast. -3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -3 Constitution, Dark vision

- Dark Vision- As a member of the Underdark you can see in the dark

-4 Body, -3 Intelligence, +1 Presence, -5 Beauty, -3 Size.

- Weapon Familiarity simple weapons- Can use basic weapons with some measure of skill

- Ambitious- dreams of greater things. +1 Ego

- Determination- Feeling the weight of responsibility hang on your shoulders, you keep pushing forward. Ego + 1, Strength + 1, Recovery + 1

- Magical insight- Bright enough to learn the beginnings of magic. Unlocked the magic skill tree.

- Mage Vision- Able to focus and see the potential of a mage.


- Light- creates a ball of light to illuminate the surroundings.

- Flash- Sudden burst of light that is meant to incapacitate sight for those who see it.

- Untangle- uses telekinetic forces to unbind ropes.

- Firebolt Lv 1- a streak of flames that hurt those who are hit by them


- Greyfang Tribe- 100 fame

It was not a lot of new spells, but they seemed so useful. Kaz was grateful to have a mage in his party to teach him new things. On the other hand, Sarah might be rethinking her friendship with Perish after all the torture she has been through during the week of constant fighting and healing. Her muscles were sore, and her body felt like it was on the brink of falling apart, but she continued without complaining. She was serious about becoming useful to the group. It showed when she fought against Kaz and was able to keep up with his attacks. It showed that she had a strong understanding of the basics of combat.

They decided to slow things down for a few days to allow Sarah to recover. Their next plan was for Peter and Sarah to go to the Main city and apply for the Adventurers guild.

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^

Currently 7/100 privilege readers

Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

Delphonsecreators' thoughts