
A symphony's harmony

A symphony's harmony is a fantasy fiction novel based on the story of Priscilla. She is renowned for her achievements in her war of being a successful musician. Therefore, she relates every single moment of her present life with her past junctures. But things get more interesting when she starts liking someone and shuffled herself in love triangle scenes that attain the attraction of a whole story. To be continued!

AyeshRay · Masa Muda
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12 Chs

A specified questionnaire.

Doctor: "No, you just let her drink the recommended juice, and then she'll be fine."

Priscilla: "I didn't sleep enough last night otherwise I am fine."

Sasha: "Madam, you have 20 minutes to rest and freshen up. After that, the ceremony will start soon."

Priscilla nodded her head as yes.

The doctor stepped out of the room with Sasha.

Grey met some other VIPs.

After 20 minutes,

Everyone at a music hall.

Priscilla appeared in a hall.

The light saxophone and violin were being played by some musicians.

Priscilla was wearing a burgundy-colored patchwork lace cut-out V-Neck maxi with a tale and long sleeves. Her long hair was bound up in a high ponytail style.

She looked gorgeous. Everyone was shocked while looking at her.

Grey was amazed by her looks but he tried to ignore her attraction.

Priscilla was smiling as if nothing had happened.

She greeted every guest happy.

They celebrated Priscilla's birthday by giving her luxurious gifts and cutting the cake.

{Priscilla was a star (celebrity) in the music industry.}

After celebrating her birthday, she had a scheduled interview with Grey.

Sasha received a message from the director of the studio.

They arrived at the specified location for an interview.

A female reporter was sitting and waiting for Priscilla in a studio hall, some fans of Priscilla were sitting in the audience.

Sasha went near to the director and inquired, "Sir, where is Mr. Grey?"

Director: "An emergency happened, so he had to leave in a hurry. But don't worry he assigned the best reporter for this interview."

Sasha: "Who is the host now?"

Director: "She is the colleague of Mr. Allaire. Her name is Daphne Emerson."

Sasha: "Oh I see, Priscilla is waiting. So please let me know about the interview."

Director: "Okay mam."

After ten minutes,

The interview started.

Daphne: "Hello viewers! Today, we are going to interview a multi-talented girl who is the top youngest pianist, vocalist, and songwriter. Let's welcome the most gorgeous lady, 'Priscilla Rimiley'".

Daphne stood up to welcome Priscilla.

Priscilla appeared in the interview hall.

The interview was going live.

Priscilla greeted Daphne.

They both settled on their seats.

Daphne: "Miss Rimiley. First of all thank you so much to give me a chance for being the host of today's interview and second, I wish you the happiest birthday."

Priscilla chuckled and replied: "I am the one who should thank you to let me be the guest here and thank you for wishing me a birthday. I become happy whenever I realize that I have some people who love me so much."

Daphne: "I am also your fan. You look so gorgeous."

Priscilla: "Thank you so much."

Daphne gestured at the audience and said, "We have so many fans of yours who want to ask some questions. If you permit us so let's start."

Priscilla: "Yes please, I would be so grateful to all my fans."

Daphne smiled and looked at the audience and asked, "So who wants to question first?"

Some fans gestured with their arms while muttering, "Me!"

Daphne: "That girl in the front."

A girl who was holding Priscilla's poster stood up and held the mic.

A girl, "Mam, I am your greatest fan. Can I have a picture with you?"

Priscilla: "Okay but not now, anyone of you can capture a picture with me after the live show."

A girl: "Thank you so much, madam."

A boy stood and said, "Happy birthday mam. I saw your today's performance. You were fabulous. I was shocked after hearing that opera song."

Priscilla: "It was the first time in my life to sing an opera song."

Another girl: "Mam, some people think that you have sung that song just to surprise your fans. Is it right?"

Priscilla took a deep breath and replied, "Yes I wanted to try something different."

Another girl stood up and asked, "After that performance, some fans of yours' said that you sang like the legendary opera singer named Hailey Michael."

Priscilla: "Do you guys know who she was?"

A boy: "She was the Italian opera singer. My mom was her biggest fan."

Priscilla: "Oh I see. I have listened to her songs especially the last one named Quando man vo."

Daphne: "She was gorgeous and I was thirteen years old when she and her husband died. No one knows about her daughter."

Priscilla looked at the floor and said in a low tone, "Alas."

Another boy: "Your performance was amazing."

Priscilla: "Thank you."

That's how the show ended.

Priscilla went back to the resort to get some rest.

{She permanently lived at that resort because she liked the view unwarily from that place.}

Priscilla stepped into the dressing room to change her clothes, but unwarily she looked herself in the mirror and said (to reflection), "Why don't I tell everyone about my family. I am the only daughter of Hailey and Michael. They were my parents. I want to tell everyone about my past."

Priscilla reminded her of her past.

She was memorizing of the last performance of her parents.

She was twelve years old.

***(Ten years old)***

16 September 2010;

In a crowded museum hall, some students of the orchestra appeared on a stage.

The bright spotlight was pointing at those students.

All the students sat in their seats for the arrival of orchestra members.

After a few seconds, the leader of an orchestra stood up, stepped a bit forward, and played the violin in a low tone to give a signal to the conductor for his appearance.

Every member followed his lead and lightly played their instruments.

{The leader of the orchestra is the top violinist. The conductor is the member who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir.}

Everyone clapped again to welcome the conductor.

A light grey colored hair and a bearded man wearing tuxedos, complete with cummerbund, white shirt, bow tie, and vest appeared.

The conductor signed the orchestra to welcome the special guests.

The young and beautiful couple appeared.


*Chapter's quote*

"Self-identification is made by own-self!"

To be continued...