
A Superman in Marvel

one shots of basically a teenager who died and found himself in marvel 616 with his body changed as he finds out he’s now a Kryptonian and he’s a major Superman fan so he decides to try and be a hero

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34 Chs

Chapter 16

Kade stood atop the same rooftop where he had shared his doubts with Peter Parker just a day earlier. The sun was setting, casting an orange hue over New York City. Kade's resolve was firm; he had made a promise to Bruce Banner and the Hulk, and he intended to keep it.

His mind was made up. He couldn't sit idly by while his friend was banished to an unknown fate. Kade knew he had to act, even if it meant leaving Earth for an indefinite period. He had to bring Bruce home.

He took a deep breath and called out softly, "Peter?"

Spider-Man swung into view, landing gracefully beside him. "Supes, what's up? You look like you've got something heavy on your mind."

Kade nodded, his expression serious. "I need to talk to you, Peter. I'm going after Bruce. I'm going to bring him back."

Peter's eyes widened behind his mask. "You're leaving? But... what about the city?"

"I know it's a lot to ask, but I can't abandon Bruce. He's my friend, and he needs me. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I trust you, Peter. I trust you'll take care of the city in my absence."

Peter removed his mask, revealing his earnest expression. "You can count on me, Kade. We'll keep things in check until you get back. Just... be careful out there kid, okay?"

Kade smiled, appreciating the support. "Thanks, Peter. I will."

They shared a brief, but heartfelt hug before Kade took off, flying towards his next destination.

Kade's first stop was Hell's Kitchen. He found Daredevil on a rooftop, surveying the streets below.

"Daredevil," Kade called out.

Daredevil turned, his enhanced senses already aware of Kade's presence. "Superman. What brings you here?"

"I'm leaving, Matt. I'm going after Bruce. I wanted to let you know."

Daredevil's expression was unreadable behind his mask, but his tone was serious. "You think it's a good idea to go alone?"

"I have to. It's a promise I made to Bruce and the Hulk. I can't break it."

Daredevil nodded, respecting his decision. "Good luck, Kade. The city will miss you, but we'll manage. Just come back safe."

Kade gave him a firm handshake. "Thanks, Matt."

Next, Kade visited Captain America, who was training at an Avengers facility. Steve Rogers looked up as Kade approached.

"Kade. To what do I owe the visit?" Steve asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"I'm leaving, Cap. I'm going to find Bruce and bring him back."

Steve's eyes narrowed slightly, considering the weight of Kade's words. "You're sure about this?"

"I am. I can't give up on him. Not now."

Captain America placed a reassuring hand on Kade's shoulder. "Then go. Bring him home. We'll hold down the fort here."

Kade nodded, grateful for the support. "Thank you, Steve."

The Baxter Building was Kade's next destination. He flew into one of the upper floors, where Reed Richards and Sue Storm were working on a new experiment.

"Reed, Sue," Kade greeted them.

Reed looked up, his expression curious. "Kade, what brings you here?"

"I'm leaving Earth. I'm going to find Bruce and bring him back."

Sue stepped forward, concern etched on her face. "Are you sure, Kade? It's a dangerous mission."

"I have to do this, Sue. Bruce is my friend."

Reed nodded still feeling guilty, understanding. "I'll send you the location of where his shuttle was last,We'll be here if you need anything."

"Thank you, both of you," Kade said sincerely.

His final stop was the X-Mansion. He found the X-Men gathered in the main hall, discussing their next mission.

"Everyone," Kade said, gaining their attention. "I'm leaving to find Bruce and bring him back."

The room fell silent. Cyclops was the first to speak. "It's a dangerous mission, Kade. Are you sure you want to do this alone?"

"I have to. Bruce is my friend, and I can't abandon him."

Storm stepped forward. "Then go Kade. We'll be here if you need us."

"Just make sure you don't get lost up there Space boy" Wolverine said with a sly grin on his face

"Thank you, all of you," Kade said, feeling the weight of their support.

As Kade prepared to leave Earth, he saw the Illuminati waiting for him. Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Doctor Strange, and Black Bolt stood together, their expressions a mix of guilt and determination.

"Kade," Tony began, stepping forward. "Are you sure about this? Bruce wanted peace. We gave him that."

Kade walked past him, resolute. "You gave up on him. But I never will. The S on my chest represents hope. That's what I stand for. You lost hope in Bruce and the Hulk, but I never did."

"We did all we-"Tony tried to argue, but Kade cut him off. "I'm going to bring him back. And when I do, you'll see that giving up was never the answer."

He floated into the air, giving the heroes one last look. "Take care of Earth while I'm gone. I'll be back."

With a final, loving look at the planet he called home, Kade blasted off into space, determined to find his friend.

Kade flew through the vastness of space, his mind focused on the mission ahead. He scanned the stars, searching for any sign of the spaceship that carried Bruce going to its last known location. The journey was long, but his resolve never wavered.

As he traveled, memories of his friendship with Bruce and the Hulk filled his mind. He remembered their battles, their victories, and their struggles. He remembered the promise he had made to always be there for them. And he intended to keep that promise.


Meanwhile, on the planet Sakaar, the Hulk's arrival had not gone unnoticed. The Red King watched from his throne as the Hulk was thrown into the gladiator arena. The crowd roared, eager to see the new champion fight.

The Hulk's eyes burned with anger.He would fight. He would survive. And he would find a way back to Earth.

But for now, he was a prisoner a slave in this harsh, alien world, forced to fight for his life. The journey ahead was uncertain, but the Hulk was ready for whatever came his way because he's the strongest one there is.