
A Superman in Marvel

one shots of basically a teenager who died and found himself in marvel 616 with his body changed as he finds out he’s now a Kryptonian and he’s a major Superman fan so he decides to try and be a hero

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33 Chs

Chapter 13

Unstoppable Evolution

Kade soared over the bustling cityscape of New York, his eyes scanning the streets below. The sun shone brightly, casting long shadows across the buildings. Lately, he had felt a peculiar change within himself—a surge of strength and speed beyond his usual limits. Ever since the encounter with the X-Men and the anti-mutant gas bomb, his powers had been intensifying at an alarming rate.

Suddenly, the sound of an explosion echoed through the city, followed by panicked screams. Kade's senses sharpened, and he flew toward the source of the commotion. In the heart of downtown Manhattan, the monstrous Abomination was wreaking havoc, his immense size and power causing widespread destruction.

Kade landed with a thud, cracking the pavement beneath his feet. The Abomination turned, a sinister grin spreading across his grotesque face.

"Superman," the Abomination growled. "I've been looking forward to this."

"You're not going to hurt anyone else," Kade replied, his voice calm but firm. "This ends now."

The battle erupted with a ferocity that shook the city. The Abomination swung his massive fist at Kade, who dodged effortlessly and countered with a punch that sent the monster sprawling. The Abomination roared in fury, charging at Kade with reckless abandon. But Kade was faster, stronger. He moved with precision, each blow landing with a force that seemed to surprise even him.

Kade's thoughts raced as he fought. This feels easier than it should. The Abomination, despite his brute strength, was no match for Kade's enhanced abilities. Every punch, every movement felt more powerful, more controlled. Within minutes, Kade had the Abomination pinned to the ground, immobilized and defeated.

Breathing heavily, Kade looked around at the devastation. The battle had been fierce, but he had ended it swiftly. Too swiftly. He lifted the incapacitated Abomination and flew him to a secure S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility, making sure the monster was securely restrained before heading back to his patrol.

Over the next few days, Kade continued to notice the changes. His strength, speed, and senses were all heightened. Tasks that used to challenge him now seemed effortless. Puzzled and a bit concerned, he decided to pay a visit to the Baxter Building, home of the Fantastic Four. He wanted to check in with Reed Richards, also known as Mr. Fantastic, and see if he could shed some light on his condition.


Kade arrived at the Baxter Building and was greeted warmly by the Fantastic Four. Reed Richards, with his characteristic curiosity and intellect, welcomed him with a smile.

"Kade, it's good to see you," Reed said, extending a hand. "What brings you here today?"

"I've been experiencing some unusual changes ever since the incident with the anti-mutant gas bomb," Kade explained. "I feel stronger, faster—like my powers are growing exponentially. I was hoping you could take a look."

Reed nodded thoughtfully. "Of course. Let's run some tests and see what's going on."

As they made their way to the lab, Kade took the opportunity to congratulate Reed on the recent birth of his twins with Sue Storm.

"Congratulations on the twins, Reed. How are they doing?"

Reed's face lit up with pride. "Franklin and Valeria are doing great. They're a handful, but we wouldn't have it any other way."

In the lab, Reed began a series of tests, taking blood samples and running them through various analyses. Kade sat patiently, watching as Reed's scientific mind worked through the data.

"Fascinating," Reed muttered, peering at the results. "Your biology is adapting at an incredible rate. It seems your immune system has incorporated the anti-mutant gas into your body, making you immune and even enhancing your abilities."

Kade looked at Reed in surprise. "So that's why I feel stronger?"

Reed nodded. "Exactly. Your body has adapted to the gas, integrating its properties and using them to enhance your natural abilities. It's a remarkable example of biological adaptation."

As they discussed the implications, a loud alarm sounded through the building. Reed's expression turned serious. "That's the security alarm. Something's happening."

They rushed to the control room, where Sue Storm, Johnny Storm (the Human Torch), and Ben Grimm (the Thing) were already assessing the situation.

"What's going on?" Kade asked.

"There's a breach in the lower levels," Sue said, her voice tense. "It looks like some sort of advanced robotic entities are trying to infiltrate the building."

"Doom bots," Reed said grimly. "We need to stop them."

Kade and the Fantastic Four sprang into action. They raced to the lower levels, where they found a group of sleek, menacing robots tearing through the defenses.

"Let's take them down!" Johnny shouted, his body igniting into flames as he flew into the fray.

Kade moved with incredible speed, his enhanced strength allowing him to dismantle the robots with ease. He and Ben worked together, smashing and tearing through the mechanical invaders. Sue used her force fields to protect the team, while Reed stretched his body to extraordinary lengths, disabling the robots with his elastic limbs.

The battle was intense, but Kade felt an unprecedented surge of power. He moved with a fluidity and strength that astonished even him. Within minutes, the robots were reduced to scrap metal, their threat neutralized.

Breathing heavily, Kade looked at the remains of the robots. "That was easier than I expected," he said, his voice filled with awe.

Reed approached, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "Your enhanced abilities are remarkable, Kade. But we need to understand the full extent of your adaptation."

Kade nodded, agreeing with Reed's assessment. "I'll stay for more tests, Reed. I want to make sure I can control this and understand what's happening to me."


Over the next few days, Kade remained at the Baxter Building, undergoing a series of rigorous tests. Reed and his team analyzed every aspect of his physiology, from his cellular structure to his energy absorption capabilities. They discovered that Kade's body was not only adapting to the gas but also optimizing itself at an extraordinary rate.

"It's like your cells are constantly evolving," Reed explained during one of their sessions. "They're enhancing your abilities, making you stronger, faster, more resilient."

Kade absorbed the information, his mind racing. "What does this mean for me, Reed? Am I in any danger?"

Reed considered the question carefully. "You're fine, but your body is adapting to survive and thrive in ways we've never seen before. You have even greater potential to become even more powerful than you are now."

As the days passed, Kade continued to patrol New York, feeling the changes within him. He moved through the city with a newfound confidence, his enhanced abilities making every task seem effortless. Yet, he remained vigilant, knowing that his powers came with great responsibility.

One evening, as Kade flew over the city, he received a distress call from the Baxter Building. He turned back immediately, arriving just as Reed and the team were gearing up for another mission.

"Kade, we need your help," Reed said urgently. "We've detected a massive energy signature downtown. It could be a new threat."

Without hesitation, Kade joined the Fantastic Four, and they headed to the source of the energy signature. As they approached, they saw a colossal, armored figure wreaking havoc in the streets.

"Is that... Doctor Doom?" Sue asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

"It looks like he's upgraded his armor," Reed said grimly. "We need to stop him."

The battle was fierce. Doctor Doom's new armor was formidable, capable of withstanding their attacks and countering with devastating force. Kade, however, felt his powers surging within him. He moved with incredible speed, dodging Doom's attacks and landing powerful blows that dented even the advanced armor.

Working together, the team managed to overwhelm Doom. Kade's enhanced strength and speed were crucial, allowing him to deliver the final blow that incapacitated the villain.

As they secured Doom, Reed approached Kade, his expression serious. "Your enhanced abilities made the difference today, Kade. We couldn't have done it without you."

Kade nodded, feeling a mix of pride and responsibility. "I'm just glad I could help. But we need to keep an eye on these changes. I want to make sure I can control them and use them for good."

Reed placed a reassuring hand on Kade's shoulder. "We'll monitor your progress closely. Together, we'll make sure you're ready for whatever comes next."

With the immediate threat neutralized, Kade returned to his patrols, feeling more confident than ever. The streets of New York were safer with him on watch, and he was determined to use his evolving powers to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

As he flew over the city, Kade couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. His journey was far from over, and with the Fantastic Four by his side, he knew he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.