
A Summoner In Post-apocalyptic World

In the wake of a cataclysmic event that reshaped the world, humanity was reborn amidst ruins and chaos. Among the remnants of civilization emerged a new era where the onset of puberty marked the awakening of extraordinary powers and abilities in individuals. In this post-apocalyptic landscape, where survival hung by a fragile thread, a teenager named Ryland Vorheus struggled to find his place. At the age of sixteen, Ryland toiled away in the depths of a desolate mine shaft, his life defined by the monotonous rhythm of labor. Yet, unlike his peers who had already discovered their unique abilities, Ryland remained in the shadows of uncertainty, his latent power eluding him. One fateful day, while venturing deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels of the mine, Ryland stumbled upon a colony of vampiric bats lurking within the darkness. In the harrowing encounter that ensued, he unwittingly triggered a dormant ability within himself—a power to summon and forge contracts with creatures dwelling in the shadows. Amidst the chaos, Ryland found himself standing at the precipice of a newfound destiny. With each creature he encountered and bound to his will, he unearthed the potential to shape his own fate and defy the odds stacked against him. As rumors of his newfound abilities spread, Ryland became a beacon of hope amidst the despair that gripped the post-apocalyptic world. Yet, with newfound power came unforeseen challenges and adversaries lurking in the shadows, eager to exploit his abilities for their own sinister purposes. Guided by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to unravel the mysteries of his own existence, Ryland embarked on a perilous journey across the ravaged landscape, forging alliances and confronting ancient evils that threatened to plunge the world into darkness once more. Along the way, he encountered a motley crew of companions—each with their own secrets and burdens to bear. Together, they navigated treacherous terrain and faced insurmountable odds, drawing strength from their shared resolve to defy fate and carve a path towards redemption. As Ryland delved deeper into the heart of darkness, he soon realized that the true measure of his strength lay not in the power he wielded, but in the bonds forged amidst adversity and the courage to confront the shadows that lurked within. In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, Ryland's journey would become a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity—a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows, where alliances were forged, sacrifices made, and destinies rewritten in the sands of time.

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28 Chs

Chapter 18: Smoothride

Suddenly, a figure approached them — it was the same individual clad in the spiky jacket from Erac Wilson's Gang. He arrived on a bike, and behind him trailed a truck, driven by a cyborg.

"Ah, Alan," the spiky jacket-clad individual greeted, "My boss is waiting for you at the compound."

Alan glanced at the sun positioned directly overhead and remarked, "Seems like it's time for our meeting."

Curious about Mr. Lambda's whereabouts, Ryland inquired, "And where's Mr. Lambda?"

The spiky jacket-clad individual responded, "Lambda is already at the compound." He then extended an invitation, "Why don't you all hop on? I'll take you there."

Alan and Ryland nodded and give a signal for them to wait and told them they need to take care of some little stuff for a minute. But O'kuyo stays there with the jacket clad guy and said he is ready to move now.

O'kuyo couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity with the spiky jacket guy. He stared intently at him, prompting the spiky jacket guy to inquire about O'kuyo's apparent unease, "What's up with you? What are you staring at me for"?

O'kuyo didn't mince words. "Sorry Sir. We've crossed paths a few times now, yet we're still strangers," he remarked, his tone laced with curiosity.

With a dismissive click of his tongue, the spiky jacket guy retorted, "I already know who you all are." He proceeded to identify each of them by name and their respective backgrounds. "That old guy is Alan Vorheus, a former general during Xavier's reign. The one with the staff is Ryland Vorheus, rumored to be Xavier's son. And you," he said, turning his gaze to O'kuyo, "are O'kuyo Moukoko, son of Nolan Kalitesi, another renowned general in Xavier's Army."

Pointing towards White Boy, the spiky jacket guy sneered, "And as for that one, it's that damn weird albino bat. I don't remember its ridiculous name, but it was causing quite a stir at the compound last time."

Suddenly, the spiky jacket guy's eyes darted to Ryland's shoulder, catching sight of Razor. He pointed at the mantis and directed his question to O'kuyo, "Is that another one of Ryland's monsters?"

O'kuyo crossed his arms and tilted his head, offering a playful challenge. "If you want to know about that one, sir, " he began, "you'll have to introduce yourself properly first."

The spiky jacket guy let out an exasperated sigh but complied, "Fine. I'm Ash 'Smoothride' Angel." He gestured towards the cyborg truck driver behind him, "And that's Zero The Third."

"Ouh.. Erm.. Mr. Angel. Mr. Zero over there can't introduce himself, Sir?" O'kuyo asked. Angel replied, "Stop calling me by my last name. Just call me Ash, or Smoothride. I'm no Angel, yet. And yes, that cyborg don't have much emotion left and his speech is limited."

"Alright. So, 'Smoothride' huh?" O'kuyo raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "So you've already earned yourself a title, huh? What exactly did you do to earn that moniker?"

Ash turned to O'kuyo, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "How familiar are you with the concept of a titled name?"

O'kuyo straightened up, meeting Ash's gaze. "A titled name is bestowed upon a New Human who has demonstrated exceptional prowess and insight through their abilities. To earn such a title, one must garner public recognition and receive approval from the New Human Resources Council."

Ash nodded appreciatively, clearly impressed by O'kuyo's knowledge. "Do you understand the purpose behind these titles?" he queried.

O'kuyo continued to enlighten Ash, "Once a title is conferred, it is prominently displayed on the New Human Resources Council's bulletin board and officially recorded in their database. This system serves as a resource for those seeking particular skills or expertise. By simply searching the database, individuals can find titled individuals who possess the specific skills they require. This mechanism significantly enhances the opportunities for those with titles to secure lucrative contract positions."

Ash shook his head slightly, placing his palm against his face in a gesture of mild exasperation. "You seem to have a grasp on everything already," he remarked with a chuckle. "Alright, what is it you're curious about, kid?"

O'kuyo met Ash's gaze squarely, his curiosity evident. "I just want to know what you did to earn the title 'Smoothride'," he inquired earnestly.

Ash leaned forward slightly, a confident smirk playing on his lips. "Listen up. I've got skills that span across riding, driving, piloting, helmsmanship—you name it. From mechanical contraptions to robotic entities, even living beings—if it's considered a mode of transportation, I can handle it. That's why people seek me out, especially when they need to traverse challenging or uncharted terrains."

O'kuyo's eyebrows lifted in genuine admiration. However, a hint of skepticism crept into his voice as he questioned, "If you're as skilled as you claim, why settle for being Erac Wilson's errand boy? It seems like you're just playing chauffeur now..."

Ash raised a hand, cutting O'kuyo off mid-sentence. "Hold on there," he interjected, his tone firm but not hostile. "Working with Erac Wilson is my choice. I've taken plenty of contracts outside the gang's operations. The only condition is that it doesn't clash with what we're doing. And sure, a portion of my earnings goes to the gang, but that's my business. I don't owe you any more explanations than that. We're not exactly on friendly terms here. So, what's your game, kid? ... and what the hell are you doing right now?"

O'kuyo settled himself comfortably on the ground, resting his chin on both palms, signaling his eagerness for Ash to continue. "This story's about to take an exciting turn, isn't it? I'm all ears," he said, anticipation gleaming in his eyes.

Ash, with a palm against his forehead, responded, "This kid..." Before he could say more, Alan and Ryland approached them, signaling that they were ready to proceed. O'kuyo sprang to his feet, seizing the opportunity to introduce Ash. "Grandpa, Ryland, meet Ash 'Smoothride' Angel," he began, taking a moment to explain the significance of Ash's title.

A faint blush tinged Ash's cheeks at the acknowledgment. He glanced pointedly at the cyborg driver inside the truck who had been observing their exchange with an emotionless gaze. "Don't forget Zero The Third over there," Ash reminded O'kuyo.

Realizing his oversight, O'kuyo quickly rectified it. "Ah, yes. That one is Zero The Third," he said, gesturing towards the stoic figure behind the wheel, "he doesn't talk much though."

Ryland commented, "I've been curious about your names, especially since you've been to our house compound twice now." Alan grinned warmly, adding, "It's good to finally get acquainted under more favorable circumstances."

Ash caught O'kuyo's attention, subtly gesturing towards Razor. O'kuyo recalled their earlier conversation and relayed to Ryland, "Ash would like to meet your new summon." Ryland promptly introduced Razor to Ash, showcasing the unique creature perched on his shoulder.

Impressed, Ash gave a thumbs up. "Alright then," he said, gesturing towards the waiting truck, "Let's head to the compound." With nods of agreement, the group climbed aboard the vehicle, ready to follow Ash to their destination.