
A Summer Gone By // Garden Song

Here's to all the tragic after-midnights and sunny-sad afternoons we spent laughing and weeping over.

laurel_hell · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Motion Sickness

It was the middle of the night, and Choi Ahin was still unconscious. He felt something touch his shoulder and flinched awake, only to be slapped awake by a strange-looking girl with green hair — quite the unusual colour. She didn't say anything and just stood there, her arms crossed. After a moment of shock, Ahin realized where he was.

The forest was quiet, except for the gentle rustle of the leaves of the trees. The moonlight was bright, illuminating the path ahead.

Ahin had been unconscious since morning, sprawled across the forest floor; his hand on a rose plant nearby. He was too tired to move, even if he wanted to. The girl with green hair slapped his hand away from the plant, causing it to show signs of damage. At first, Ahin had assumed she was going to pick the plant, but she hadn't. Instead, she just stood there, her arms crossed.

"Who are you?" Ahin asked. "And what are you doing in the middle of the woods?"

"I am the spirit of this forest," she spoke in a voice that could make even a raging creature back off. "This is my forest and you have trespassed it."