
A Sudden Marriage with this HOT BILLIONAIRE!

When both human being are being pressured on getting married and to get a life and family. They ended up meeting each other in a gathering and started their own journey. Will they come to love each other along the way? We'll find out!

Whispering_My_Ego · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs


Isabella's POV.

DAAAAAMNNNN ITTT! That Wendy is so hard to get!

"What are we going to do?" I asked Mom as she was thinking about how will we ruin Wendy in order for Aaron to look at me.

I even fake my accident so that she can feel pity for me but it seems like she isn't fine with the terms that she will give her husband to me.

Mom and I have been planning this for a while since we bet Wendy wouldn't be interested in Aaron's money but we badly needed one since Mom is on a big loan and the house was sold in the bank.

Anytime soon the bank would demolish the house if we would not pay for it.

"What are we supposed to do now Isabella? I bet Wendy is coming to Aaron right now and telling him that she will not be canceling their marriage." Mom said as I smirked.

"Unless Aaron took my bait," I said as she stop and look at me.

"What did you do now?" She asked.

"We talked for a minute when he visit me at the hospital and I told him that Wendy is not the type of girl that is into men. She's just way too hard to get and not interested in him even a bit. I heard from him that they haven't had sex yet." I said as Mom gasped.

"Really?" She asked as I nodded.

"We will know the result if Wendy comes home now," I said.

Night came but Wendy didn't come home so Mom and I gave up thinking that they got back together.

But to my surprise, Aaron come to us and told us that Wendy just finished their relationship and finish everything else.

"What happened?" Mom asked as Aaron gave her some papers.

"I'm sorry, But I do not deserve your daughter. I hurt her," he said as he looked tired and messy.

"Things will be alright Aaron," I said as he look at me. "I'm sorry to Isabella, I cannot grant that wish of yours," he said as he left.

So he really is serious with her.

I never had even a 1% chance with him.

I get it now.

Aaron's POV:

I cannot believe that I failed her!

"What happen back there?" Dad asked and even, he looked disappointed too.

"I fvcked up," I said as he just stared at me.

"That girl, Why did you enter her life if you're going to fail her?" he asked. "You know that marriage is sacred and you don't want to end up like me," he said as I cannot say anything anymore.

I have no explanation for my mistake since it was my fault, I was drunk and Ela and I did have a night together I woke up naked with her the next morning.

She did admit that something happened to us.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked as I shrugged. Wendy was even planning to be with me that time when we were at the resort.

But it all suddenly break down after I talked to Isabella.

"I know that it's not my problem nor part of my business either Aaron but as you can see I think that Wendy seems to start liking you," he said.

"How can you say that Dad?"

"She came here to formally inform me that she wants the marriage to be done since you guys decided this marriage drunk. But her face showed sadness the whole time we had our conversation," he said.

"Isabella told me that Wendy is not into men and she is not interested in me at all. She's just putting an act since we are already married." I said but whenever I remember that there is a pain deep inside me that I cannot express.

"Did you ask Wendy about it?" he asked.

"No," I answered.

"Did she tell you those things?" he asked again.


"Then why didn't you trust your wife?"

Trust my Wife?

Trust Wendy.

When she saw me and Ela on the floor she didn't think of any bad thing that I had done to her.

She was too innocent and yet I destroyed her badly.

"I didn't trust my Wife Dad," I said honestly as he smiled.

"I'm glad that you were honest. The papers will be coming to your office anytime soon," he said. "What papers?" I asked.

"Divorced papers," he answered as he tap my shoulder and left the room.

I guess I have to admit it myself that I loved that girl I met at the bar.

I cannot give up on her now.

I went to the club where I met her and she is there sitting alone and drinking just like the first time I met her here.

I walked slowly towards her when she spotted me.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"I'm here to take you back," I said as I lean on her. I can smell the alcohol from her but I don't mind.

"You broke my trust Aaron, You can leave now," she said as she look at me sadly.

"I am badly hurt by what you just did, I wish you didn't let me fall and trust you," she added.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"You cheated and you expect me to accept your simple sorry?!" She asked as she stared at me her eyes are crying.

"I'm sorry Wendy,"

"Just leave Aaron," she repeated.

"I will be sending the divorce paper to your office. Thank you for this experience" she added when she collapsed as I immediately call a cab to bring her to the hospital.

"Who're the patient's relative?" the doctor asked as I raised my hand since Wendy's mother is on her way now.

"I'm her husband, Mr. Savilla," I said as he smiled.

"Your wife should be banned from drinking now Mr. Savilla," he said. "Why?" I asked.

"Because she's 1 week pregnant and the baby is still fragile and should be taken care of."

A baby?

I'm a father?