
A Student by Day, Soul Hunter by Night

Ray is a Soul Hunter , Hunting soul by night as he tries to live his normal life , but just for how long can he do that as the darkness continuously grows. Authors comment: There are elements of slice of life and horror mix in as I try to convey it in my story. Do leave a review and comments if you like my story.

Just_Rakin · Fantasi
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24 Chs

The Pontia

I reached the entrance of the reservoir, my senses on high alert. The place was eerily quiet, the only sound of the gentle lapping of the water against the shore.

I closed my eyes and focused, letting my powers reach out and scan the area. I could sense the Pontia's presence nearby, its shadowy form moving further north. I could also smell the faint scent of blood in the air, a telltale sign that the monster had already caught its next meal.

I opened my eyes and scanned the area, trying to locate the monster. I could feel its malevolent energy emanating from the shadows, a pulsing, malevolent force. I knew I had to be careful. The Pontia was a seductive creature known for luring its male victims close before attacking them. I couldn't let it get the upper hand.

I crept closer, my powers at the ready. The air was heavy with the scent of flowers and the earthy aroma of the surrounding vegetation. I could see the moon reflected in the still waters of the lake, a silver orb hanging in the sky.

And then I saw it, the Pontia crouched in front of me, its fangs sunk into the neck of a man. The man's eyes were closed, his face pale and slack. The Pontia was a slim, skinny creature with long hair and long, sharp nails. Its skin was pale and ghostly, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. It had a narrow, angular face with high cheekbones and a sharp nose. Its lips were red and full, its teeth sharp and pointed. It was sucking on the man's neck, its eyes closed in pleasure.

I stepped forward, my powers at the ready. The Pontia looked up at me, its eyes narrowing. It knew it was in trouble now.

"Come on then, you bloodsucking monster!" I shouted, my voice filled with frustration. "Let's see who's the stronger one here!"

I raised my hand, focusing my energies. I could feel the electricity coursing through my veins, the power of the storm brewing inside me. And then, with a loud crack, a bolt of lightning shot forth from my hand.

The Pontia let out a hiss of pain, its body convulsing as the electricity coursed through it. But it didn't stay down for long. It leaped to its feet, its claws slashing through the air as it prepared to attack again.

I gritted my teeth, focusing my energies. I couldn't let the Pontia get the upper hand. I had to keep attacking, no matter how hard it was.

The fight was fierce and intense, our powers clashing in the stillness of the night. The air was filled with the sound of electricity crackling and the monster's hisses of pain and frustration. The Pontia was fast and agile, dodging and weaving to avoid my attacks. It slashed at me with its claws, its fangs bared and ready to strike.

But I was a skilled hunter. I summoned all my strength and focused my powers, unleashing a series of lightning bolts that struck the Pontia with deadly precision.

I summoned all my strength, focusing my powers into my fist. I could feel the electricity crackling around me, a powerful force that I knew could knock out the Pontia for good.

I let out a fierce cry and launched myself at the monster, my fist glowing with electricity. The Pontia tried to dodge, but it was too late. My lightning punch struck it with a force that sent it crashing to the ground.

The Pontia lay there, its body twitching as the electricity coursed through it. And then, with a final gasp, it went still.

The fight had taken a lot out of me, and I knew I needed to get the man to a hospital as soon as possible. I pulled out my phone and dialed the ambulance, praying that they would arrive in time.

The man was weak and pale, his breathing shallow and labored. I knelt down beside him, checking for any injuries. Thankfully, Pontia had only drained a small amount of his blood. He would recover with time, as long as he received the medical attention he needed.

I waited anxiously for the ambulance to arrive, my mind racing with thoughts of what could have happened if I hadn't been there to stop the monster. The man might have died, just like so many others before him.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the ambulance arrived. I breathed a sigh of relief and helped the medics load the man onto the stretcher. He was in good hands now, and I knew he would be okay.

As I watched the ambulance drive away, I couldn't help but think about the other hunters on the secret forum. They were a tight-knit group, united in our mission to rid the world of these monsters.

I knew that I couldn't do it alone. I needed the help of others like me, people with special powers who were willing to put their lives on the line to protect the innocent.

As I walked through the streets, I heard a voice calling my name. I turned to see the two figures standing a few feet away, their eyes fixed on me.

The man was tall and muscular, with short black hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a black suit, his posture commanding and confident. The woman was equally striking, with long red hair and emerald green eyes. She was dressed in a sleek black outfit, her movements graceful and agile.

"You're impressive, Ray," said the man, his voice laced with admiration. "We've been watching you, and we've been thoroughly impressed by your skills and powers. You're a natural at this."

"Who are you?" I asked, my powers flickering to life. I wasn't sure if I could trust these strangers, but I was ready to defend myself if necessary.

"We're just a fellow hunter, and we've been sent to find you," said the woman, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "There's someone who wants to meet you, someone who thinks you could be a valuable asset to our cause."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I wanted to get involved with these mysterious strangers. But their offer was tempting, and I found myself intrigued by their mission.

"I appreciate the offer," I said, "but I need some time to think about it. I don't know you guys, and I'm not sure I can trust you."

The man and woman looked at each other, their expressions disappointed but understanding. "We're not surprised," said the man with a laugh. "We just appeared out of nowhere, after all. But we'll keep in touch. Maybe you'll change your mind."

"We hope so," said the woman, winking at me. "We could maybe teach a thing or two on how to properly use your power."

" WAIT ! what you mean properly use my power?!" Ray asks curiously.

"We'll be in touch," said the man before turning and walking away with the lady by his side.

I watched as they disappeared into the night, my thoughts racing with lots of question. Who was this person, and what did they want with me? I wasn't sure if I could trust these strangers, but I couldn't deny the pull of their offer. I would have to think about it carefully before making a decision.