

The buisness failed ! You are left with a huge debt ! Everyone left you , including your partner ! The prideful you decided to end your life ! But a sudden disaster made your life more upheaval ! A chance for you to shine finally arrived . One more gamble , one more time ! In this apocalypse world , let me gamble once again ! They : You don't have ability at all ! Me : I'm a potion master ! They : You are weak ! Me : I will prove you wrong ! They : You are alone ! Me : Sorry but I am the owner of the strongest stronghold ! One more time ! One more chance !! One more gamble !!! Either I win or die wining !!!!

Hollowlives · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

To the city hospital again - 3

Chapter 45

To the city hospital again - 3

Inside the Mall ,

There were twelve people gathered at the main hall , they were filled with male and female from old to young. But everyone was filled with fearful and hatred expression towards the five people who had malicious intent towards these people .

The five people in front of them held axe and sharp weapons filled with bloods while all of them showed malicious intent towards these 12 people . Among these five people the leader was a bald head thug who didn't have any weapon at all but the four people behind him showed an expression of fear towards this bald man .

A Four strong abled man with weapons are following the orders of a bald man with no weapons which means ...

The bald man was a ability user !

Only that could make these people show fear to him .

The bald man was originally a security guard working here but when the apocalypse arrived he hid inside with some of these people here and survived till now with the foods stored here but it didn't made him safe instead he started to become greedy .

What he wanted was to have all the foods by himself but the people before him stopped him and threatened him to throw out of these mall if he even think about that again . So he could only suppress his hatred and wait for his opportunity to get the foods all by himself .

After few days from the apocalypse he didn't see any military help so he confirmed his thoughts that the military and laws are useless now so only the strength will speak now . But even through he was strong he didn't have any confidence facing against twelve people so he gathered four people to work for him hardly and he even gave them his emergency foods to make them work for him . Even through he had four more support he didn't feel more confidence but today he awakened a ability which made him jump out in joy .

When he saw his ability use he decided to make this mall as his own territory and take revenge against these people who mocked him before.

So he gathered his Lackey and showed his ability infront of them to make them truly submit to him .

As expected after seeing his ability they become obdient and started to curry favour towards him.

After that he attacked the twelve people when their guards were lowered and captured them in one go.

Thinking about all of his past hatred he looked at them viciously and said with killing intent.

" Heheh you didn't imagined that this day will come . Did you ?"

The twelve people trembled hearing this and one of a student in the group looked at him with deep hatred and said with a clenched fist

"You are truly scum . You killed my brother who was only 15 year old ! Do you really think you can get away with it ?"

When he thought about his little brother, he couldn't help but getting his eyes wet and he wished he could chop these bastard into pieces but sadly he didn't have that ability now .

Hearing the students hatred tone , the. bald man showed a cruel smile and said loudly

"hahaha not only I will kill you , I will rape your girlfriend later and pass it to my brother there "

As he said he showed a lustful look towards the one of the women in group who had a innocent look in her face but seeing the bald man face she couldn't help but hide behind her boyfriend in fear.

Seeing this the bald man roared in laughter while his Lackey joined too in laughing. The Leader of the group looked coldly at the bald man and said with a threatening tone

"Guson don't you think that after becoming ability user ,you could be arrogant and do whatever you can . Worst comes worst we will drag you along with our death . "

Hearing this the bald man looked at the youth who speak now and said coldly

"If it was before I would have been afraid but now I don't care about your weakling threats "

As he said he pointed at the youth And said coldly .

Seeing this the youth face became pale and tried to retreat but it was too late .

A green laser beam appeared on the finger of the bald man and pointed it at the youth.


The green laser beam penetrated into the youth shoulder and made him cry out in pain .

Seeing this the rest of them trembled in fear more and many people even thought of escaping but they didn't have any confidence in escaping from the bald man so they can only stand there like a lamb which was about to be slaughtered.

Feeling satisfied with their reaction the bald man said coldly to his Lackeys .

"Kill all the men while keep the women alive . we will enjoy them tonight " .

Hearing this the people became terrified while some begged to leave them alive . The four thugs showed a cruel look and brandishing their weapons at the group like a wolf jumping towards the bunch of sheep.

"Die ....."

"Don't harm the women"

"Hahahaha.....yeah "

"Boss I want that young girl! Can you give her to me ?"

"Hahah lil"four can your thing even stand up?"

"True ... hahahahahahhaa"

The bald man growled in disdain

"Enough finish them fast and dump their bodies outside."

The thugs became silent when they herad their Boss shout so they immediately pounced on these survivors aggressively.


"Save us....."


When all of these people thought they were doomed , A arrow shot one of the thug at the head .


It was a headshot !

"Who ?"

The bald man roared in angry voice seeing one of his man die infront of him.

To date kill one of his men infront of him made him furious and he felt that the person was looking down on him.

He became arrogant after awakening his ability which will soon result in his death .
