

The buisness failed ! You are left with a huge debt ! Everyone left you , including your partner ! The prideful you decided to end your life ! But a sudden disaster made your life more upheaval ! A chance for you to shine finally arrived . One more gamble , one more time ! In this apocalypse world , let me gamble once again ! They : You don't have ability at all ! Me : I'm a potion master ! They : You are weak ! Me : I will prove you wrong ! They : You are alone ! Me : Sorry but I am the owner of the strongest stronghold ! One more time ! One more chance !! One more gamble !!! Either I win or die wining !!!!

Hollowlives · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

lone journey (5) - END

Chapter 21

Lone journey (5) End

Winter learnt some basic knowledge about the so called base rules which made him feel that's some loopholes are there . For example captain grock said all can enjoy benefits with equal status and there is no shortage of foods and daily necessities which made him speechless .

'do you think I'm a little kid with no knowledge about the outside work?'

He didn't believe what he said all about that since the risk and shortage of supplies will show their true behaviour until then their will be law after that only chaos and internal struggles will make it worst so he knew to just pretend to be interested to make them lower their guard more .

He looked at their big black bags and turned his attention to the captain . He opened his backpack and took some foods from there with a pained look he spoke to the captain .

"Captain can we have some little trade if you don't mind ?"

Seeing the large number of foods all the people swallowed their saliva secretly while the soldiers were showing greed jn their eyes . Even the captain was shocked seeing the food since their team had no more food left he was thinking hard how to find food and this survivor is giving him food for a trade !

Captain grock immediately became alert and asked warily

"What do you need?"

He didn't want to have any more burden now . When they are stuck here he contacted for reinforcement but there will be no one brave enough to come pass through the zombie horde to save him but when he said the female doctor name and his mission details a aerial transport was immediately ordered to bring them back which made him feel that this women background wasn't simple because aerial transport is too much even for high level leaders . When they were the stuck here all of them were panicking except these women and she gave him a walkie talkie to tell her name and they can leave this city . But he was first doubt because this women was just like him who came for support role and he didn't think that she had some connections . But it all changed when he saw that the base leader immediately issued her saftey to be 1 priority .

Since it's an aerial transport the seats are limited and he didn't want to exchange it just for some foods while he have to just wait for an hour for the aerial transport .

He didn't deny immediately too because he wanted to see what was his trade .

Winter looked at their bag and gave hime paper which contained some medicine .




he didn't know whats the use of these medicines and he didn't know how valuable it is so he gave it to natalia to see whether this medicine are worth for the trade !

Natalia took the silp and briefly scanned around the name which made her frown and some surprise . She couldn't help but look at him oddly and said

"Why do you need these types of medicine?"

Seeing her looking at him in strange way he felt uncomfortable which made him say in cold tone

"That's my buisness miss so what matter is we have a deal?"

Natalia frowned hearing his cold tone but since they need some foods and the value of the medicine are not much of a use so she didn't say no to the trade .

"Yes we can have trade "

Hearing this captain grock nodded and turned to

Winter with a smile he said

"You heard her. Mr winter we have a deal "

Winter inwardly sighed in relief and gave some of the foods .

Natalia took them and briefly looked at them while she handed the medicine over.

He hurriedly took it and kept them in his bag . Afterwards he looked at the captain grock

"Captain are you all going to wait for your reinforcement ?"

Captain grock was now free from all of his problem now he only have to wait for the helicopter to arrive so he was in good mood which made him answer some questions .

"Yes we will leave this city today since our missi-"

"Cough cough"

A sudden voice from Natalia made him stop his speech . Captain grock knew he shouldn't say too much so he shut his mouth and didn't say anything when winter asked more questions .

Seeing getting no answers from them , winter knew he won't get any more information so it's time to return back to base .

He didn't say anymore but said goodbye and left to stairs.

"Goodbye and I hope you reach tour base safely"

Captain grock said solemnly

"Same to you"

Seeing winter going towards stairs he knew this person was not ordinary . He knows there are zombies hordes but still he is going there that means this person is either strong enough or a idiot . Even through he didn't feel any ability aura of this person but his confidence and dangerous feeling he felt made him know that this person is terrifying .

Even Natalia was frowning hard and she had her own plans in her mind . But one thing is sure that they both know that this person is terrifying for them .

One of the soldiers couldn't help but ask towards the captain grock

"Sir why can't we just take all of his foods ?"

Captain grock shook his head and said coldly

"We don't need any more troubles now since we are going back anyway".

That soldier hurriedly kept quiet seeing the captain grim look he knew the captain is having bad mood about this mission .

Captain grock didn't trun back but said to them

"Within a hour we will leave from here so let's all pack up and don't make any noises which attract the zombies "

"Yes sir"

The soldier replied and started getting back to work .


Winter face was now should be filled with happiness but now his face was dark because a notification made him frown .


seeing this he knew he have to return the base back but this distance was quite long so he couldn't help but try to hurry back .

He took the INVISIBLE POTION and started running he didn't care about all the zombies hordes which were gathering up to 2000 now .

The general mutant zombie was now looking at his direction in puzzled direction . But it ultimate didn't care about it but started to give commands to the zombies .

After an hour he finally reached his home !

