

The buisness failed ! You are left with a huge debt ! Everyone left you , including your partner ! The prideful you decided to end your life ! But a sudden disaster made your life more upheaval ! A chance for you to shine finally arrived . One more gamble , one more time ! In this apocalypse world , let me gamble once again ! They : You don't have ability at all ! Me : I'm a potion master ! They : You are weak ! Me : I will prove you wrong ! They : You are alone ! Me : Sorry but I am the owner of the strongest stronghold ! One more time ! One more chance !! One more gamble !!! Either I win or die wining !!!!

Hollowlives · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs


Chapter 27

Half - beast?

The peaceful lake now become like a volcano which would soon erupt it's lava . Winter first thought was to move back and leave this place but when he thought about what's inside the lake he gave up on retreating and stood there in curiousity.

Few second later a jet of water rose upwards with a bang upto two meters . The thing which came out of the lake now stood at the land opposite to winter direction. When winter saw what it was he didn't bother even to think for a second before retreating back fastly.


HEALTH : 100%

LEVEL : 35




Seeing the info he ran without thinking . You should be kidding if you still want to admire the scenery in exchange of death. He clearly felt the hostility and it's Killing intention when he entered there and with his low level he ultimately can't even escape if that half beast attacked him with its full power.

He didn't even saw what it looks like and what was it doing in this mine but one thing for sure is that this beast is terrifying for him to fight it and he have no chance of talking a single blow from the monster so that's why he decided to leave here without hesitation.

He already covered ten meter distance from where he stood but that half beast was a whole lot faster than him .


A tentacle spread at him trying to catch him but winter reflex which was above average to others , dodged the blow . He just side stepped and took out a yellow POTION and threw it at the half beast after that he didn't stop but took one more potion which was black in colour and drank it .

[DE BUFF POTION ] it flashed at the half beast tentacle and the yellow liquid covered half of the sticky tentacle .

[INVISIBILITY POTION ] he became invisible after drinking and he started to run even faster .

Everything happened in 1 second which made the half beast show confusion but when it wanted to catch up with that human it found out that it's speed was now much slower and it's reaction were slightly late motioned which made it show a alarmed look . Finally it looked at the direction of the winter and a intelligence flashed across its black pupil then it flew back to the lake and soon the lake was peaceful and beautiful yet deadly .


Winter ran all the way to the outside of the third cave , he ignored all the crystall and the system notification . He had only one thing that is to leave these place immediately and only return when he was strong enough to uncover this mine mystery .

His heart was beating wildly which made him difficult to breathe . He took a deep breath and sat down while trying to remember the scene when he used the potion at that time he saw what was that half beast look like .

It was half human from the top while bottom is that of a beast !

It was a she !

She had a light blue skin with beautiful gills forming on her cheek . She had a crown like thing on her head and pure black pupil and deep blue hairs. Her hands had fins with sharp nails . Her lower part had a mermaid like tail while water covered most of it which made him difficult to see her clearly . She just pointed at him and a tentacle started to chase at him .


"That was fking dream"

He hurriedly opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings . When he saw no one was chasing him he relaxed and stood up and went outside the mine . He only return here when he is level 30 or higher until then he will just have to forget everything about here and only grind levels as fast as possible.

When he remembered the terrifying zombies types and creatures he felt great sense of pressure .

So he decided to make leveling up his first priority . As he thought he looked at the white crystall in his hand where he took it from the first cave . The white crystall was just small piece with size of a normal stone except that it had hard structure as compared to a diamond . When he tried to sense it he ended up feeling nothing but strange energy that's all.

His main weapon was a sword and side weapon was bow so he thought for a while and decided to put these crystall in to the sword as for how he allocate the crystall into the weapon, he has to find a Smith or welder to do that . But sadly he don't have anyone like that in base so he could only find them outside .

He went outside the mine and started looking for Sally .

Sally was with breta and carmel in the main hall . They were discussing something seriously while occasionally pointing at a drawing board . When he went closer and it was a plan of a structure .

When they saw winter coming towards them all of them stood up .

"What are you guys discussing about?"

The fatty carmel said before others could say something

"Boss we were discussing about the plan you told us yesterday "

Winter showed an interesting look and said

"Whats the result?"

This time breta said

"Boss we can construct four watch towers at all corner side of the base within two months of we had enough workers and construction materials "

Winter finally understand that he didn't have enough workers for now so he could only think it later .

"Well done It will be used in later "

Sally then said " Mr. Winter did your work done?"

Winter was puzzled by her questions but still said

"Kinda half completed but miss Sally if you have anything to say just say it "

Sally looked at the two of them and breat immediately dragged away carmel from the room .

Sally said in hesitation with embarassing face

"Uh- Mr winter can you do me a favour ?"

Winter frowned hearing this.
