

The buisness failed ! You are left with a huge debt ! Everyone left you , including your partner ! The prideful you decided to end your life ! But a sudden disaster made your life more upheaval ! A chance for you to shine finally arrived . One more gamble , one more time ! In this apocalypse world , let me gamble once again ! They : You don't have ability at all ! Me : I'm a potion master ! They : You are weak ! Me : I will prove you wrong ! They : You are alone ! Me : Sorry but I am the owner of the strongest stronghold ! One more time ! One more chance !! One more gamble !!! Either I win or die wining !!!!

Hollowlives · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs


Chapter 2

Winter was having a cup of hot noodles in his company while thinking about his current situation. With a 3 tonnes of food which stored over all his warehouse , he didn't have any problem surviving for a year or two but the problem was that he was ambitious , he didn't want to stay in comfort zone without any risk . From his childhood to now he had a dream about having a company of his won so that's why he sold all his property and opened this food company but pity he was failed at the end.

When the apocalypse arrived he made a bold decision .

Yes . He wanted to build a empire of his own in this lawless land .

What he wanted was to build a fortress with his own rule so he was planning what his starting point and resources needed. He didn't know what's happening to the outside but one thing he knew is that the situation is not good for the humanity so if he didn't have enough power and resources he will die for sure and what more is that he needs to safe guard himself first and for that he has to see whether there is zombies in his warehouse or not. If there is a zombie then he has to kill it soon as possible or else he will ended up as becoming one of them .

His company was quite big and the warehouse was in backyards which added more space so the area was long enough for his journey. Due to the verge on bankruptcy there were no workers present but some guards were there so he wanted to clear his warehouse as soon as possible.

There were cameras installed over all the floors and rooms so he wanted to first reach control room which was just a hallway from his office room . but before going he wanted to find some weapons for his safety. He started looking for his gun which he was hiding for emergency .

'Found it "

A typical 9mm guns with two cartridge of maximum 13 rounds . he silently unlocked the safety and held it in his right hand. While taking a deep breath he went outside while trying to be silent and avoid noises.

The hallway was clear with dim lights which hardly provided lights . the atmosphere was silent and dark which made him anxious but still he calmed himself immediately and went towards the control room.


His footsteps sounds echoed over the hallway which disturbed the calm atmosphere

When he reached the control room he didn't open the door immediately but leaned closer at the door to hear any abnormal sound inside .

A slight harsh sound of floor sweeping sound came inside which made him alert unconsciously . he slightly steeped back and pointed his gun at the door with one hand while he opened the door with his left hand.

What caught him when he opened the door was a messy room with bloods over there , but what made him fear was a person standing there I mean a 'dead' person was busily eating a female neck .

He nearly vomited what he ate at morning but with difficulty he aimed at the zombie head which alarmed the eating zombie.

A face full of torn and blood figured with white eyes and bloody mouth which was getting ready to pounce on him.

Winter fired at it which directly dealt a headshot to the zombie.


The sound was quite loud but the zombie fell to the floor with a thud it never got up again.

When he started to relax a growl with hurried footsteps were heard from some distance. He didn't hesitate to close the door and blocked the door with sofa .

He held his breath and waited in patience . the atmosphere was tense and silent except the sound of footsteps . the footsteps were nearing which made him aim his gun at the door . Even through he was nervous his practice in marksmanship made him hold the gun steadily . the zombie started to bang at the door crazily which made him know that it was zombie. Due to the smell of blood the zombie even became crazy. The loud voice made the silent hallway more creepier and gloomy but winter held his gun steady amd aimed at the door without fear.


A small part of the door was blasted and the zombie head passed through it while roaring loudly at him.


Another shot which made the zombie become silent eternally after that he kicked at the head which made it fell backwards . but when he looked backwards the female corpse became zombie and started to crawl at him . the twisted face of the female zombie made him jump in fear but he fired again but due to nervous the shot was missed which it passed through the floor .


This female zombie opened its mouth to bite at him which made his hair stand at end . He aimed at the zombie mouth and fired twice .


The female zombie fell down and it's black blood dyed the ground .

He fell weakly to the floor while gasping for breath , he killed 3 zombies and reached at control room safely while trying hard to calm down . Everytime he felt he was going to die when he saw the zombies but ultimately he made it to the final and somehow he felt ...great about it.

His physical strength was somewhat low so he was fatigued easily so his heads was started to dizzy and his eyes started to see blurry surrounding which is the symptoms of faintness .

But a voice entered his mind and that was the last thing he heard fell from unconscious.




But pity he didn't hear anything and he fell in deep sleep . The surrounding was calm and chilly but a man was lying on a pool of black and red blood which made one hair stand on the end but there was no one here to see this scene.
