
A Strangely Ordinary World

I live in a certain town in a certain prefecture where supernatural beings exist everywhere. Demons, ghosts, and exorcists live in harmony with us humans. It's a mystifying town indeed. But the thing is: I can't see it. However, upon meeting a strange deity, I finally understood what made everything in this strange world so ordinary.

Vaennylla · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 4: The strangely ordinary conflict

We both went straight to the classroom afterwards, just in time for the last period. Coincidentally, we were both from the same class. Well, I wouldn't know since I didn't attend classes. We sat near each other on the front seats. I couldn't take a nap or play console games. All my attention was on the class discussions. But I guess it was a good thing since it was it reminded me of how classrooms were: boring. That was the reason why I started goofing around. I just wanted to escape the prison which forced us to take in information which we would rarely use in the real world.

Before I knew it, classes were over. After class, I went back to the committee room with the prefect. Then it hit me:

"That's right! We still haven't done the proper introductions!"

"Oh, you're right..." she replied.

Then it got quiet. I guess neither of us knew how to introduce ourselves. But as a gentleman, I had to take the initiative.

"...So what's your name?"

"How rude." She responded, "Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking someone their name?"

"I'm already taking the lead here. Can't you just go with it?"

So much for being a gentleman. But if she knew the proper way, why didn't she just introduce herself first? All that finger-pointing put us in a standstill. Until...

"Mimi." She said, "Sakuya Mimi."

"Mimi... That's a cute name."

"Eh?!" she exclaimed followed by a blush.

"Ah! What I mean is-"

"I-it's okay, you don't have to explain." She replied, smiling.

Since the silent mood had faded, it was the perfect time to introduce myself as well.

"Umenooji Hakura."

Then she offered her hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, Umenooji-san."

"You too, Mimi-san."

"E-eh?! W-wait, you can't call me that!"

Oh shoot, I called her by her first name! I quickly apologized, but she said it was fine.

"B-but in return, I get to call you by your first name too!" she said.

"Wouldn't that be weird? I mean, what if someone hears us?"

"I-it's fine, isn't it?!" she responded.

Wow, I didn't know she was a tsundere. But I guess it was part of her charm. I shook her hand and smiled back. From that introduction, we got a little closer.

We arrived at the committee room without noticing. As we entered, we saw the whole room dyed orange by the setting sun. It was quite a sight. I remembered orange was Mako's favorite color. He would've loved seeing the room. Then I was reminded of Mako's feud with Suzuna, and that we needed something from her, and how we needed a strand of her hair...

"Oh shoot!"

"What's wrong?" Mimi asked.

At the same time, we heard a ruckus from the window. We looked outside and saw Mako and Suzuna arguing in front of the school gate.

"Not again..."

"Those two are causing trouble!" Mimi reacted.

We quickly ran down to the entrance to stop the two from fighting. I blocked Mako and Mimi blocked Suzuna.

"Dude, calm down!"

"Stop it!"

The two eventually called it off. After they've calmed down, we asked why they were fighting in the first place.

"She was in my way!"

"No, I wasn't! He was stalking me!"

"I was not, you liar!"

"That's not how you talk to your senior!"

Their quarrel continued on and on... until I decided it was enough. I took a deep breath and shouted:

"Swing out!"

Then everyone went quiet. Nobody said a word until Suzuna reacted, "H-how did you...!"

I didn't mean to shout that out, but I just went with the idea.

"That's right! I know your secret!"

Then she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the back of the school. Looking at me with grim eyes, she said, "You little bastard! How do you know my secret?!"

I didn't respond. I couldn't. I just stood there listening to her rambling, "Don't tell me... You know my true form as well!"

I didn't know what she was talking about. Then she loosened her grip on me and placed her other hand on top of my head. Then she just stared at me... for a while...

"... I'm about to crush your skull! Aren't you scared?!" she asked, "Can't you see my true form?!"

True form? What was she talking about? A change in her personality, maybe?

"I'm a fox demon!" she exclaimed.

I wanted to believe it, but I just couldn't see her being a fox demon. She didn't have fox ears, tails or claws. She was probably lying.

"Whatever. Since you know my identity now, I'll have to kill you!" she said as she plunged her nails unto my stomach.

At that moment, I broke. The fear of dying got to me, and the miasama which was sealed inside me was released. I lost consciousness after that.

When I came to, I saw Suzuna passed out in front of me.

"...Is she okay?"

I looked to my right and saw Mako smiling. Then he pointed down, telling me to look down. So I did, and I saw Mimi lying her head on my chest, with her arms around my neck. Realizing this, I stood up and covered my face.

Then she raised her face and looked at me with her tantalizing eyes, "Are you alright now?"

"Y-yeah... Thanks..."

We looked into each other's eyes. Then just as we were having our moment, Mako stepped in and interrupted us, "I don't mean to interrupt, but... What do we do with her?"

We all looked at Suzuna who was lying on the floor, unconscious. We carried her to the infirmary and watched over her until she woke up.

While waiting, Mako asked, "So, who's she?" and pointed at Mimi.

"She's the prefect, Sakuya Mimi."

"Why is she with you?" he asked, grinning, "You goin' out?"

"I'm just observing her."

"Observing?" he reacted.

"She's not like other girls. For some reason, I can talk to her normally despite having a phobia for girls."

"Come to think of it..." Mako responded, "She was able to purify your miasama simply by hugging you."

"...So I went berserk again..."

"Yep." Mako answered, "And if not for Mimi's hug-"

"C-can we not talk about that hug?"

"Oh, sorry." He said, "But she is quite mysterious."

While we were talking, Mimi checked on Suzuna's temperature. Then suddenly, Suzuna came to, and the first thing she saw was Mimi's face.

"A-are you okay?" Mimi asked.

It went quiet for a moment. Then Suzuna hugged her and said, "S-so cute! You're exactly my type!"

Mimi, embarrassed, replied, "I'm sorry, but..."

"Thank you for saving me, my lovely-"

I immediately pushed her away from Mimi and said, "Stop it! You're scaring her!"

That's odd. I was able to talk to Suzuna normally. Did that mean that I was cured from my phobia?

"I-it's the demon!" Suzuna replied, "Save me, my heroine!"

I wanted to retort, but my phobia acted out again. Luckily, Mako stepped in for me, "You're the demon here!"

Then she hugged Mimi again. Can't she give it up?

"Ah, I know!" she said as she plucked a strand of her hair and tied it on Mimi's finger, "As thanks, you can have this!"

My and Mako's eyes widened. We had found the strand of hair that we had been looking for. Now all we had to do was take it from Mimi. But first...

We pushed Suzuna outside and said, "You're cured now! Bye!"

Just like that, the blond beauty was out of the picture. Then we approached Mimi and begged her to give us the strand of hair.

"Sure, I don't mind, but..." she untied the strand of hair and gave it to us. As soon as we had our hands on it, we hurried back to the storage room, where the white man was.

Before we left, Mimi asked, "Will you come to the council room tomorrow?"

"Y-yeah! I'll see you tomorrow!"

She smiled as she watched us run outside. I couldn't wait to see her the next day.

When we got to the storage room, we saw the white man rubbing the top of his head.

"Oh, you got it!" he exclaimed the moment he saw us enter.

"That's right. And that means we get a blessing, right?"

"Sure, go ahead." He replied.

The moment his blessing touched me, I felt lighter. The miasama that was sealed inside was slowly being sucked out, but it wasn't enough to completely remove it. I still had to ask for his blessings the next day.