
A Strange Dream

Trevor Sibanda has been having the same dream over and over again: a mysterious girl he’s never met, but feels an unexplainable connection to. One day, Trevor's world is turned upside down when he encounters the girl from his dreams in real life. Her name is Shylene Folger, a vampire who has also been dreaming of Trevor. Shylene reveals that as vampires, they are destined mates, which is why they share these vivid dreams. However, Shylene is reluctant to accept Trevor as her mate because he is human. Despite the tension, Shylene’s feelings for Trevor grow, leading her to make the bold decision to marry him. Their union, however, is threatened by Shylene's half-brother, Ace. In a bid for power, Ace manipulates the string of fate that binds Shylene and Trevor, severing their connection. Ace’s true motive is to claim their father’s throne, a privilege reserved only for a married heir. As Shylene and Ace clash over their inheritance, Trevor is caught in the middle of a supernatural battle that tests their love and loyalty. The outcome of their fight will determine not only the future of their kingdom but also the fate of Trevor and Shylene’s bond. In a world where power and destiny intertwine, can love overcome the obstacles laid by fate and family?

Polite_Sibanda · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

In most cases, when a person faints or loses consciousness, they usually wake up at a hospital or any other medical facility, but that wasn't the case for me.

The moment I opened my eyes, l only saw the stars and how beautiful they shined up there.

I was sleeping on the ground while facing the sky, then l raised my right hand, feeling like I was closer to them and attempting to touch one. Especially that beautiful shooting star.

Then, as if to distract me from my peaceful fantasies, I started feeling a strange heat on my left side and turned to see what was causing it. To my utmost shock, I saw fire. Not just any ordinary fire. But a very big one of that matter.

"Where am I? ,"l asked myself, feeling confused as ever, and that's when my sense of hearing came back to life.

At first, I didn't hear anything or any noise. Maybe it was because I was lost in my imagination of touching the stars, or was it because I just woke up from what seemed like an eternity, I don't know.

Or maybe it's just simple - I'd forgotten to use my ears.

Whatever it was, I don't care.

What I care about right now is why there's so much noise in this unknown place.

People are screaming, shouting, and even crying.

What... what is this place anyway. I can't seem to make any sense of it.

Wait a minute...what if I'm dead, and this is hell?

I mean, judging from all these screams and all the fire that's surrounding me, it only makes sense that I'm in the pits of Gehena. But why isn't it so hot, like how people imagine it would be?

Let me wake up and figure it out.

I raised my head and sat on my buttocks, feeling a very sharp pain in the back of my head.

Then I touched it to see why it was painful that much, and I felt something wet. It was blood. But who's blood. Is it mine?

My heart pulse suddenly increased as my vision became clear.

Who are all these people?

Am I in the middle of cannibals and about to be their main dish? Or maybe a dessert? I can't know for sure.

There are a lot of people dressed in similar outfits and doing the strangest things I've never seen.

Some are jumping on fire... some are singing..... some are rolling themselves in the ground and crying.

What the hell is happening?

Nothing is making any sense.

With the little strength I had, I stood up on my feet to survey the area perfectly. And what I saw shocked me.

I was in the middle of a forest filled with people speaking a language that doesn't make sense.


But what's more strange was the clothes I'm wearing.

Even though my memory is a little fuzzy, I know that I don't have such clothes in my wardrobe. I'm wearing the same outfit as these cannibals surrounding me.

Speaking of memory, what really happened to me.

I don't remember why I woke up here. Or why I passed out in the first place.

The only thing I remember is me walking with my cousin going to church so that the prophets could pray for me and deliver me from a spiritual wife.

Wait...a ...minute. Spiritual wife? .....Now, I remember. I lost consciousness after seeing the girl I've been dreaming about for a long time now. Where's she? I need to see her.

I started walking and going everywhere, looking for that girl. People who saw me thought I was mad, but I had to find that girl. Maybe she's amongst these people wearing these long and big gowns. But because I was feeling weak, my legs felt enfeebled, and they couldn't carry me perfectly.

My joints were all in pain, but I didn't care.

I kept on walking like a drunk person or a baby learning how to walk.

I wanted to see that girl.

Maybe if I speak with her, I could solve all this mystery.

So, without minding what people might think about me or minding wherever I am, I started going around and looking at people closely on their faces one by one.

It wasn't long before many of them surrounded me and put me in the middle.

"His demon has awakened. He's about to lose his mind. Let's pray for him!!, "one of them said.

Demon? What demon. Are these people crazy? They started singing while walking slowly in a clockwise direction and trapping me in the center of their circle.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU FREAKS!!!!!!!, I shouted at them, but they all didn't listen to me.

Then, I saw someone coming closer to me. His face looked familiar.

"Don't panic, Trevor. We're at church.

Ohh.... it's my cousin. He looks calm and happy.

"What do you mean we're at church. What kind of a church is this? People are crying and screaming everywhere. Just what the hell is happening here?

"Take a deep breath... and calm down, man. We're at church in the forest, and we're having an all-night prayer. People are being delivered from their problems. The ones rolling on the ground are possessed, and the ones crying are facing their sins and past mistakes head-on. So, don't panic. The prophets won't harm you. They'll free you from your spiritual wife and your demons.

"That's bullshit. Where's that girl? Where's she. I need to see her now, "I shouted at him, and everyone looked at me like I'm possessed by seven demons like Legion.

"It's a demon. This kid is possessed. And he has a spiritual wife. The girl he's been dreaming about is a spiritual wife, and we need to pray for him, "one of them who i assume was the prophet said. .

"WHAT CRAP... THE GIRL I'VE BEEN DREAMING ABOUT IS NOT A SPIRITUAL WIFE. SHE EXISTS AND I SAW HER TODAY, "I fired at the man who was talking about a spiritual wife, but they ignored me and poured my face with lots of water instead.

I got angry that I wanted to beat them all and get the hell out of that place, but my legs were still weak to move. I stood up and fell back to the ground.

"The demon inside him wants to fight, but our prayers have weakened him. He can't even stand up now. Keep praying, and don't lose faith!!!, "the prophet shouted at others. Or should I say fake prophet, according to my understanding. Whatever he is, l don't give a f#ck. They think I have a demon. And they think I can't fight them because of their prayers? How absurd. I'm just feeling weak, as a person who has passed out for a long time. And I'm hungry. That's all.

I should have known not to come to this church in the first place.

Most of these so-called phrophets are fake, and I bet the people screaming and manifesting as demons are just paid actors.

They kept yapping and shouting in tongues around me for a long time , and I started feeling kinda dizzy. Their language made me sick, and the wound in the back of my head was painful.

Maybe I got this wound when I fainted back then. I'm sure I hit on a stone before passing out.

After what seemed like forever, they all sat down and told everyone that I was delivered from my demons.

It was now late, I was hungry, sleepy, and weak, so I didn't have the strength to argue with them. I just slept, and the next morning, I woke up in my bed.

My cousin must be the one who brought me here.

My head was bandaged, and there was food on a chair on my right side of the bed.

I took it and ate, and as I was in the middle of eating, my mom opened my door and got in.

"So, you're finally awake, huh!

"Hi, mom.

"You sure took your sweet time to wake up. It's now 2 at noon, and you've been sleeping since last night. This girl is now tired of waiting for you?

"Huh!!...a girl.... waiting for me? Where's she?

"Come in, darling, my mother called out, and the door opened slowly. I opened my eyes wide to see who this girl was, but my hopes and anticipation were all crashed and tossed on a drainage when the girl revealed herself.

It wasn't who I thought it might be😭.

I was hoping for sure that it would be that girl from my dream, but it wasn't. It was just some ordinary girl who I didn't even know. Her looks and physique were nothing compared to the girl of my dreams. In fact, I've never seen any girl in my village who rivals the beauty of that girl from my dreams. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE 🙅

"Mom..... who's this girl? ," I asked, feeling disappointed.

"It's a girl your father and l found for you. We've already settled everything with the girls' family, and now the only thing left to do is for you two to get married.

"Mom, WHAT!!!!!!... NOOO!!! I don't want to marry anyone. And I don't want a forced or arranged marriage.

"This is the best we can do for you, son. The prophets said you have a spiritual wife, and for that evil entity to leave your life alone, you need to have a human wife who would take care of all your needs. Now bye..... You two should start to get to know each other because you might start living together in one roof anytime soon.

After that, she went out and locked the door behind her, then took the keys with her.

Just what in the hell is happening in my life. I'm CONFUSED 😩.