
Chapter Six

Marian's super hormonal and babies are so cute. She said, "Let's have another! This time, we transferred two".Marian do still think about that second one, the one she lost; the one who might have been Asher's twin. She like to think he sacrificed himself to save his brother, because we know Asher would not be here today had the other stayed on.

Only 3 pounds when he forced his way out of me in a pool of blood.Marian sais, " You were the first thing I saw when I awoke in the hospital, unsure if my baby was alive". Marian still have flashbacks to that day, when she almost died; and the next 8 weeks in the NICU. They cried themselves to sleep for weeks, wishing, hoping, and praying for their child living in an incubator, miles away. And then, they awoke each morning to an update from him, "Good morning mommy and daddy!" the emails read, and we could almost imagine it was really him.